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#708 : Plus près... du sol


Avec sa proie en vue, Eric revient sur ses stratégies de fin de jeu contre Sarah. Sookie met sa vie en danger dans l'espoir de sauver Bill. Lettie Mae et Lafayette exhorte le révérend Daniels à se joindre à eux dans leur recherche alimentée par le V pour trouver Tara. Violet s'organise contre ceux qui l'ont trahie, alors qu'un ancien amour renaît pour d'autres.


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Almost Home

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Plus près... du sol

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Sneak Peek #1 - Hoyt/Bridgette/Jason

Sneak Peek #1 - Hoyt/Bridgette/Jason


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Jessica's blog


Extrait #1 - Sookie/Eric (VO)

Extrait #1 - Sookie/Eric (VO)


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Photo de l'épisode #7.08

Photo de l'épisode #7.08

Photo de l'épisode #7.08

Photo de l'épisode #7.08

Photo de l'épisode #7.08

Photo de l'épisode #7.08

Photo de l'épisode #7.08


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 10.08.2014 à 21:00
3.34m / 1.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Écrit par : Kate Barnow

Réalisé par : Jesse Warn

Séquence pré-générique :

Nous retrouvons Sarah Newlin qui se voit encerclée par Eric et la bande de Yakuzas. Dans un ultime moment de folie, elle sort pour se rendre, comme si elle était décidée à mourir en martyr et "revenir en messie". Eric la maîtrise immédiatement, et tout porte à croire qu'il va la tuer. Les yakuzas ont déjà sorti leurs armes pour exécuter Eric, mais Pam arrache l'arme de l'un d'entre eux et la pointe droit sur son propre coeur en menaçant Eric de se suicider si jamais il venait à mourir. Cela décide Eric à ne pas tuer Sarah Newlin pour le moment ; à la place il la mord pour boire son sang, et on assiste à la guérison immédiate d'Eric sous les yeux bouleversés de Pam et médusés de Mr Gus.


Tendre conversation sur l'oreiller après l'amour entre Bill et Sookie. Sookie est curieuse de savoir quels étaient les projets de Sophie-Ann pour elle. Il lui répond que Sophie-Ann avait eu vent des projets de Mab de récupérer les fées et hybrides puis de fermer les portes entre les mondes. Le projet de Sophie-Ann était donc d'enlever Sookie puis de la reproduire si cette dernière se révélait bien être une fée. La mission de Bill était donc de s'assurer que Sookie était bien une fée, mission qu'il avait acceptée sans état d'âme à ce moment-là. Sookie demande alors à Bill pourquoi il ne l'a pas livrée à la reine. Il lui répond qu'à partir du moment où il l'a rencontrée, il a commencé à renouer avec son humanité perdue, mais que ce n'était qu'un souvenir car il ne pouvait pas se débarrasser de sa noirceur et de son passé, en dépit de ses sentiments très réels envers elle. Émue par cette douloureuse confession, Sookie l'embrasse tendrement.

On retrouve ensuite Lafayette et Letti-Mae occupés à creuser le jardin sous les yeux incrédules des nouveaux occupants de la maison puis du révérend Daniels très embarrassé. Letti-Mae supplie son mari de lui faire confiance quand elle lui dit que Tara veut lui dire quelque chose. Elle est soutenue par Lafayette. Là-dessus arrive James qui se propose de les ravitailler avec son sang de vampire. Letti-Mae demande à son mari de les accompagner dans leur quête. Après hésitation, le révérend finit par accepter et par prendre le sang de James. Et c'est ainsi que finalement tous les trois partagent la même vision de Tara qui leur montre une scène du passé : un anniversaire de Tara quand elle était enfant ; Lafayette et Sookie étaient également présents. Le père de Tara avait alors surgi et s'était comporté de manière à la fois brutale et odieuse avant de quitter définitivement sa femme désespérée. On voit alors que la jeune Tara avoir la tentation de tuer son père avec le pistolet qu'elle lui avait subtilisé, puis changer d'avis avant d'aller enterrer le pistolet dans le jardin. C'est cette arme qui va finalement être mise à jour. On voit alors Tara demander à sa mère de faire la paix avec elle-même, continuer à vivre et enfin accepter de la laisser partir. Le fantôme de Tara se dissipe alors doucement devant une Letti-Mae qui commence enfin à faire son travail de deuil pour aller de l'avant. 

Chez Jason, on voit Brigette regarder des photos sur lesquelles figure Hoyt enfant. Elle est très émue et formule son souhait que leurs enfants puissent ressembler à leur père. Hoyt intervient en disant qu'il n'a jamais été question d'enfant entre eux, et laisse même entendre qu'il n'en a pas vraiment envie. Brigette comprend qu'elle a parlé trop vite mais une dispute ne tarde pas à éclater au sein du couple. Pendant ce temps Jason reçoit sur son portable deux photos représentant Adilyn puis Jessica ligotées et baillonnées, avec l'adresse de Violet. Jason, horrifié comprend qu'il doit se porter à leur secours, et appelle Andy pour lui donner l'information. Il quitte alors le couple en pleine dispute, mais Brigette choisit de monter dans la voiture de Jason qui est très embarrassé. Devant l'urgence de la situation, il renonce à la faire changer d'avis, et part en éclaireur.

Au Fangtasia, Eric et la bande de yakuzas ont pris leur quartier. Mr Gus expose alors son plan à Eric : pour eux il ne s'agit pas de mettre sur le marché un antidote parfait (dores et déjà disponible) qui éradiquerait la maladie mais serait peu rentable commercialement, mais plutôt un produit imparfait (pas encore au point) que le vampire usager serait forcé de renouveler régulièrement afin qu'un maximum de profits puissent être générés. Mr Gus compte sur Eric et Pam pour ne pas divulguer les dessous du projet. Eric et Pam apparemment semblent accepter la combine.

