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#707 : Une dernière fois


Eric, Pam et M. Gus se rapprochent de Sarah à Dallas. Adilyn et Wade trouvent un refuge temporaire, et une hospitalité inattendue. Refusant d'accepter l'inévitable, une Sookie désespérée se tourne vers les ressources inattendues à la recherche d'un miracle. Bill rappelle les forces inexorables qui l'ont conduit à son mariage 170 années plus tôt. Un visage familier refait surface à Bon Temps. Sam fait face à un dilemme.


3.75 - 4 votes

Titre VO
May Be the Last Time

Titre VF
Une dernière fois

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Sneak Peek #1 - Pam/Eric

Sneak Peek #1 - Pam/Eric





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Photo de l'épisode #7.07

Photo de l'épisode #7.07

Photo de l'épisode #7.07


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 03.08.2014 à 21:00
3.39m / 1.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Écrit par : Craig Chester

Réalisé par : Simon Jayes

Séquence pré-générique :

On voit Amber Mills, la soeur de Sarah Newlin solidement maintenue à l'horizontale par des chaînes d'argent, et refusant de livrer sa soeur qui, dit-elle, "l'a guérie". Devant l'insistance d'Eric, elle révèle malgré tout accidentellement que Sarah EST l'antidote, ce qui éveille l'intérêt de l'assistance, mais Eric, à bout de patience, finit par la tuer, d'autant qu'il a cru voir un moment le visage de Sarah remplacer celui d'Amber. Pam et yakuzas sont atterés par le geste d'Eric.


Fort Bellefleur. Andy et Holly à la recherche des deux tourtereaux arrivent de nuit au "Fort Bellefleur", mais constatent que les deux fugitifs ne sont plus là. Andy a alors l'idée d'appeler Adilyn sur son portable, en espérant que sa fille obéira au réflexe des ados de répondre, mais à son désarroi, il constate que le portable a été abandonné à l'intérieur de la cabane de Fort Bellefleur. Andy a alors l'idée d'ap. peler Jessica pour savoir si elle a ressenti quelque chose au cas où Adilyn serait en danger, et est soulagé de savoir que Jessica n'a rien ressenti. Elle promet à Andy de le prévenir si jamais elle ressentait quelque chose, et lui demande de faire la même chose de son côté au cas où il y aurait des nouvelles. Holly a alors l'idée d'aller voir dans une maison qui appartenait à son ex-mari, à une demi-heure d'Oklahoma-city, et au vu de la tête d'Andy, on devine que c'est un trajet important. Tous deux prennent néanmoins la route pour aller voir les lieux.

Manoir Compton. Jessica et Sookie, impuissantes, ne peuvent que constater silencieusement les trop rapides progrès de la maladie sur le corps de Bill. Sookie lui demande si c'est à cause de son sang, mais Bill répond qu'il l'ignore. Voyant que les veines noires sont en train de gagner son cou, Sookie lui demande des nouvelles d'un traitement qu'il aurait mentionné dans son livre, et qui serait mené en Inde, mais Bill répond que cela remonte à "des années". Sookie déclare qu'elle ne peut pas accepter la situation, ce qui déclenche un petit sourire triste de la part de Bill qui lui rappelle simplement qu'il n'y a pas de remède.

Dans un manoir inconnu appartenant apparemment à Violet. Violet guide Adilyn et Wade à l'intérieur d'une luxueuse demeure. Les deux adolescents sont manifestement impressionnés. Violet continue à se faire passer pour une amie bienveillante qui cherche à aider les amoureux (malicieuse, elle leur confie d'ailleurs qu'à leur âge elle "baisait avec son frère"). Elle les introduit ensuite dans une espèce de chambre secrète pleine d'accessoires érotiques et d'ustensiles de soumission/domination, ce qui éveille la curiosité des deux adolescents qui, dans leur candeur, peinent à trouver l'utilité de certains instruments. Wade, devant un godemiché va jusqu'à demander à Violet "à quoi ça sert" ! Violet, dans un petit sourire, les laisse alors à eux-mêmes en les invitant à "s'amuser", non sans avoir langoureusement embrassée Adilyn sur la bouche.

A l'intérieur du Café "Bellefleur", de nuit. La salle est dorénavant nette. On découvre une Arlène en train de fermer le bar, puis qui sursaute quand elle voit surgir Keith derrière elle : il est venu lui offrir sa protection. Arlene est manifestement troublée par ce beau vampire qui a l'air d'avoir 25 ans, mais qui lui déclare avoir en réalité 515 ans. Arlène affirme ne pas être une "baiseuse de vampire", mais Keith l'embrasse doucement, et ils finissent pas faire sauvagement l'amour sur la table de billard. Arlène se réveille alors brutalement dans son lit, et on comprend que ce qui vient de se passer était un rêve érotique provoqué par l'ingestion du sang de Keith.

Retour au Texas, avec Eric, Pam et les yakuzas. Pam reproche à Eric d'avoir tué Amber. Elle veut convaincre Eric de profiter de l'occasion pour guérir de sa maladie, mais Eric reste sur son objectif de la tuer. Survient alors Mr Gus qui leur fait une proposition : traquer et s'emparer de Sarah Newlin, synthétiser son sang, puis lancer sur le marché un nouveau sang synthétique, "New Blood" capable de guérir et même d'éradiquer la maladie. Il propose à Eric d'être la future image commerciale du "new blood", moyennant une très intéressante part dans les futurs bénéfices du produit. Mr Gus se fait fort d'obtenir l'aide des services de renseignement japonais pour trouver rapidement Sarah Newlin. Après avoir initialement refusé, Eric accepte finalement le marché.

Manoir Compton, fin de la nuit. Bill est allongé sur son lit, déjà endormi, et Sookie qui s'apprête à partir suggère à Jessica de s'allonger à côté de lui afin qu'il ne reste pas seul, ce que fait Jessica. Elle demande à Sookie ce que signifiait pour elle le fait qu'elle n'accepte pas la situation, et Sookie lui répond qu'elle ne supporte pas qu'on ne puisse pas croire aux miracles, alors que "les miracles se produisent tous les jours." Selon elle, il y a un miracle qui attend Bill à l'extérieur, et il lui suffit d'aller le chercher. Une fois Sookie partie, Jessica pose doucement une main sur la main de Bill, on le voit légèrement cligner les yeux, signe d'un rêve qu'il est en train de faire....

Flash-back, Louisiane 1855 : On découvre un tout jeune Bill Compton d'une vingtaine d'années en train de discuter avec son père. Alors que le jeune homme aspire à voyager, le père apprend à son fils qu'il a arrangé son mariage avec la jeune Caroline Shelby, dont les terres avoisinent les leurs. Bill proteste et dit qu'il souhaite se marier par amour. Mais le père est décidé, et en appelle au sentiment de devoir familial de son fils pour qu'il accepte le mariage.

