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K. Bauer: Access Hollywood

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

“True Blood” has thrown in some surprising twists and turns into Season 4, most especially for Kristin Bauer van Straten, who plays Eric Northman’s (Alexander Skarsgard) right hand vampire, Pam.

“What’s great about ‘True Blood’ is they put us in [a] situation and the situation is interesting, but what I find even more interesting how we react and how Pam reacts this year, in this political post-Russell Edgington world where she’s supposed to be shaking hands and kissing babies, Pam goes a bit feral,” Kristin told Access Hollywood as she stopped at the Wired Cafe at Comic-Con 2011 over the weekend in San Diego. “It’s fascinating how the vampires in charge try to rein her in and what her reaction is to that.”

A shock even readers of Charlaine Harris’ books couldn’t have seen coming was when Marnie, possessed by an ages old witch casts a spell on Pam, causing her to begin rotting, something Kristin said her character is ready to avenge.

“Pam wants permission to go kill the people who did this to her and she’s also trying to keep it hidden that she knows where her maker is, but she’s just not a strategist,” Kristin laughed.

While on Sunday’s episode, Pam is likely to face the repercussions for lying to King Bill about where Eric was stashed, Kristin herself couldn’t keep quiet regarding how delightful Alexander Skarsgard’s performance has been as an amnesiac vampire in the past few episodes

“Alex without memory… Is that not the sweetest thing… So charming. Alex is so charming and so funny and so smart,” she said of her friend and co-star. “He’s just the loveliest guy and… the scenes with him this year… I told him, the girls are gonna be stratospherically in love, not that they weren’t already.”

Kristin’s Pam certainly wants her maker’s memory to come back and she also wants to get her own mojo back. Whether that will happen by the end of the season or not, however, is uncertain.

“She’s certainly going to try. Sometimes on ‘True Blood’ things will get worse and worse and more dire,” Kristin said.

So could there be a good turn out the end of the dire situation Pam finds herself in?

“We always hope so, but even when things get better, they’re so clever about [it], it’s like there’s always a sort of side effect of ‘better’ that we didn’t see coming that creates a new problem,” she said.

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