Jason et Brigette sont arrivés devant le manoir de Violet. Jason confie une arme à Brigette en lui recommandant de rester dans la voiture. Il entre alors seul dans le manoir dont la porte est ouverte. Après quelques pas dans les couloirs, il ne tarde pas à tomber sur une Violet inquiétante de détermination froide et qui a tôt fait de le maîtriser en le ligotant et le baillonnant. Prise de rage froide, elle lui révèle que jamais aucun homme auparavant n'avait osé la tromper à partir du moment où elle était devenue sa maîtresse. Elle traîne alors un Jason impuissant dans sa salle de torture au sous-sol où ses trois premières victimes (Wade, Adilyn et Jessica) sont déjà attachées à des postes de torture. Elle attache alors Jason à une espèce de croix de Saint-André verticale. Elle annonce alors son programme de torture dans l'ordre des victimes (Wade, Adilyn puis Jessica), et ses projets sont tous plus horribles et sadiques les uns que les autres. Elle est finalement arrêtée dans son discours par un Hoyt qui avait suivi Jason et Brigette, et qui fort à propos abat Violet sans se poser de question. Les quatre prisonniers sont finalement délivrés, à leur grand soulagement. Jessica est visiblement émue de revoir Hoyt qui bien sûr ne la reconnaît pas, mais qui ne peut s'empêcher de la remarquer. Brigette pose quelques questions à Jason au sujet de Jessica, lui demandant notamment si c'est sa copine. Arrivent sur ces entrefaites Holly et Andy qui sont trop heureux de serrer les deux amoureux fugueurs dans leurs bras.

Retour au manoir Compton. Les deux amants ont fini par rejoindre la chambre à coucher, mais seul Bill dort d'un sommeil visiblement agité sous l'oeil toujours inquiet de Sookie allongée à ses côtés. On entend alors frapper à la porte, et Sookie va ouvrir après avoir enfilé une robe de chambre. Elle a alors le plaisir de découvrir Eric à la porte, et surtout de le voir guéri de la maladie. Elle informe alors Eric de la maladie de Bill et demande le même traitement pour lui. Eric comprend alors qu'il est pris au piège de sa promesse envers les Yakuzas, mais dit à Sookie qu'il sera de retour le lendemain soir puisque l'aube ne va pas tarder à se lever. Sookie proteste car elle craint que Bill ne puisse pas tenir jusque là, mais Eric s'envole. On la voit alors prendre une décision et courir vers chez elle.

Arrive alors au manoir Compton Jason qui ramène Jessica. Les deux personnages font le point sur leur relation, toujours un peu compliquée pour Jason, surtout que maintenant Hoyt est de retour dans le paysage. Pourtant l'un et l'autre conviennent qu'ils se sentent bien dans la relation qu'ils ont l'un envers l'autre. Sur un léger baiser, Jessica finit par laisser Jason pour aller retrouver Bill.

C'est le matin, et Sookie arrive en voiture au Fangtasia. Elle tombre sur des gardes yakuzas armés jusqu'aux dents et demande à voir Eric Northman se présentant comme une amie. Elle est alors introduite dans la salle où Eric et Pam sont très embarrassés de la voir arriver. Eric la fait passer pour une ancienne conquête dont il n'arrive pas à se débarrasser. Mr Gus propose alors de demander à ses gardes de la supprimer, mais Eric l'avertit que son frère est policier, et propose plutôt de l'hypnotiser pour lui effacer la mémoire. Sookie fait semblant d'être effectivement hypnotisée, et sort de la salle, mais entre temps elle a pu scanner les pensées des Japonais, et a compris que les Mr Gus se méfie d'Eric et Pam, et surtout que quelque chose d'important est gardé dans les caves.

Au café Bellefleur, Jason savoure son petit-déjeuner. Arrive Hoyt qui s'installe à côté de lui. Hoyt lui dit qu'il est hanté par la figure de Jessica. Jason l'informe alors que Jessica est la progéniture de Bill Compton qui est mourant, ce qui navre Hoyt car il dit qu'il a toujours apprécié "vampire Bill". Il se rend alors chez Bill avec une poche de son sang en cadeau pour le malade. Jessica entend sa présence derrière la porte et l'invite à rentrer dans le salon. Tous deux discutent de leur situation : il vient de perdre sa mère de manière inattendue, elle attend la mort imminente de son créateur, et tous deux éprouvent le besoin de revenir vers le passé. On sent une attirance renaître entre eux, mais Hoyt lui dit qu'il doit rejoindre Brigette, et annonce son départ prochain de BonTemps puisqu'il était venu pour les obsèques ; il doit rejoindre son travail en Alaska.

Sookie est de retour à Shreveport, car elle veut savoir ce que les yakuzas cachent ; elle a l'idée de réutiliser le passage secret qui mène aux caves du Fangtasia où elle découvre Sarah Newlin qui est détenue là. Après avoir écouté quelques secondes de son délire messianique, elle la rebaillonne, puis se concentre sur ses pensées. Elle comprend alors que Sarah Newlin représente l'antidote qui peut sauver Bill. De retour au manoir elle tombe sur une Jessica encore sous le choc de ses retrouvailles avec Hoyt. Elle l'informe alors qu'un remède à l'hépatite V existe, et qu'il faut amener Bill au Fangtasia dès le coucher du soleil pour qu'il puisse se nourrir du sang de Sarah Newlin. Toutes les deux sont alors persuadées que Bill va finalement vivre. Mais pendant ce temps on voit Bill faire un rêve assez perturbant : il se voit avec Sookie assise dans un fauteuil en train apparemment de bercer leur bébé, mais en approchant il se rend compte que l'enfant n'est en fait qu'un énorme trou noir. Sookie le réveille alors et lui annonce qu'il y a un remède.