Café Bellefleur, le matin. On voit une voiture se garer sur le parking et débarquer un jeune couple : il s'agit de Hoyt et de sa jeune et jolie copine, Brigitte qui est microbiologiste. Arlène les accueile avec émotion et présente ses condoléances à Hoyt. Le couple s'installe pour le petit-déjeuner, et au cours de la conversation avec Arlène parle d'aller voir "l'officier Stackhouse". Arlène ne comprend pas pouquoi Hoyt parle ainsi de Jason, et appelle ce dernier au téléphone. Jason comprend alors ce qui se passe, et annonce à Arlène qu'il se met immédiatement en route pour le café. A son arrivée, Jason se sent immédiatement attiré par Brigitte, à sa grande honte. Il est invité par le couple à partager leur petit-déjeuner, ce qui le trouble encore davantage.

 Manoir de Violet. On voit Adilyn et Wade très embarrassés avec les "jouets" de Violet, manifestement ne sachant pas comment s'en servir. Ils n'osent pas s'avouer mutuellement qu'ils n'ont pas envie de les utiliser, mais Adilyn finit par le lire dans l'esprit de Wade, ce qui les soulage tous les deux. Adilyn pensait faire plaisir à Wade parce qu'elle croyait qu'il avait plus d'expérience qu'elle, mais Wade lui avoue que pour lui aussi c'était "sa première fois". Le jeune couple s'embrasse alors tendrement sous le regard menaçant d'un portrait de Violet accroché au mur.

Extérieur de la maison de Sookie, le matin. Arrivée tonitruante du docteur Ludwig, convoquée par Sookie pour examiner Bill. Malgré sa méchante humeur, dr Ludwig accomapagne Sookie chez Bill toujours profondément endormi et qui se laisse à nouveau porter par un autre rêve-souvenir.

Flash-back, Louisiane 1855 : Nous sommes transportés au moment où les deux jeunes gens, Bill Compton et Caroline Shelby doivent être présentés l'un à l'autre au cours d'une élégante partie de campagne. Bill est visiblement séduit par la réelle beauté de la jeune fille, qui semble elle-même sensible au charme du jeune homme qui lui est destine. Ainsi, en dépit du fait que le mariage projeté est clairement un mariage arrangé, on comprend que les deux jeunes gens se plaisent profondément, ce qui fait bien évidemment l'affaire des deux familles.

Retour au présent, dans la chambre de Bill. Bill est réveillé sans ménagement par le dr Ludwig qui commence ensuite à l'examiner. Devant l'avancée ultra rapide de la maladie, elle lui demande depuis combien de temps il est infecté en citant le cas d'un vampire qu'elle a examiné à Monroe et qui présentait aussi les signes d'un développement accéléré de la maladie, mais moindre que Bill malgré tout : son petit ami est fée à part entière. Or si Sookie n'est qu'une hybride, ça ne devrait pas être aussi rapide. Elle demande alors à Sookie qu'elle est la nature de sa lignée féérique, et en entendant le nom de Niall Brigant, le dr Ludwig s'enfuit, manifestement épouvantée.

Poste de police de Bon Temps. Hoyt procède à l'identification officielle du corps de sa mère. Il est visiblement bouleversé. Pendant ce temps, Jason ne cesse d'être obsédé par les charmes de sa copine, ce qui l'embarrasse beaucoup. Hoyt demande à Jason des précisions sur les circonstances de la mort de sa mère, et Jason finit pas maquiller la vérité en renonçant à lui révéler qu'elle avait rejoint une milice peu recommandable. Il lui assure également que le responsable a été pris, ce qui réconforte un peu Hoyt.

Cimetière Bon Temps, après-midi. Sookie contemple les tombes de la famille Compton et supplie son grand-père Niall de venir à son aide. Constatant que rien ne se passe, elle rentre découragée chez elle et trouve son grand-père en train de fouiller dans ses placards à la recherche de sauce pour spaghettis. Niall prend son temps pour savourer son repas, et confie à Sookie qu'il ne voit pas ce qu'il peut faire pour Bill si le dr Ludwig est autant désarmé. Il précise tranquillement au passage qu'autrefois les fées ont massacré les nains, ce qui peut expliquer la terreur du guérisseur. Sookie apprend que Niall a sans cesse un oeil sur elle, et a été témoin du moment où elle a involontairement infecté Bill, il ajoute qu'il n'a rien empêché parce qu'il n'aime pas le vampire et qu'il considère "qu'il n'est pas bon pour elle." Sookie supplie alors son grand-père d'utiliser quand même un peu de sa magie pour elle ; il accepte d'essayer. Ils se dirigent alors vers la maison de Bill, et à son approche Niall éprouve le besoin de rester à l'extérieur pour "canaliser la mémoire de la nature". Il joint alors ses mains à celles de Sookie, et tous les deux ont la vision d'une scène du passé qui s'est déroulé en 1857 au manoir Compton, où on voit Caroline mettre au monde la fille ainée de Bill. Niall est impressionné par ce qu'il a vu, mais Sookie ne comprend pas. Niall alors explique à Sookie qu'une naissance est un miracle, et qu'il y a de la magie partout. L'amour, la mort, le pardon sont aussi des miracles. Finalement Niall dit à Sookie que certaines choses peuvent être réparées par la magie, mais que "son ami vampire n'en fait pas partie".

Ancien siège de la Fraternité du Soleil. On voit Sarah Newlin arriver sur les lieux totalement paniquée, sans se douter qu'un satellite japonais l'a repérée depuis l'espace et localisée. Dans une sorte d'état second, elle croit entendre les voix des anciens participants à ses séminaires, puis croit voir Jason en face d'elle qui lui annonce qu'elle va mourir cette nuit, que Eric est à sa recherche, et qu'elle est en haut de la liste de la mort. On voit ensuite les yakuzas récupérer les données du satellite, et l'un d'entre eux suggère qu'ils peuvent laisser tomber Pam et Eric encore endormis et "trouver un autre vampire". Mr Gus ne répond rien. Quelques heures plus tard, à la nuit tombée, on voit Pam et Eric se réveiller et trouver la maison vide. Ils croient initialement que la bande de yakuzas les a trahis, mais en sortant dans la rue, ils les trouvent en train de les attendre afin d'aller cueillir Sarah Newlin et le précieux antidote.

Au café Bellefleur, Sam discute avec Arlène de l'éventualité de quitter Bon Temps et suivre Nicole afin de vivre près d'elle et de sa petite fille encore à naître. Il semble indécis et se demande ce qui pousse les gens à toujours reconstruire leur vie au même endroit ou bien à partir. Arlène lui demande s'il pourrait vivre à Bon Temps sans elle. Impressionné par sa sagesse, Sam lui demande si elle est heureuse à Bon Temps, avec tous les malheurs qui lui sont arrivés. Elle lui répond qu'elle n'est pas heureuse, mais qu'elle fait semblant de l'être en espérant que cette illusion soit tellement forte qu'elle pourrait être un jour la réalité.

Arrivée d'Andy et Holly à la fameuse maison près du lac appartenant au père de Wade. Ils appellent les adolescents, mais ils sont bien obligés de constater que la maison est vide. Contemplant le lac, on voit Andy qui commence à craquer : il s'en veut de son impuissance, de ne pas avoir été là quand Holly s'est fait enlever, puis d'être peut-être la cause de la fugue des deux ados. Holly cherche à le réconforter : elle lui dit qu'elle a l'intuition que, pour eux, tout se terminera bien.

On assiste ensuite à une courte scène à l'intérieur de la chambre d'une maisonoù une petite fille afro-américaine regarde par la fenêtre deux personnes en train de creuser avec une pelle dans le jardin. Il s'agit de Lafayette et Letti-Mae. Apeurée la fillette appelle sa mère

Retour au Bellefleur, Arlène est seule au bar au moment de la fermeture. Songeuse, elle écoute de la musique... quand arrive Keith, le vampire de ses rêves. Il lui annonce qu'il a senti sa douleur et est venu à son aide. Doucement ils commencent à danser au rythme de la musique, puis Arlene, de plus en plus troublée l'avertit qu'elle est porteuse du virus et qu'à ce titre ils ne pourront pas faire l'amour. "Alors dansons" répond Keith doucement.

Manoir de Violet, début de la nuit. Violet se réveille et va voir les amoureux qui, un peu gênés lui avouent qu'ils n'ont pas utilisé ses jouets. Mais ça ne fait rien, "parce qu'on va les utiliser maintenant !" répond Violet en sortant les crocs. Elle jette alors brutalement Wade contre le mur, et accroche des menottes aux poigners d'une Adilyn désormais épouvantée. Au même moment Jessica percevant la frayeur d'Adilyn, se réveille en sursaut et quitte la chambre de Bill à vitesse de vampire.

Anciens locaux de la Confrérie du Soleil. Sarah Newlin est au bord de la folie et se voit cernée par les figures de son passé, et en particulier ses anciens amants : Steve Newlin d'une part qui l'enjoint de "mourir chétienne", et son gourou qui lui demande de "mourir bouddhiste", elle entrevoit fugitivement aussi la tête du gouverneur Burrel, et enfin la même apparition de Jason lui annonce que la mort vient la chercher. On voit alors arriver les voitures d'où descendent les yakuzas, Mr Gus, ainsi que Pam et Eric.

Pendant ce temps, à Bon Temps, la nuit est tombée, et le spectateur assiste à une répétition de la toute première scène d'amour entre Sookie et Bill : on voit d'abord Sookie courir en robe blanche à travers le cimétière, puis arriver chez Bill. Elle lui dit qu'elle veut rester à ses côtés jusqu'à la fin. Le couple s'embrasse alors passionément, puis on les retrouve prolongeant la répétition de leur première fois : nus et enlacés devant la cheminée et faisant passionément l'amour, mais si Bill a sorti ses crocs, finalement il ne la mord pas et continue à l'embrasser.

La scène s'achève sur le générique qui laisse un entendre un chant de gospel peut-être prophétique : "This is maybe the last time" ("c'est peut-être la dernière fois"). 


Amber is silvered in her living room.

ERIC: Did your sister come to see you, Amber? Amber, answer the fuckin' question! She's not gonna tell us anything.

PAM, approaching Amber: Well, maybe it's 'cause you're not asking the questions right. What's the matter, sugar, do those chains hurt?

AMBER: "Sugar"? He's right. I ain't tellin' y'all shit.

GUS, approaching: Maybe you're both asking the question wrong. May I?

ERIC: Go ahead.

GUS: Hello, Amber. My name's Mr. Gus. Now, Mr. Northman and Ms. De Beaufort tell me that your sister was paying you to remain in hiding. Is that correct? So then would you say money is a primary motivator for you? Because, Amber, if we are correct in assuming that your sister's in possession of an antidote for this virus, it could mean a lot of money for all of us. Did Sarah come to see you?

AMBER: Her name is not Sarah. It's Noomi, and she is a good person.

ERIC: Yeah, a good person who created a virus that's killing off every single vampire on the planet.

AMBER: Except now she's the cure.

PAM: Did you just say Sarah is the cure?

ERIC, taking a picture: Now, your sister may have healed you, but she is killing me. She killed Jeremy. You loved Jeremy. May I?

GUS: She's all yours.

Eric seats next Amber and shows her a picture of her and Jeremy.

ERIC: And Jeremy loved you. You were happy together. But then your sister, Sarah or Noomi or whatever you want to call her, she set fire to that happiness. (he starts to burn the picture). She killed him.

AMBER: Stop it.

PAM: Time's wasting, Amber. Tell us where she is.

AMBER: I can't. She saved me.

ERIC: Well, stop trying to save her.

AMBER: Fuck you!

Eric turns and sees Sarah.

DISTORTED VOICE: She's my sister.

Eric takes something sharp and plants it in Amber.

PAM: No.

GUS, speaks Japanese: Fuck!

PAM: Eric.


******* Opening credits ********



Holly and Sam are looking for Adilyn and Wade. They leave their car and start to walk.

ANDY: No one's here. You recognize this truck?

HOLLY: Yes, it's Brian's.

ANDY: Brian? Who's Brian?

HOLLY: Wade and Rocky's father, my ex-husband.

ANDY: Well, they should be here, then. Adilyn!

HOLLY: Wade, honey, if you're here, come on out.

ANDY: With your hands up where I can see them.

HOLLY: You don't have to be so dramatic. They didn't break any law.

ANDY: Like hell they didn't. They're perverts and they're out here in violation of a parish-wide curfew.

HOLLY: Wade?

Andy is using his phone.

HOLLY: What, what are you doing?

ANDY: Calling her. Even if they don't wanna answer, teenagers can have a Pavlovian response to a ringing cell phone.

They hear a ringtone from the hut. Andy goes in it and he finds Adilyn’s phone.



Bill is sitting on a sofa. Jessica takes his hand.

SOOKIE: Why is it happening so fast?

BILL: I don't know.

SOOKIE: Is it because I'm fae?

BILL: I don't know.

Phone ringing.

JESSICA: It's mine.

BILL: Are you gonna get it?

JESSICA:I ain't even sure I can stand up.

BILL: In that case, I'll get it.

SOOKIE: No, I'll get it.

BILL: Sookie, please. I'm not dead yet.

Bill goes in his office where he takes off the phone.

BILL: Hello?

ANDY: Vampire Bill, it's Andy. “Is Jessica around?”