L'épisode se termine au Fangtasia. Mr Gus annonce qu'il doit partir pour Dallas, et laisse ses yakuzas surveiller ses "partenaires". Il s'assure en un avertissement à peine voilé d'une menace quil n'y aura pas de bêtise de la part d'Eric, ce qu'Eric semble écarter. On le voit malgré tout descendre à la cave pour prendre un peu de sang de Sarah afin d'en ramener à Bill, et il est assez surpris de voir surgir alors du souterrain Sookie, Jessica et Bill en assez mauvais état. Jessica reconnaît bien sûr Sarah Newlin et lui rappelle que c'est elle qui avait organisé son viol par James à la prison. Eric amène alors Sarah à Bill pour qu'il la morde. On voit Bill d'abord contempler une Sarah impuissante et terrifiée, puis hésiter, et finalement refuser sous l'oeil incrédule ou atterré de tous les membres de l'assistance : il ne veut pas prendre le sang. 

Générique final


Sarah Newlin peers out of the window of the old building of the Soldiers of the Sun. She sees several Yakuza members emerge from cars. She backs away from the window and sees a hallucination of Jason.

SARAH: I am going to die. Aren't I?

JASON: Well, that's what I've been trying to tell you.

SARAH: Today, right now.

JASON: Attagirl. Now you're letting the truth in.

SARAH: The truth.

Sarah leaves the building. Eric sees her and takes her. Pam follows him.

PAM: Eric!

GUS: No!

PAM: Don't do this!

SARAH: Kill me. Please kill me.

ERIC: You want to die?

SARAH: No, but I must.

Shouts in Japanese. The Yakuzas are taking their guns.

PAM: No!

SARAH: I must.

PAM, pointing a gun on herself: Let her go…

SARAH: I must die.

PAM:…or I'll pull the trigger.

SARAH: So that I may return to fulfill the prophecy.

ERIC: What are you doing? Pamela!

PAM: If you die, I die.

SARAH: It's been the plan all along that I must die for all our sins. But I will return as the princess of peace, the messiah.

ERIC: Well, I have seen your future, messiah, and it's not very bright.

 Eric takes her and foods on her.He is recovered.


******* Opening credits *******



Sookie and Bill are in the bed.

BILL: You're awful quiet. What are you thinkin'?

SOOKIE: Nothing.

BILL: Sookie.


BILL: You have the least quiet mind of anyone I've ever known. A quiet Sookie is a thinkin' Sookie. Penny for your thoughts.

SOOKIE: There's something I've been wondering, but I don't want to drudge up all the bad stuff, especially now, so I'm just asking so I'll know, okay?

BILL: What is it?

SOOKIE: Queen Sophie-Anne she sent you to find me, but what were you supposed to do with me when you did?

BILL: Sophie-Anne knew that Queen Mab was intent on collecting all the fairies and all the halflings in the world and bringing them back to her realm and then closing all the portals for good. My instructions were meet you, determine whether you were fae, and if you were as she suspected, to bring you back to Sophie-Anne's so that she could start breeding you.

SOOKIE: Breeding?

BILL: I know.

SOOKIE: I mean, I knew she was crazy, but, fuck.

BILL: We all want what we can't have. And if we're denied it for long enough, we lose our way. Rumor has it that Sophie-Anne was a kind and loving vampire in her early years.

SOOKIE: I doubt that.

BILL: Well, like I said, it's just a rumor.

SOOKIE: Just one more question and then I promise I'll stop. Why didn't you bring me to her?

BILL: Before we met, I had lost all of my humanity, so I accepted this mission without misgiving. But from the very first moment that we met, you reminded me of what it felt like to have my human heart. The problem was it was only a memory. All I had was darkness to give you in return.

SOOKIE: No. That's not true. There was love there that I'd never felt before. I didn't even know it was possible. I couldn't have felt that if you only had darkness.

BILL: But it was there. I couldn't escape my past, no matter how much you made me want to or made me believe that I could. I thought that if I could protect you, it would erase all the things that I'd seen and done. I was such a fool.

They kiss each other.




Lettie Mae and Lafayette dig in the front yard of Lettie Mae's old house. Little Crystal and her parents look on in silence. Just then, Reverend Daniels approaches.

REVEREND DANIELS: Oh, dear God. (To Crystal’s parents). I, I am so, so very sorry, folks. Is it all right if I…

CRYSTAL’S DAD: Of course.

REVEREND DANIELS: And if there's any way we can keep it between us. This town's been through enough without having to worry about the reverend's wife and her substance issues.

LAFAYETTE: She ain't high.

REVEREND DANIELS: Lafayette, please.

LAFAYETTE: I'm telling you, this energy we are feeling is from Tara. The V is all out of our system.

LETTIE MAE: I know you don't believe in this, but there's something in this ground Tara wants us to see.

James arrives.

JAMES: Lafayette, I came as soon as I got your text.

REVEREND DANIELS: So you ain't high yet, but I suppose this is your supplier.

LETTIE MAE: I need to get back with Tara. Come with me?

REVEREND DANIELS: You know I can't.

LETTIE MAE: Sometimes you gotta take a journey. Even if it's a blind one. You told me that yourself the day you got in that car and drove till you found me. You believed in me that day. I'm asking you to believe in me again.

James bites his wrist, and Lafayette feeds from him.

LETTIE MAE: Thank you.

Lettie Mae feeds from James too.

LETTIE MAE: I see you, baby. I hear you.