Jessica arrives.

JESSICA: Is that Andy?

BILL: Passing you over.

JESSICA: Andy, shit, I am so sorry. I, I completely forgot about y'all.

ANDY: “Don't worry about it, Jessica. We ain't even home.”

JESSICA: Well, where are you?

ANDY: Uh, Adilyn's had your blood, right?

JESSICA: Uh, yeah. But I, Andy, I only did it because I…

ANDY: So you'd feel her, right? If, if she were in danger, if anything bad happened to her?

JESSICA: Uh, yeah.

ANDY: ‘Well, have you felt her?”

JESSICA: No, why?

ANDY: You haven't? Oh, well, that's great. That's great.

JESSICA: Wait, Andy, what's happened?

ANDY: Adilyn and Wade ran off together.

JESSICA: Oh, my God. Do you need my help?

ANDY: ‘No, we're already out here looking for them.” Just, uh, do me a favor. Promise me if you do feel her, give me a call, or even if you hear from her.

JESSICA: Yeah, of course. But, Andy?

ANDY: Yeah?

JESSICA: If you find them, will you call me?

ANDY: You got it, Red.

Andy hangs up.



ANDY: Well, the good news is they're alive. But where the fuck do we look now?

HOLLY: Brian has a lake house.

ANDY: Shit, that's it. Let's go.

They walk to the car.

ANDY: Where is this lake house, anyhow?

HOLLY: Half hour north of Oklahoma City.

ANDY: Oklahoma?

HOLLY: I know.

ANDY: When we get there, I'm gonna hug them, but then I'm gonna kill them.



Violet, Adilyn and Wade are walking in the house.

VIOLET: Here we are. Home, sweet home.

ADILYN: Oh, my God. Wow.

VIOLET: You like?

ADILYN: This is amazing.

WADE: Yeah, it's, it's cool.


VIOLET: Just breaks my heart that your parents don't support the love that you feel for each other.

Violet opens a door.

VIOLET: Oh, and for what it's worth, when I was your age, I used to fuck my brother, too. A lot. This way.

They go upstairs and they arrive in a room.

VIOLET: Okay. So, there's a fully stocked fridge with snacks. Sling is over there, nipple clamps on the bedside table with some erotic oils and handcuffs. Dildos and toys are on the wall. Oh, I got that strap on in Zanzibar in the 19th century. It was one of the first of its kind.

WADE: What's…

VIOLET: What's it for? You sweet, sweet boy. Your imagination's a muscle. Use it or lose it. Now I'm gonna go get some shut-eye. You'll be safe here, and you can stay as long as you like. Are we cool?

ADILYN: Totally. Yeah. And, Violet?


ADILYN: Thank you for everything.

VIOLET: Yeah, thanks.

VIOLET: Aw, you don't have to thank me. I love, love, and watching love flourish is all the thanks I need.

They both laugh. Violet kisses Adilyn. Wade looks them, uncomfortable. Then, Violet leaves the two youngs.

VIOLET: Have fun fucking.




SOOKIE: This isn't happening.

BILL: Yeah, Sookie, it is.

SOOKIE: In your book you mentioned an experimental treatment in, um, in India?

BILL: It's years away.

SOOKIE: Gotta be something to slow this thing down.

BILL: Sookie, there's no cure.

SOOKIE: I refuse to accept that.



Arlene shuts off lights, ready to lock the doors. Keith appears out of nowhere.

ARLENE: Oh, my God!

KEITH: I didn't mean to frighten you.

ARLENE: Well, you did. Matter of fact, you scared the bejeezus outta me.

KEITH: My apologies. I know you've been through a great deal of suffering as of late and I should have known better than to sneak up on you.

ARLENE: Why did you, then?

KEITH: Because, Arlene, it's still not safe for you to be out alone at night. I came to see you home, to offer you my protection.

ARLENE: Well, just so long as you don't get the wrong idea, 'cause, to be honest, Keith, this is silly. I mean, what are you, 25?

KEITH: I'm 515 years old.

KEITH: Look, you're very attractive, but I am not a fangbanger, okay? I know who I am. And a human with a vampire is just wrong. You know?

Keith approaches Arlene. He kisses her.

KEITH: Did that feel wrong?


Keith kisses her in the neck.

KEITH: What about that? That feel wrong?


They embrace each other.

ARLENE: What are you doing?

Keith brings her to the billiard. They remove their clothes and they start to make love.

ARLENE: Oh, God. (moaning, wincing) Oh, God. Oh, God.

Suddenly, Arlene wakes up. All she thinks it happens was a dream.

ARLENE: Oh, God, Oh, fu-uck.



Pam and Eric are in a bedroom. Eric is lying on the bed, meanwhile Pam is looking for clothes.

PAM, throwing clothes to Eric: You shouldn't have killed her.

ERIC: She wasn't gonna cooperate anyway.

PAM: She was cooperating.

ERIC: What do you want me to say, Pam? (he puts a shirt). I saw Sarah on that couch and I fucking lost it.

PAM: Do you wanna die?

ERIC: I wanna kill Sarah Newlin. That's why we came back, remember?

PAM: No.


PAM: She's the antidote, Eric. She can heal you. This isn't about capture and kill anymore. This is about capture and…

GUS, coming in the room: Capture and exploit. You're a capitalist, yes? I have a business proposition for you.

Eric stands up and goes next Pam.

ERIC: All right, we're listening.

GUS: Together we track down Miss Newlin, we capture her, and we synthesize her blood and we bottle it and distribute it worldwide as a product: New Blood.

PAM: Catchy.

GUS: Now, Yokonomo Corporation will retain controlling interest of course, but you will own.

PAM: I only see one problem. How the hell are we supposed to find her?

GUS: In Japan, business and government work together. Now, when Tokyo hears about Miss Newlin's, potential, we will have immediate access to all of her intelligence assets. We will find her.

ERIC: You don't need a partner.

GUS: I'm sorry, was that a question? My word is oak.

ERIC: Why do you need us?

GUS: New Blood will eradicate Hepatitis V from the planet. Now, the only problem is the public has lost its trust in Yokonomo Corp. They'll want proof that New Blood works, which means we'll need a vampire's testimonial for the advertising.

PAM: You want Eric to be your fuckin' spokesperson for your vampire Jenny Craig commercials?

GUS: Now, I ain't a homo, but you have to admit he is a handsome devil.


GUS: Do you know what 49% of a three-and-a-half-billion- dollar-a-year company is? I thought so. Now, like I said, my word is oak. What is your word worth?

ERIC: You have my word.

GUS: Really? 'Cause I thought I had your word earlier tonight and then you hauled off and killed the sister.

ERIC: You need me, right? Well, then you're just gonna have to trust me.



Jessica closes the shutters. Bill is sleeping on his bed.

JESSICA: I think I'm gonna stay up, watch him sleep.

SOOKIE: I have a better idea. Why don't you climb in with him?

JESSICA: You don't think that would be weird?

SOOKIE: No, honey, I really don't. And you need your rest, so, come on.

Jessica lies on the bed. She watches Bill.

SOOKIE: See? It's not weird.

JESSICA: Sookie?


JESSICA: You said that you refuse to accept this. But what are you gonna do?

SOOKIE: I don't know. But I meet people every day who say that they don't believe in miracles. Sometimes they don't say it. Sometimes they're just thinking it, but when I hear that, I just wanna shake them 'cause how can you not believe in miracles and magic when they're happening all around us every single day? There's a miracle out there just waiting for Bill. I just have to go out there and find it.

JESSICA: I really hope you do.

SOOKIE: All right. It's okay.

Sookie leaves the room.

SOOKIE: Good night.

She turns the light off.

JESSICA: It's morning.

SOOKIE: 'Course it is.




William is approximately 20-years-old and is seen in his family's stable, settling the saddle on his horse.

BILL: When I marry, Father, it will be for love.

WILLIAM COMPTON SR.: I'm sorry, son, but you're a man now. It's time for you to take a wife. You will marry Caroline Shelby, the neighbor's daughter.

BILL: But they've only just moved here. I haven't even met her yet.


BILL: I was gonna go to California. I wanted to see the world.

WILLIAM COMPTON SR.: The Shelbys are a good family and it's important.

BILL: Father, please…

WILLIAM COMPTON SR.: I'm dying, William. You will marry Caroline Shelby, not for me, but for your mother. This way, you see, our lands will combine so she won't have to worry how to get by when I'm gone.

BILL: Very well, sir. I will meet her.

WILLIAM COMPTON SR.: She's just back from finishing school. I'm sure you'll find her to your liking. I have met her, William. She's quite comely.



Hoyt Fortenberry returns to Bon Temps and pulls up to what he thinks is still Merlotte's, but is now Bellefleur's. He exits the car with his new girlfriend, Brigette.

HOYT: This is about the only place in town you can get a decent breakfast.

BRIDGETTE: I thought you said it was called Merlotte's.

HOYT: It is.

BRIDGETTE: No, it's not. Look.

HOYT: Well, I'll be. Huh.

They go inside the bar.

ARLENE: We got customers, Big John!

BIG JOHN: And I'm ready for them.

Arlene goes in the front of the entrance. Bridgette arrives.

ARLENE: Shi-it. Welcome to Bellefleur's.

BRIDGETTE: Thank you.


HOYT: Arlene.

They hug each other.

ARLENE: Oh, my, oh, sugar, I am so sorry for your loss.

HOYT: Thank you. And I'm, I'm so sorry about Terry.

ARLENE: Yeah, life is precious.

ARLENE: Yes, it is.

HOYT: Oh, Arlene, this is my girlfriend Brigette.

ARLENE: Nice to meet you, Miss Bardot.

BRIDGETTE: Oh, you are too sweet.

ARLENE: I'm really not.

BRIDGETTE: Well, it's nice to meet you, too.

HOYT: I didn't know you took the place over.

ARLENE: Yeah, like five months ago, I think it was. Yeah, business was booming until the H-vamps came. Did y'all have any problems with them up in Alaska?

HOYT: Not yet.

BRIDGETTE: We've only been spared because it just about never gets dark where we live this time of year.

ARLENE: I never thought of that.

HOYT: Yeah, Brigette's super smart. We met on the job. She's a microbiologist.

BRIDGETTE: Hoyt, stop.

HOYT: But she don't like attention.


BRIDGETTE: Listen, I am starving.

ARLENE: Oh, of course. Let me get you some menus. Sit wherever you want.

Bridgette and Hoyt seat to a table.

ARLENE: Can I get y'all something to drink while you decide?

HOYT: Coffee for me, hot tea for Brigette, and we're in a little bit of a hurry. I gotta get to the police station to talk to Officer…

BRIDGETTE: Stackhouse.

ARLENE: You mean Jason.

HOYT: I didn't get a first name. Just Stackhouse.



Jason vacuums is cheerfully vacuuming up the flower petals on his living room floor, listening music. Cell phone rings, music blares in headphones, ringing continues. Jason turns of the vacuum and the music. He takes his phone and answers.

JASON: Yeah, Stackhouse.

ARLENE: Hoyt's here, Jason.

JASON: What? Hoyt? He's where?

ARLENE: “At the BB&G”. And he's acting like he doesn't even know you.

JASON: Yeah, that's 'cause he doesn't. Listen, Arlene, “Arlene…”do not say anything to him, all right? I'm on my way.




Adilyn and Wade are underwear, on the bed.They are kneeling in front of each other, surrounded by dildos and other toys.

ADILYN: So, should I use this on you?

WADE: Uh, how much does it say to use?

ADILYN: Um it doesn't. All it says is that its chief ingredient is horny goat weed and that it "invigorates and alleviating fatigue for a stress-reducing effect."

WADE: You wanna try something else, then?

Wade is looking for something better. Adilyn listens to his thinking.

WADE THINKING: Okay, just keep cool. Be a man. If she's into this stuff, then you gotta do whatever it takes to please your woman, even if you ain't into this at all.

ADILYN: Oh, thank God!

WADE: What?

ADILYN: You're not into this.

WADE: Are, are you?


WADE: Oh, my God. Thank you.

ADILYN: No, Wade, thank you. You have no idea how happy you just made me.

WADE: I just thought you wanted to experiment or something.

ADILYN: No, and I thought that you wanted to on account of you being so much more experienced than me.

WADE: Wait, what? I…


WADE: Listen, I'm not, I'm not more experienced. I mean, our first time was my first time.

ADILYN: Mine, too. I really do love you, Wade Cleary.

WADE: I love you, too.

They kiss each other.



Jason arrives in the bar and quickly catches sight of an unfamiliar hot blond girl walking out of the restroom. The girl politely smiles and walks to the booth occupied by a man who is facing away from Jason. Arlene notices Jason's ogling of the girl.

ARLENE: That is Hoyt's girlfriend.

Jason joins Hoyt’s table.

JASON: Mr. Fortenberry?

HOYT: Ahem, Officer Stackhouse?

JASON: Yes, sir.

HOYT: I'm Hoyt Fortenberry. This is my girlfriend.

BRIDGETTE: Brigette.

JASON: It's nice to meet you, too. Though I'm sorry about the circumstances.

HOYT: Well, uh to be honest, you know, I try not to think about it. It just all seems so unreal.

BRIDGETTE: It'll probably feel more real once you go and see her. Hmm?

HOYT: Yeah, I don't know if I'm, I'm ready for all that yet, but uh, you wanna join us for breakfast?