The Reverend feeds also after he watches Lafayette and Lettie Mae stagger toward the house. He sees Tara.

REVEREND DANIELS: I'll be damned.

TARA: Mama, this way.

The Reverend, Lettie Mae and Lafayette follow Tara in the house. Children laughing, chattering.




The trio walks into Tara's memory of her 7th birthday party. Tara and Sookie are little girls, giggling together while sitting on the floor.

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: Tara, get ready to have some cake soon!

YOUNG TARA: Okay, Mama.

YOUNG SOOKIE: Open this one!

Giggling, party horn squawking.

YOUNG SOOKIE: Show Lafayette!

YOUNG TARA: These are from Sookie.

YOUNG SOOKIE: Gran made them.

YOUNG LAFAYETTE: Can she make me some, too?

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE, putting the cake on a table: And this one's from your mama. (She gives a gift to Tara). And your daddy, too.

The door opens. Tara’s father comes in the house.

TARA’S FATHER: Hey. Hey, lookie here. What's going on? You having a birthday party?

YOUNG SOOKIE: I thought you said he wasn't gonna be here.

TARA’S FATHER: No one said nothing to me about no birthday party.

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: You said you was gonna be late tonight, so it must've slipped my mind.

TARA’S FATHER: What in the world's all this?

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: Oh, it ain't nothin'. Got it all from the 99 Cents Store.

TARA’S FATHER: Well, that don't look like 99 cent cake to me.

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: No, but I bought it with my own money.

Tara’s father puts his finger in the cake to taste it.

TARA’S FATHER: Mm. That don't taste like no 99-cent cake neither.

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE, to the kids: Y'all run on home now. Tara's Daddy just needs a little quiet time.

TARA’S FATHER: You hide my own daughter's birthday from me?

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: I didn't hide nothin'. I just…

TARA’S FATHER: You just, you just what?

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: I just, I just, I just wanted Tara to have a birthday party.

TARA’S FATHER: Well, I can see that. I can see that you threw a party that I paid for, that you forgot to invite me to.

Young Lafayette and Sookie leave the house.

TARA’S FATHER: That don’t feel so good, Lettie Mae. You know how hard I work for that money?

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: I know how hard you drink.

He slaps Lettie Mae.


YOUNGER LETTIE MAE, hugging Tara: Baby, you go to your room now. Your daddy and me, we just need to talk some and then we're gonna go to the store and we're gonna get you some new cake. You hear me?

TARA’S FATHER, searching something on the shelves: Where the fuck is my gun?!

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: Tara Mae, you get now!



Jason and Brigette sit on the couch and flip through an old photo album filled with pictures of Hoyt as a child. Hoyt is packing his mother's belongings into a box.

BRIDGETTE: Oh, Hoyt Fortenberry, look at you in your Bon Temps football jersey.

HOYT: Three years, I never got off the bench.

BRIDGETTE: Oh, it's you as a baby? Look how fat he was. And that nose. Oh, you've had that cute little turned-up nose since day one. May our children have your nose.

HOYT: What?

BRIDGETTE: I mean, mine is okay, but yours is just the cutest.

HOYT: Children?


HOYT: Who said anything about children?

JASON: Fuckin' A, Bubba.

BRIDGETTE: Well, babe, I just meant when and if we had…wait, what are you saying?

HOYT: I'm not saying anything. It's just that while I'm sifting through the contents of my mom's life, I'm not feeling very excited about carrying on the tradition.

BRIDGETTE, standing up: Babe, you're right. I'm sorry. It's bad timing. Let's just talk about this when you're not so upset and you've got some perspective.

HOYT: I've got perspective. From my perspective, it's all fuckin' awful. You're seeing all the memories that aren't good that are supposed to be and realizing all the things that you never said (phone vibrating) all the things that never got fixed and that never will be. Now why would you wanna put that on somebody you're supposed to love?

During Hoyt's tirade, Jason receives a photo message from Violet on his phone; it's a picture of Adilyn gagged.

JASON, looking at his phone: What the fuck?

BRIDGETTE: Hoyt, honey, this isn't you.

HOYT: You sure about that?

BRIDGETTE: Okay, I'm sorry. I just…

Jason receives another photo message showing Jessica also bonded.

JASON: No, no, no.

BRIDGETTE: I can't help but feel like you're taking out your emotion on me right now, and that really isn't fair.

HOYT: Maybe if you weren't so busy making fun of my childhood, you could look around and you could see I'm not really high on the idea of family planning right now.

Jason receives a text message with an address and an ominous message: "U might want 2 hurry :-).

JASON: Guys, I gotta go. (He stands up and leaves the house). Fuck.

BRIDGETTE: I'm coming with you!

JASON: No, it's police business!

BRIDGETTE: There's no way I'm spending one more minute in this house.

HOYT: Hey, Brigette, hold up. Brigette!

JASON: Whoa, whoa, Brigette, you cannot come with me. It's fuckin' dangerous.

BRIDGETTE: Well, I don't give a shit.

HOYT: Hey, Brigette, let's not make a big thing

BRIDGETTE: You already made a thing of it, Hoyt.

JASON, speaking at phone: Andy, Andy, listen, man. I found 'em. (He sees Bridgette comes in the car). What the… They're at Violet's house and they're in trouble.

ANDY: “Jason!”

JASON, to Bridgette: Listen, you can't be here right now.

ANDY: What kind of trouble?

JASON: “The real bad kind, man.” They're at Violet's house in Monroe.

ANDY: “Monroe? That's 50 miles away.”

JASON:  Brigette, I'm begging you.

BRIDGETTE: I'm not leaving.

ANDY: “Shit!” We're still in Horton Parish. You get there, Stackhouse. Don't let nothing happen to 'em.

HOYT: I'm sorry. Will you talk to me, please?

ANDY: Please, Jason, I'm counting on ya.

JASON: “You got it, boss.” (Engine grinding). Buckle up. Fuck!

They leave Hoyt.



Pam, Eric and Mr. Gus are sitting around a table.

GUS: The R&D's gonna take longer than originally anticipated.

ERIC: How long?

GUS: Could be months, could be a year.

PAM: Aren't these the same scientists who invented Tru Blood? How is synthesizing Sarah's blood any harder than that was?

GUS: Well, her blood is synthesized.

PAM: Pardon?

GUS: Within a few hours of collecting the sample we had it perfect.

PAM: Then why the fuck aren't we already printin' money?

GUS: Because Miss De Beaufort, we don't want it perfect. See, the good folks over at Gillette, and I know them well, they can fabricate a razor capable of lasting a lifetime. But they don't. And Energizer, well, they can build a battery that can keep on going and going and going, but they don't either. Now, point is when our product, New Blood, goes to market, we don't want it to work too well. We want it to be a healthy habit, not a cure. You follow?

ERIC: The shorter the half-life, the greater the profit.

GUS: Amen. Which is why our little trade secret has gotta stay just that for the foreseeable future. Nobody can know about it. Are we clear?

ERIC: We're clear.

PAM: Clear as a bell.



Jason and Bridgette are in the car, in front of Violet’s mansion. Jason empties a gun of regular bullets and fills it with wooden bullets. He gives it to Brigette.

JASON: Here, open these. All right, you keep this at the ready. And you use it if you have to.

BRIDGETTE: You want me to stay in the car?

JASON: Yeah.

BRIDGETTE: Is that safe with all the H-vamps?

JASON: Not even a little. But it's a fuckload safer than being in that house.


JASON: All right?

Jason exits the car and enters the mansion. Faint choral singing.

JASON, seeing a bear: Fuck. Gotcha. God damn it.

Violet appears and pins him down with her foot on a stairwell.

VIOLET: Hello, darling.

JASON: Fuck.

VIOLET: So you do have the balls to be loyal to at least one woman. Do you realize that I've brought some of the most powerful men in history to their knees by casting a single glance? Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, they were shells. Beautiful to look at, but hollow once penetrated. But me? No one has ever wanted out once allowed in.

Violet binds Jason at vampire speed and throws him into the round bedroom where she is keeping the other captives.

VIOLET: You wanna see what real betrayal looks like? The way we used to do it?


Jason sees in the bedroom, Adilyn, Wade and Jessica bound to archaic implements of torture. Violet chains Jason to a wooden X device. Violet then prances around the room.

VIOLET: The order of victims will be as follows. Wade first, so sweet little Adilyn can watch the boy that she loves have his fingers screwed off before I crank this vice (grunts) and crush his skull. (Sobs). Then for you, my darling fairy girl the breast ripper to be used on your sweet, barely-formed titties. (Growls). When this gets warm, the flesh tears off so easily. (Chuckles). Oh, and then I will drain her dry, but slowly because I have amazing discipline. Don't I, Jason? (Chains rattle). It will be a fate so much worse than if you would've just finished her off with her sisters. Oh, don't worry. (Clamp clanks). I'll put you out of your misery (screams) eventually. But first I bet you were a virgin when you were turned. Am I right? Too bad that cherry of yours always heals. But now you like to get it so much, maybe you'll enjoy a brand-new hot fuck every 10 minutes for days on end. So you can feel the pain I felt (poker clangs) when you were inside her. (Groans). All I ever wanted from you, Jason, was to live in a world with no wit, no intellect. A world where you worshipped me for the perfect creature that I am.

Hoyt arrives and kills Violet.

JASON: Get over here. Get over. Nice fuckin' shot, Bubba.

HOYT, freeing Jason: Jesus Christ. Where did that insane woman come from?

JASON: My worst fuckin' nightmare.

HOYT : It's okay, I got you.

JASON: I got that.

He removes the chains that hold Jessica. Adilyn run to Wade, she kisses him.


Jessica is free. She sees Hoyt.

JASON: You okay?

JESSICA: Where'd he come from?


Bridgette comes in the room.

BRIDGETTE: Oh, my God.

HOYT, hugging Bridgette: It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm fine. Nobody's hurt. We're all gonna be fine.

BRIDGETTE: Oh, thank God.




Tara looks her parents contest.

TARA’S FATHER: Where the fuck is my gun? How many times I tell you not to lay your hands on my shit? It's a gun, not a toy. It's a man's business. Go get your things!

Young Tara runs to take the gun.

TARA’S FATHER: No, you listen to me. You think you're better than me? This is my job! This is my house!

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: I swear I didn't move it, on everything I got.

TARA’S FATHER: You say that, but then every fuckin' time, Lettie Mae.

TARA’S FATHER: I see it on your face. You're making fun of me.

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: I ain't makin' fun of you!

TARA’S FATHER: You know how hard I work to make you happy? You gonna put your hands on me? You gonna put your hands on me, huh? You don't put your hands on me, God damn it! You don't put your hands on me, motherfuckin'…

Young Tara points the gun on her father. But finally, she goes out of the house and run to the garden. She starts to dig. Tara’s father leaves the house.

TARA’S FATHER: Fuck this. I am done.

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE, following him: Don't do this, Joe. No! Don't do this, no!

TARA’S FATHER: You hear me?


TARA’S FATHER: I'm done.

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: No, don't do this. Don't do this, Joe, no. No! No, don't do this.

Tara’s father gets in the car and leaves Lettie Mae.

YOUNGER LETTIE MAE: No. How am I gonna do all this without you?!