HOYT: You wanna join us for breakfast?

JASON: Oh, uh, you guys finish up. I'll just be waiting over at the bar.

BRIDGETTE: Oh, no, don't be ridiculous. No, please. We insist.

Jason seats next to Bridgette. He turns a cup.


BRIDGETTE: It's okay.

JASON: Sorry about that.



A big car arrives. The Doctor Ludwig turns off the radio and leaves it. Sookie arrives.

SOOKIE: Dr. Ludwig, thank you for coming on such short notice.

DR. LUDWIG: Where's the patient?

SOOKIE: At his house. I would've had you meet me there, except with him being a vampire and all, I thought this was safer.

DR. LUDWIG: Next time, save yourself some money and have me meet you where the patient is. I fear nothing and no one and I have no natural enemies. Well, where is he?

SOOKIE: Um, across the cemetery.

DR. LUDWIG, sarcastic: Ooh, how very spooky. A cemetery. Shall we?




Bill and his parents are walking in the garden. Around them, there is a lot of people.

MARGARET: There she is.

BILL: Where?

WILLIAM SR.: Right over there with the Shelbys.

They cross the Shelby family.

STEWARD: William.

WILLIAM SR.: Stewart.


CLAIRE: Margaret.

Caroline stands up and joins the group.

BILL: And you must be Caroline.

Later, Caroline and Bill seat at a table.

CAROLINE: I have to admit, you're not what I was expecting.

BILL: What were you expecting?

CAROLINE: Well, your daddy, only younger and just as…

BILL: Rotund?

Both laugh.

BILL: No, I take after my mother. The truth be told, Caroline, you're not quite what I was expecting either.

CAROLINE: Oh? And what were you expecting?

BILL: My father described you as "comely."

CAROLINE: Well, comely is a good thing.

BILL: I know it is, but that word is just so anachronistic that I suppose I thought you'd be…

CAROLINE: Old and dowdy?

BILL: Formerly pretty, yes. You feel their eyes on us as aggressively as I do?

CAROLINE: Now that you mention it, I can feel all eight of their eyes searing a hole into the back of my head.

BILL: Would you care to take a walk with me?

CAROLINE: I would.

Bill and Caroline start to walk.

DR. LUDWIG: Mr. Compton!



Sookie and the doctor are near Bill’s bed. She shakes his arm.

DR. LUDWIG: Mr. Compton! Mr. Compton!

SOOKIE: Careful, he doesn't like to be woken.

DR. LUDWIG: Like I said, I fear nothing and no one. Mr. Compton!

Bill wakes up.

DR. LUDWIG: Remember me?

BILL: Doctor?

DR. LUDWIG: Ludwig. Put your fangs away, son, and meet me in the parlor.

Later, they are in the parlor.

DR. LUDWIG: Mm-mm. Nasty, nasty, nasty. Congratulations, Mr. Compton. They said it could not be done, but you have thoroughly grossed me out.

SOOKIE: Can you help him?

DR. LUDWIG: How many days ago do you believe you were infected? Don't look to her. I'm the one that asked you the question.

SOOKIE: I gotta say, Dr. Ludwig, I'm a little curious about your bedside manner.

DR. LUDWIG: Newsflash: sometimes monogamy means one thing to hopelessly romantic blonde girls and something altogether different to their vampire lovers.

BILL: We are no longer lovers.

DR. LUDWIG: Are you sure she knows that?

SOOKIE: He contracted the virus from me. I was exposed through a cut in my arm. He drank my blood, and he got sick pretty much right away.

DR. LUDWIG: I'm sorry, but that's not how this virus works.

BILL: Would it make any difference if we told you that Sookie was a halfling?

DR. LUDWIG: Half what? Half fae?

SOOKIE: Mm-hmm.

DR. LUDWIG: A few weeks ago, I was called to the home of a sick vampire in Monroe. He had a not dissimilarly accelerated rate of infection. Went from stage one to stage three in 10 days. I was perplexed until he revealed to me that his boyfriend is a Hep-V positive fairy. He was no halfling, mind you. He was the real deal. And even so, he didn't look anywhere near as bad as Mr. Compton does. Do you happen to know the name of your line?

SOOKIE: My line?

DR. LUDWIG: Come on, missy. Your fairy line, your lineage.

SOOKIE: I don't know. I don't know the name. I guess I could ask Niall.

DR. LUDWIG: Niall Brigant?

SOOKIE: Yeah, do you know him?

DR. LUDWIG: Are you related to Niall Brigant?

SOOKIE: Yeah, he's my great-great- great-times-a-thousand-grandfather. Why?

The doctor takes her bag and leaves the room.

DR. LUDWIG: I'm so fuckin' outta here.

SOOKIE: Dr. Ludwig?

DR. LUDWIG: I'll show myself out.



Hoyt and Bridgette are in the morgue. Jason is looking at her.

JASON: God damn it, Stackhouse. Get your fuckin' eyes off her.

HOYT: I should've been here. Maybe I could've saved her, or at least just, just been here for her when it happened or something.

BRIDGETTE: Hey, babe. You can't blame yourself. And I'm sure if she were here right now, your mama would tell you the same thing.

HOYT: No, she wouldn't. If she were here right now, she'd lay it on thick. God, what I wouldn't give for one more guilt trip.

Hoyt starts crying. Bridgette hugs him and waves to Jason.

JASON: Huh? Shit.

BRIDGETTE: Hi. Did you know Maxine?

JASON: Um, yeah, yeah, a little.

BRIDGETTE: Good. I think he needs to talk to somebody who knew her. Do you think you could just go and talk to him, maybe?

JASON: Yeah.

BRIDGETTE: Thank you.

Jason approaches Hoyt.

JASON: Uh I know it's hard, Mr. Fortenberry.

HOYT: How'd it happen?


HOYT: How'd she die?

JASON: Um, well, you remember Vince McNeil?

HOYT: The orthodontist?

JASON: Yeah. Yeah, that's him. Um well, when the shit hit the fan at the BB&G last week, Mr. McNeil, he got a bunch of the townsfolk all riled up, and together they took the law into their own hands.

HOYT: Was my mama one of them?

JASON: No, that…no. No, she was not. She, she was one of the good folks.

HOYT: Did you get the son of a bitch that did it to her?

JASON: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I sure did.

HOYT: Thank you, man.

Hoyt stands up and hugs Jason. Bridgette arrives and hugs the two men.



Sookie walks in the cemetery. First, she goes to the Bill’s family’s graves. And then she starts to look to the sky.

SOOKIE: Grandpa Niall? You know I've been in a lot of situations lately. I had plenty of good reasons to call on a fairy godfather, but I didn't until now 'cause I like to think of myself as strong. But I ain't this strong. If you're listening, Grandpa Niall, I need you to materialize right here, right now.

Wind gusting.

SOOKIE: You know what? Fuck this.



Sookie comes into her house. Suddenly, she ears some noise. She turns back and sees Niall.

SOOKIE: Jesus Christ. Niall.

NIALL: Hi. How do you make that wonderful spaghetti?

Later, Niall and Sookie are in the kitchen. The grandpa is eating spaghetti.

NIALL: This is so good.

SOOKIE: Can we go now?

NIALL: No. Food first. One mustn't forget to nourish oneself.

SOOKIE: Please, I don't know how much time he has left.

NIALL: I understand, but if this munchkin doctor doesn't know how to heal him, what can I do?

SOOKIE: You were watching?

NIALL: I'm always watching you.

SOOKIE: Do you know why she was so afraid of you, then?

NIALL: We are royalty. Dwarves have an innate fear of us. Maybe because we killed so many of them in the past.

SOOKIE: I just realized that if you're always watching, did you know I was infecting Bill when he was feeding off of me?

NIALL: I did.

SOOKIE: Why would you let me do that?

NIALL: I don't like him.

SOOKIE: You don't have to like him. You're doing something for me.

NIALL: What I meant was I don't like him for you.

SOOKIE: Grandpa Niall, you say we're royalty, but other than the vampire-killing light ball that I can only use once, by the way, I can't think of a single fuckin' advantage in being what we are. If you say that we're so fuckin' special, I am asking you I'm begging you, prove it. Use some of your magic for me.

NIALL: Fine, Sookie. I'll try.

Sookie clears the table.



Sarah is driving a car. She stops next a panel of the Light of Day Institute. She leaves the car and walks. She hears voices.

WOMAN SINGING: Jesus loves me, so now I love you, too And I'm singing this song for you, (voices echoing), We all come together as one, (rhythmic clapping), Bound by the glory of the sun, Our mission here has just begun, Won't stop until the work is done! (cheering) We all come together as one, (whistle blows), Hallelujah! Bound by the glory of the sun.

Sarah goes to a stadium. People cheering, man shouts, men grunting.

MAN: Watch him!

MAN 2: That's how you catch it!


A ball passes in the sky and goes into Jason’s arms.

JASON: There it is! (vocalizing).

SARAH: Jason? Jason? Over here.

JASON, approaching: Oh, hey, Noomi.

SARAH: Oh, God, I'm so glad you're here. I feel so alone.

JASON: Huh. Well, we all die alone.

SARAH: What?

JASON: You're gonna die tonight. See, Eric's coming for ya and there ain't no escaping it.

SARAH: But I don't wanna die.

JASON, laughing: Well, that's just too fuckin' bad. See, death comes for all of us, and your number's up.

SARAH: No. You're not real.

JASON: Maybe not, but death is.

SARAH: Fuck off!

She leaves Jason.

JASON: Yeah, I'll be sure to do that, then. I'll see you in hell when I get there!

SARAH: There is no hell.

JASON, following Sarah: You just try to convince yourself of that.

SARAH: You don't even know…

Sarah turns back to look Jason, but he isn’t here.

SARAH: Hold it together, Noomi. You are one with the universe. Keep it together. Okay?

Sarah appears on radar. The Japanese has localizes her.



MAN 1, speaking Japanese: We’ve got her.

Mr. Gus approaches the screen.

MAN 2, speaking Japanese: You can find another vampire.

Gus looks at the screen. We see Pam and Eric sleeping in a bed. Mr. Gus lights a cigar.



SAM: You know how on the news you see these, these places get wiped out by tornados, but the people who live there are always vowing to rebuild on the exact same spot where tragedy took away everything they had?


SAM: Am I as crazy as they are? I mean, is Nicole right? Is this whole town crazy? 'Cause I love her and I wanna be a father to my baby girl, but this ultimatum's got me. Why can't I wrap my head around leaving this place? I mean, at what point does the guy whose house keeps getting hit by a tornado call it a day, take his family, move someplace else?

ARLENE: I can't answer that for you, Sam. Let me ask you a question.

SAM: Better pour me another one first.

Arlene seats next to Sam and serves him drink.

ARLENE: I know you, Sam. I know you better than I think you think I do, and so I know that you've spent your whole life running away from things. Bon Temps's the only place you actually stopped and stuck it out.

SAM: I ain't heard a question yet.

ARLENE: If you left do you think it would feel more like you were running from something or to something? Let me put it another way. If you stayed could you be happy here without them? When you can answer the question, you'll know what to do.

SAM: Are you happy here, Arlene? I mean, with everything that's going on and…

ARLENE: I fake it. See, my hope is the more I fake it, the more I'll believe it until the happiness becomes real. But, no, Sam, I ain't happy. But there ain't a chance in hell I'm gonna stop trying to be. Bon Temps's where my life is. Everyone I know and love is here.

Sam serves drink to Arlene.



Andy and Holly knock on the door.

ANDY: Adilyn, it's Daddy. Wade?

HOLLY: Okay, here. (searches in her bag). I think I got keys in here somewhere.

ANDY: What, he never changed the locks?

HOLLY: I'm guessing no. See, even though he hates me, he's as lazy as shit. (opening the door). What'd I tell you?

ANDY, coming in the house: Hey, kids, if y'all aren't wearing any clothes, you better put some on 'cause we're coming in.

HOLLY: Wade, honey? Wade? Adilyn?

Holly comes in a room with no one inside.

HOLLY: Shit.

Andy is outside, looking at the lake. Holly arrives.

HOLLY: Where are they? I mean, there's only so many places they could've gone. Does Adilyn have any friends or family on her mama's side that she could've gone to? I don't know, some kind of fairy hangout or something? Andy? Baby, you crying, baby?

ANDY: Something about how peaceful this lake looks, I guess, compared to this fucked-up reality we live in. I don't know.

HOLLY: Oh, okay. Hey, just take a breath. Just breathe. Oh, baby.

Andy cries.

ANDY: First you and then it's my baby girl, and I, I'm trying to run around, keep y'all safe all the time. I can't do it no more, Holly. I'm sorry.

HOLLY: I know. Oh, honey of course you can't. You're just a person.

ANDY: It was bad enough that I wasn't there that night they took you, but now this now this is all on me.


ANDY: Yeah, Adilyn ran away, and that's all 'cause of me.

HOLLY: Hey, hey, that is not true, okay? And we're gonna get her back. I know it.

ANDY: How?

HOLLY: Listen, Andy, I know you love me for a lot of reasons, and I know that my being a Wiccan ain't high up there on that list, but do you believe I'm an intuitive person?

ANDY: Yeah.

HOLLY: Then you listen to me, Sheriff. This story's gonna have a happy ending for us, okay? I know it. I promise it.

They hug each other.



Sookie and Niall are walking in Bill’s garden. Suddenly, he leaves Sookie.