Little Tara continues digging, drop the gun into the hole, and covers it up. As the memory fades, Reverend Daniels digs up the gun with his hands.

TARA: I'm sorry I didn't pull that trigger. I should've pulled it long before that day.

LETTIE MAE: What? No, no. That's not on you. I was your mama. You weren't supposed to save me.

TARA: You were a good mama. I wanted to save you, but I couldn't. And after that day, everything changed.

LETTIE MAE: I'm sorry. I was weak.

TARA: No. Bad stuff happened to you. That's all.

LETTIE MAE: Bad stuff happened to you, too. I was supposed to do better.

TARA: No more blame, Mama. Forgive yourself. And let me go.


TARA: You go on living. Promise me?

LETTIE MAE: I promise.

Tara hugs Lettie Mae. She leaves her and disappears.



Jason wraps a blanket around Wade. Jessica comforts Adilyn, also wrapped in a blanket. Andy and Holly rush into the mansion.

JASON: Here you go, Tonto.

JESSICA: You sure you're okay?

HOLLY: Oh, thank God!

Holly and Andy immediately embrace their children

WADE: I'm so sorry.

ADILYN: I swear I'll never run away for any reason, Daddy. I promise.

ANDY: Shh, shh, y'all just need to shut up. No more promises and no more apologies. Let's just hug ya.

Andy pulls Holly and Wade in for a group hug. He then looks up and sees Hoyt. Andy approaches him.

HOYT: Sheriff Bellefleur.

ANDY: Hoyt, I heard about what you did.(Hugs Hoyt). Thank you, man.

Hoyt goes into the next room as Jessica watches. She follows him.


HOYT: Hi. You okay?

JESSICA: Yeah. Listen; there are no words to express just how much I thank you.

HOYT: I'm just, I'm just glad I got here when I did.

JESSICA: I'm Jessica.

HOYT: Jessica, it's nice to meet you. I'm Hoyt.

JESSICA: Hi, Hoyt.


ANDY: All right, everybody. Let's get out of here. Let's go home. Doesn't that sound good? We all stick together now. That's the key.

Brigette enters and sees Jason sitting alone. She sits next to him.

BRIDGETTE: Hey, are you okay?

JASON: I don't know.

Bridgette turns and sees Hoyt speaking with Jessica.

JESSICA: Well, you know, Adilyn? I'm protecting her.

BRIDGETTE: Who is she, the redhead?

JASON: That's, that's Jess.

BRIDGETTE: Is she your girlfriend?

JASON: Honestly, I don't know what to call her.



Sookie awakes in bed to Bill's grunts in his sleep. Just then, she hears a knock at the door. She gets up and puts on Bill's robe. She goes downstairs and answers the door; it's Eric.


ERIC: Nice robe.

SOOKIE: Where are your veins?

ERIC: Gone.

SOOKIE: Are you healed?

ERIC: Well, I can't tell you how, but I came looking for you 'cause I wanted you to know that I'm gonna be okay.

SOOKIE: Bill's sick.

ERIC: What?

SOOKIE: Hep-V. He has it.

ERIC: Fuck.

SOOKIE: Is there something you're not understanding? If there's a cure, he needs it.

ERIC: There is one.

SOOKIE: Where?

ERIC: It's not ready yet.

SOOKIE: What do you mean it's not ready? Whatever it is, it worked on you.

ERIC: Just give, give me a minute to think.

SOOKIE: No, no. Eric, he's dying. It's accelerating at a crazy rate 'cause of my blood. I gave it to him.

ERIC: Dawn is coming.

SOOKIE: I don't give a shit.

ERIC: Sookie I'll come back tomorrow night.

SOOKIE: I don't think he even has until tomorrow night.

ERIC: Trust me. Stay here. I'll be back.

Eric flies off.

SOOKIE: Motherfucker.

Sookie takes off running through the cemetery back to her house. Then, Jason and Jessica arrive.

JASON: Well, that went pretty well. I gotta stop making bad decisions, Jess.

JESSICA: Speaking of decisions about the other night…

JASON: Oh, that's not what I meant.

JESSICA: No, I know, I know you didn't.

JASON: I never thought anything we ever did was a bad decision. Except when I betrayed you. Or shot you. Or gotten you locked up in a prison camp.

JESSICA: You know, you know what the funny thing is? I never felt betrayed by you. Not even when you were being a dick.

JASON: Well, that's good, I guess. Yeah. Unless it's 'cause you never took me seriously to begin with.

JESSICA: No. No, Jason, that is not it. It's just you know how our paths have crisscrossed and the timing

JASON: I know what you mean. Seeing you with Hoyt tonight brought it all back for me. Just how complicated things are between us, you know? Can I be real honest with you?

JASON: Please.

JESSICA: I actually feel like our relationship is one of the least complicated in my life. Really. When I look back on us, I think about all the times that you were there for me. When you gave me exactly what I needed at the exact moment that I needed it.

JASON: Kind of like the other night?


JASON: I feel like when we're together, we're in a little bubble, you know, just floating above the ground. And I know we can't stay there, but it makes coming back down to earth feel better. What do you call that?

JESSICA: I don't know if there's an official name. But why don't we think of it as, um like, a beautiful friendship?

JASON: Yeah.

JESSICA: I should go and be with Bill.

JASON: You should.

Jessica starts to get out of the car.

JASON: Hey, Jess. I'm, I'm here for ya if you need me.

Jessica kisses Jason and leaves the car.



Sookie drives up to Fangtasia. Several armed Yakuza members guard the entrance. She exits the truck. The Yakuza approach her menacingly from all sides.

SOOKIE: Excuse me?

Speak Japanese.

SOOKIE: I'm here to see Eric Northman. I'm a friend of his.

Shouting in Japanese.

SOOKIE: In English? Any of y'all speak English?

YAKUZA MEMBER: I speak English.

SOOKIE: Why didn't you say so sooner?

YAKUZA MEMBER: What's your business here?

SOOKIE: I'm here to see Eric Northman.

YAKUZA MEMBER: You are a very brave girl. Brave and stupid.

SOOKIE: So I've been told.

A Yakuza member enters in the bar.

PAM: I hate those bottles. Let's talk microwavable cans.

GUS: Not sure if that's possible, Miss De Beaufort.

A Yakuza member speaks in Japanese.Eric and Pam perk up when they hear the words "Sookie Stackhouse".

YAKUZA MEMBER: …Sookie Stackhouse.

Man continues in Japanese.

GUS, standing up: Let's meet this Sookie Stackhouse, shall we?

Speaks Japanese. One of the guards walks Sookie inside.

SOOKIE: I don't mean to bother y'all. I was just hoping for a minute alone with Eric.

GUS: Tell me, how do you two know each other?

ERIC: Uh, she's just another fangbanger.  I fucked her once a couple years ago and now I can't get rid of her. She keeps coming back for more.

GUS: Well, if that's true what a very lucky man you are.

Mr. Gus, speaking Japanese, orders his men to shoot her.


ERIC, standing up: Mr. Gus, you don't wanna do that.

GUS: If all this girl is to you is just another fangbanger, why are you protecting her?

ERIC: I'm not protecting her. But this particular fangbanger's brother happens to be with the Sheriff's Department. And if she were to go missing, he'd come looking for her. He's done that in the past. Let me take care of this. I'll glamour her. That'll leave us less vulnerable.

ERIC: Hello, Sookie.

SOOKIE: Hello.

ERIC: I thought I told you not to come here.

SOOKIE: I couldn't wait.

ERIC: It's really beneath you the way you keep showing up, begging for it, understand?

SOOKIE: I understand.

ERIC: I know where you live.

GUS THINKING: I don't fuckin' trust these two. But he wouldn't fuck me, not now with what's downstairs. But something ain't fuckin' right.

ERIC: You will never come back here and you will get back in your car and you will drive home. And should I ever feel inclined to see you, I will come to you. You never saw these men, you never saw me.

SOOKIE: I never saw you.

ERIC: Excellent. Off you go.

Sookie leaves the bar.



Jason is sitting at the bar. He eats.

JASON: Mm. Arlene, is something different? 'Cause these eggs, they taste amazing.

ARLENE: Big John, you do something different to the eggs this morning?

BIG JOHN: No, ma'am.

ARLENE: Must be having a taste of the familiar back.

JASON: Maybe.

ARLENE: Speaking of familiar. (Hoyt arrives in the bar). Hey, Hoyt.

HOYT: Hey, Arlene.

ARLENE: Can I get you something?

HOYT: Coffee. (to Jason). Is it okay?

JASON: Uh, yeah, sure thing.

Hoyt seats.

ARLENE, living the two men: Holler if you need me.

JASON: How you holdin' up?

HOYT: Whew. Been better. I didn't sleep a lick.

JASON: It's no wonder, man. That was one hell of a day yesterday.

HOYT: The weird thing is I wasn't up all night thinking about my mom or Brigette, which was what I should've been doing.

JASON: Well, it ain't no fun thinking about the hard things. Which is why I spend so much time not thinking.

They both laugh.

JASON: Yeah, you heard me.

HOYT: Yeah. Arlene.


HOYT: Could you bring us two Miller Lights?

ARLENE: Comin' up.

JASON: Attaboy.

HOYT: You know that redhead girl from last night? Jessica?

JASON: Yeah.

HOYT: You two…

JASON: No, Mr. Fortenberry, we are not.

HOYT: I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me. Mm-mm. I-I-I care for Brigette. I'm not a fickle guy.

JASON: Yeah, I know you ain't.

HOYT: It's just, there's just something about Jessica I, I can't shake it.

JASON: She's going through a hard time right now. Her, uh, maker, he's dying of Hep-V.

HOYT: Oh, man. Who is it? Do you mind me asking?

JASON: No, it's Bill Compton.

HOYT: It's Vampire Bill?


HOYT: I always liked him.

JASON: He's pretty much, like, the only real father she ever had.

HOYT: Man. It's unfair. When a good thing gets destroyed, that's the definition of unfair to me.

JASON: Yeah, I know what you mean. I know exactly what you mean.



As Sookie drives back to Bon Temps, she thinks about Mr. Gus' thoughts.

MR. GUS'S VOICE: I don't fuckin' trust these two. But he wouldn't fuck with me, not now with what's downstairs.

Sookie turns the truck around and heads back to Shreveport.



Hoyt walks up the stairs of the house, holding a paper bag. He writes a note on a piece of paper. Hearing the sound of the pen, Jessica cautiously walks out of her room.

JESSICA: I can hear you. What do you want?

HOYT: Uh, it's Hoyt Fortenberry. We met last night. I'm the, the…

JESSICA: I know who you are.

She rushes down the stairs at vampire speed, and stands in front of the door.

HOYT: I'm, I'm sorry to bother you.

JESSICA: No, it's okay, I, Listen, I'm gonna unlock the door and then go in the living room where it's light tight. Wanna meet me there in, like, 10 seconds?

HOYT: Sure.

Jessica unlocks the door. Hoyt enters the house and goes in the living room.



HOYT: I really wasn't trying to bother you. I thought you'd be asleep.

JESSICA: No, I, I wasn't sleeping. Um, thinkin' too much, I guess.

HOYT: Jason told me about Mr. Compton. I really am sorry, Jessica.

JESSICA: Thank you.

HOYT: I brought him this.

JESSICA: What is it?

HOYT: I went to the clinic, and I'm negative and I figured the last thing you need to worry about is tracking down clean blood for him.

JESSICA: Wow, that's, that's awfully, awfully thoughtful of you. Especially considering everything that you've been through. I'm, I'm, I heard about your mother. I'm really very sorry.

HOYT: Thank you. I forget what a small town this is. I think maybe 'cause I wasn't there for her at the end, I was beatin' myself up. And then I talked to Jason and he told me how close you and Bill are, and it struck me that maybe not knowing my mama's time was comin' was a, like a little gift, so I didn't have to sit around thinking about the inevitable. And then I thought if there's anything I could do for you to make this an easier time. Well, I'm not trying to overstep any boundaries.

JESSICA: Uh, wait, do you, tell me, you miss her?

HOYT: Yes and no. It's just no matter how grown up you get or how well you can stand on your own two feet; the death of a parent just makes you wanna go back. Just go back to when you were a little kid and knowing that you were loved was all you needed. Just, just go back, you know?

JESSICA: Yeah. You know, Bill ain't even gone yet, but I, I think I know exactly what you mean.

HOYT: I should probably get going back to Brigette. The sun's settin' and all.

JESSICA: How, how long are the two of you gonna be in town?

HOYT: We leave the day after tomorrow 'cause I gotta get back to work, you know?

JESSICA: Of course, right. Alaska.

HOYT: Well, you'll be in my thoughts.

Hoyt leaves her.



Sookie has returned to Fangtasia. She uses her Fae light to break through the boarded-up entrance to the tunnels that lead to the dungeon. She enters and sees Sarah, bound and gagged, sitting on the floor.

SOOKIE: You? How the fuck do you play into all this?

Sookie approaches Sarah and removes her gag.

SARAH: Oh, Sookie Stackhouse. You're a miracle. I knew it from the first day I laid eyes on you.

SOOKIE: The cure. Tell me about the cure.

SARAH: I will, I promise you. But first, you gotta get me outta here.

SOOKIE: No fuckin' way. Tell me what you know.

SARAH: What I know is that we, you and I, have a chance to deliver peace unto Earth for all time. A return to Eden. But first, you gotta get me the fuck out of this dungeon of hell.

SOOKIE: I knew no good could come from you talking.

SARAH: No, please don't!

Sookie puts Sarah's gag back on, puts her hand on her arm, and uses her telepathy to dig into Sarah's memories. She sees Eric biting Sarah from her perspective, and watches Eric's blood veins retreat from his arms. She sees Mr. Gus approach Sarah, and withdrawing blood from her neck with a syringe.

GUS: You're a very valuable young woman.

Sookie removes her hand.

SOOKIE: Even as the cure, you're still the fuckin' problem. But I'm not letting you ruin the life of one more person that I love.

Sookie turns and leaves the dungeon through the tunnels, as Sarah wails behind her.



Sookie returns to the Compton house and sees Jessica.

JESSICA: Sookie?

SOOKIE: There's a cure.


SOOKIE: It's a motherfucker to explain, but it's real. Eric is completely healed.

JESSICA: Are you, are you positive?

SOOKIE: 100%. I'll explain it to you on the way to Fangtasia, but we gotta go get Bill up right away so that we can leave the second the sun goes down.

JESSICA: Wait, Sookie.


JESSICA: Are you tellin' me that Bill is gonna survive?

SOOKIE: Yeah, that's what I'm telling you, sweetie. It's all gonna be okay.

In his room, Bill is dreaming. In his nightmare, he enters a bedroom and sees Sookie sitting in a rocking chair, holding a bundle that appears to be an infant. Bill approaches her, but he sees that the bundle is a black mass of nothingness. Sookie wakes him from his nightmare.

SOOKIE’S VOICE: Bill, wake up. There's a cure.



Mr. Gus enters the Fangtasia office where Eric and Pam are.

GUS: Y'all get any sleep?

PAM: A couple hours. Thanks for asking.

GUS: So, I gotta hop on a flight to Dallas, but I'll be back before Sunrise.

ERIC: Well, if you need anything, just let us know.

GUS: Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, Mr. Northman. That's what I need from you.

ERIC: Rightee-o, partner.

GUS: Oh, and my men'll keep you company till I'm back.

Mr. Gus leaves the office.Pam follows Eric into the dungeon.

PAM: What are we doin' now? We're doing something stupid, aren't we?

ERIC: I gotta get some of Sarah's blood to Bill.

PAM: Yep, sounds pretty stupid.

ERIC: He's sick, Pam. He got it from Sookie, so he's progressing fast.

PAM: Of course it's happening fast. It's Sookie. Everything she wants she has to have now.

Just as they approach Sarah, Sookie, Bill and Jessica enter the dungeon from the tunnels.

ERIC: What part of "I will come to you" did you not understand?

PAM, seeing Bill: Oh, fuck. You look like shit.

BILL: Why, thank you, Pam.

JESSICA, rushing at Sarah: Remember me? I'm Jason's demon whore. I'm the girl that you tried to get James to rape.

BILL: Jess. Jessica!

ERIC: Quiet, antidote.

Jessica retracts her fangs. Bill walks toward Sarah. He looks at Eric.

BILL: You look well.

ERIC: Well, I'm feeling pretty well. You'll tell no one about this.

SOOKIE: You know we won't.

ERIC: Go ahead.

JESSICA: Oh, thank God.

PAM: What the fuck are you waitin' for? Drink the bitch and leave before we all die.

BILL: No. I don't want the blood.


******* End of the episode *******

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

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Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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