SOOKIE: Are you kidding me? (she follows him). Grandpa! What's wrong?

NIALL: We need to channel nature's memory here.

SOOKIE: May I ask to what end? Bill is inside the house. How is channeling nature's memory gonna help?

NIALL, sitting on a dead branch: History teaches us great lessons. We need to look to it, find some answers. Give me your hands.

Niall and Sookie join their hand.




Woman wailing. Caroline is giving birth.

MAN: Now, she will pull through, William.

Groaning, yelling, baby crying.

NURSE: Mr. Compton, please come in. Congratulations, Mr. Compton.

BILL: Hi, sweetheart. She's perfect.



SOOKIE: Wow, what?

NIALL: Didn't you think that was amazing?

SOOKIE: I guess? Bill's wife gave birth. So what?

NIALL: "So what"?

SOOKIE, standing up: Was I not clear before? 'Cause I thought I made myself perfectly clear when I said I was looking for a miracle.

NIALL: That was a miracle.

SOOKIE: Babies are born all the time.

NIALL: That doesn't make it less miraculous. There's magic in the ordinary, Sook. There's magic in the things we can see. Birth is a miracle. Love is a miracle. Death is a miracle. Forgiveness is a miracle, especially if you can learn to forgive yourself.

SOOKIE: Did you bring me here to Bill's house just to trick me?

NIALL: No, sweet orphan. I brought you here because I wanted to give you some advice. There are some things that can be fixed with magic. But your vampire friend is not one of them. I'm sorry.

SOOKIE: Thank you for the life lesson. Can you go now, please?

Niall disappears. Sookie turns back to Bill’s house.



Little Crystal from church walks into her bedroom and sets her backpack on the bed. She hears sounds in the yard outside of her window. She pulls back the curtains and sees Lettie Mae and Lafayette digging up the yard in front of her house. Frightened, she calls out for her mother.




Arlene is alone, sitting at a table. Keith arrives.

KEITH: Arlene?

Keith approaches Arlene.

ARLENE: Am I dreaming?


ARLENE: Then how did you…

KEITH: I felt your pain.

He offers his hand to her. She takes it and stands up. They start to dance.

KEITH: I came as soon as the sun went down.

ARLENE: The way Sookie always made it sound, I thought vampires could only feel you when you were in danger.

KEITH: Arlene, the pain that you're feeling that is dangerous.

ARLENE: Are you really 515 years old?

KEITH: Yeah, I am.

ARLENE: Keith No. You need to know. I'm Hep-V positive, and I know that you vampires are all super sexual and everything, but we can't have sex.

KEITH: Then let's just dance.



Violet wakes up; she walks downstairs, in Adilyn and Wade’s room. The two lovers are in the bed, laughing.

ADILYN: Oh, Violet.

VIOLET: Hello, lovebirds.

WADE: How'd you sleep?

VIOLET: Oh, I slept like a baby.

ADILYN: Oh, I hope you don't mind, but we didn't wind up using any of your toys.

VIOLET: That's all right because we're gonna use them now.

Violet takes Wade and throws him on the wall. Adilyn falls. They scream. Violets cuffs Adilyn.



Jessica wakes up. She felt Adilyn’s pain.


Jessica runs out.

BILL: Jessica?



Eric awakes with a start and calls out for Pam.

ERIC: Pam? Pam. We overslept.

They go into the living room to find the Yakonomo personnel but all have been cleared out.

PAM: God damn it.

ERIC: He fucking didn't.

Eric and Pam run outside. Mr. Gus and the Yakuza are waiting for them.

GUS: Shall we go make some money?



Sookie runs out of her house. She crosses the cemetery and knocks to Bill’s house’s door. Bill opens it and the young woman enters.

SOOKIE: I'm not gonna leave you. I'm gonna stay with you till the very end, okay?

BILL: Okay.

They kiss each other.



Sarah is sitting on the ground in a building.

SARAH: I don't judge. I don't judge lest Judge not, you lest judge. I'm not alone. I don't you have to make me be alone. I'm here. I felt my heart in this path and this light, the light of love, the light of God. Please, I've led a good life. I mean, y'all are the only two men I've ever slept with, so can you please just go away?!

She starts to have hallucinations.

STEVE: Ha! Only two? Oh, come on, Sarah. Don't play me for a fool. We both know that you fornicated with Jason Stackhouse in the balcony of the church that you and I built.

GURU: I'm no fool either, Sarah. You lied to me. You misled me. I lost my head because of you.

STEVE: That's funny. So did he.

Steve shows Governor Burrell’s head. Sarah cries out.

SARAH: Oh, my God.

STEVE: Come on, Sarah. You fornicated with him, too, didn't ya? That makes four.

SARAH: Why are you here?

STEVE: I'm here because you're gonna die tonight, Sarah. I'm here to give you a choice between heaven and hell because there's still time to save your soul.

GURU: There is no heaven, Noomi. There is only the now and nothingness.

SARAH: Nothingness? What is nothingness? I don't know what nothingness is!

STEVE: Which is why Christianity is a way better deal!


STEVE: If you choose Jesus, your meeting with the Heavenly Father which takes place in the Risen Christ through the communion of the Holy Spirit awaits!

GURU: Follow the path, Noomi. Die a Buddhist.

STEVE: Fuck the path, Sarah. Die a Christian.

GURU: Buddhist!

STEVE: Christian!

GURU: Buddhist!

SARAH: I choose neither! I choose me! I am the cure! I am the messiah! I choose myself.

Jason appears, he laughs.

JASON: That's a bad fuckin' call right there, Sarah. You never could stand on your own two feet.

Mr. Gus cars approach. Sarah gasps.

SARAH: What was that?

JASON: What, you need me to spell it out for ya? That's death coming for ya.

Mr. Gus’s cars arrive. Eric, Pam and Mr. Gus get out the car.



Sookie and Bill are making love on the ground.



******* To continue... *******

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HypnoCup 2021 : Jessica et Hoyt toujours en course !
L'HypnoCup 2021 continue sa 8ème édition sur le thème "Love is in the air" ! Le 1er tour vient de...

HypnoCup 2021 : Jessica et Hoyt en compétition !

HypnoCup 2021 : Jessica et Hoyt en compétition !
L'HypnoCup 2021 continue sa 8ème édition sur le thème "Love is in the air" ! La 1ère partie du tour...

HypnoCup 2021 : Bill et Sookie en compétition !

HypnoCup 2021 : Bill et Sookie en compétition !
L'HypnoCup 2021 vient de débuter sur le thème "Love is in the air" ! La compétition est rude puisque...

Alexander Skarsgard - The Stand

Alexander Skarsgard - The Stand
La série The Stand (Le Fléau) sera diffusée sur CBS All Access à partir du 17 décembre 2020. Les 9...


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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !