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#106 : Lourde absence

Lorsque Sookie rentre chez elle, elle découvre dans la cuisine sa grand-mère morte. Elle organise une réception en son honneur. Elle finit par comprendre que les habitants de Bon Temps pense qu'Adele est morte à cause d'elle. Pendant ce temps Jason est encore soupçonné des meurtres...


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Cold Ground

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Lourde absence

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Trailer - 106 Cold Ground

Trailer - 106 Cold Ground


True Blood | Season 1, Episode 6 | Preview

True Blood | Season 1, Episode 6 | Preview


Bill et Sookie: 1ere fois

Bill et Sookie: 1ere fois


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Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Photo de l'épisode #1.06

Plus de détails

Écrit par : Raelle Tucker

Réalisé par : Nick Gomez

Cast & Guest : Carrie Preston (Arlene), Cheyenne Wilbru (L'oncle Bartlett), Stweart Skelton (Prete), Kevin McHale (Neil Jones), Linda Harmon (L'homme des funérailles), Todd Lowe (Terry Bellefluer), John Billingsley (Mike Spencer), William Shallert (Mayor Norris), Danielle James (Randi Sue), Dale Raul (Maxine Fortenberry), Adina Porter (Lettie Mae Thornton).

On voit un chat lécher le sang d'Adele qui git sur le sol de sa cuisine morte dans son sang.

Sookie est dans la cuisine quand Bill surgit de derrière et l'attrape par les épaules. Elle est encore sous le choc et il la prend dans ses bras.

Quelqu'un entre dans la maison et Bill sort ses crocs et plaque l'homme contre le mur. Sookie arrive et dit à Bill de le lâcher. Cet homme n'est autre que Sam.

Sam voit Sookie tâchée de sang et demande ce qui s'est passé.




Sookie est au salon pendant que la police examine la cuisine et Sam vient et lui passe une couverture. Elle entend les pensées des policiers. Elle sort et s'assoit sur les escaliers à l'entrée de la maison, suivie par Sam. Elle entend les mots qu'il pense et retire sa main de la sienne qu'il avait prise. Après un court silence, elle lui demande ce qui est arrivé à Bill et Sam lui dit qu'il va le chercher.

Bill est dans une chambre de la maison à l'étage, près de la fenêtre quand Sam entre. Ils ont une discussion et Sam veut montrer à Bill qu'il connaît mieux Sookie que lui, puis Sam dit à Bill que si ce dernier n'étais pas là, Adele ne serait pas morte et il le menace de le tuer s'il arrivait quelque chose à Sookie puis il sort.

Bill a un regard sévère et s'approche de la fenêtre. Il remarque une petite ouverture sur la moustiquaire.

Retour à la cuisine où les deux hommes qui doivent emporter le corps d'Adele sont accroupis près d'elle. E plus âgé montre à l'apprenti les blessures de la dame et lui parle du moment de la mort d'Adele.

Andy et le shérif  Bud Dearborne sont dehors. Ce dernier lui raconte une affaire pire que celle-ci qui a eu lieu six ans plus tôt. Pui Andy dit qu'ils n'auraient pas du libérer Jason et le shérif Dearborne lui répond que c'est sa grand-mère et pense qu'Adele ait invité Bill à l'église, plusieurs personnes devaient lui en vouloir. Ils discutent de Bill lorsque ce dernier arrive par derrière. Le shérif lui demande si Adele était son amie ce à quoi il répond positivement puis lui dit qu'il a quelques questions à lui poser.

Ils vont au salon et Andy commence son interrogatoire. Bill leur dit être arrivé peu de temps après Sookie et le shérif Dearborne trouve qu'il est un peu tard pour une visite nocturne et lui demande si c'est habituel. Bill lui répond qu'ils devaient discuter d'un sujet personnel et qu'il est venu après avoir entendu une voiture. Andy s'étonne du fait que Bill puisse entendre une voiture de l'autre côté du cimetière. Il lui demande ensuite s'il a entendu ou vu un autre véhicule, comme un camion, venant de la maison et Bill y répond négativement. D'après le shérif Dearborne, le point commun des trois femmes mortes est leur bienveillance envers les vampires. Bill leur dit que pour lui, le meurtrier prend pour cible des femmes qui ont des relations avec des vampires et qu'Adele n'était pas la cible.

Bill rejoint Sookie à l'extérieur, lui dit qu'ils vont emmener le corps de sa grand-mère à la morgue et l'emmène plus loin sur la terrasse en la prenant par la taille.

Andy lui conseille d'aller dormir chez une amie, cet endroit étant trop isolé pour elle mais elle décide de rester chez elle. Les deux légistes emmènent le corps d'Adele sous le regard des autres et Sookie entend les pensées du shérif qui la met en garde qu'elle pourrait être la suivante. Les policiers s'en vont et Bill et Sam pensent aussi qu'elle ne devrait pas rester chez elle. Elle refuse de s'en aller et leur dit qu'ils sont là tous les deux pour la protéger. Bill s'en va en lui disant qu'il reviendra et Sam décide de rester avec elle.

On voit Sookie dans sa cuisine en train d'essuyer le sol plein de sang.

Le lendemain, les amis d'Adele  vont à la maison des Stackhouse pour présenter leurs condoléances et y passer du temps. Lafayette et Tara discutent dans la cuisine et Lafayette demanda à sa cousine si elle a vu Jason. Marilyn vient aussi présenter ses condoléances à Sookie. Mme Fortenberry sort une tarte du frigidaire et Sookie commence v lui crier dessus et lui dit de remettre la tarte là où elle était ; sa grand-mère avait fait la tarte. Tout le monde la regarde, silencieux. Elle entend leurs pensées. Tara la prend par les épaules et emmène son amie à l'étage suivie par Lafayette.   

Ils sont tous les trois à l'étage et elle leur confie qu'elle ne sait pas quoi faire et qu'elle réalise à présent que sa grand-mère est morte. Lafayette redescend en prenant la tarte que Sookie avait prise.

Jason est au volant de sa camionnette et arrive au travail. Deux de ses collèges lui annoncent la mort d'Adele.

Tara et Sookie discutent dans la chambre et parlent entre autre de Bill.

Jason arrive à la maison et entre dans la chambre et gifle sa sœur en lui criant que c'est sa faute si Adele est morte. Tara le retient et crie sur lui à son tour et le met dehors.

Jason sort de la maison et Andy le retient pour lui poser des questions sous le regard des invités. Jason pousse Andy et s'en va.

Les commères continuent dans la maison.

Ils s'en vont tous et Tara fait aussi sortir Sam.

Lafayette et Tara sont dans la cuisine et mangent.

Sookie est étendue sur le lit et quelqu'un entre et l'étrangle ; ce n'est qu'une vision de Bill.

Tara et Lafayette sont au salon quand Bill entre dans la maison à la vitesse d'un vampire. Les deux cousins le suivent à l'étage. Bill entre dans la chambre de Sookie et se met prêt d'elle, la bougeant et l'appelant. Elle se réveille. Il lui dit qu'il a eu une vision et de se rendormir.

Lafayette et Tara sont au salon et Bill se tient debout dehors, sous le regard de Tara. Le chien arrive et se met près du vampire.

Le lendemain, l'enterrement a lieu. Sookie prononce un discours en l'honneur de sa grand-mère dans le cimetière devant tout le monde tout en entendant les pensées des autres la jugeant responsable et la jugeant.

Elle s'en va en courant et Jason la rattrape.

La mère de Tara va à son tour prononcer un discours gentil.

Jason rattrape sa sœur et s'excuse. Sookie lui reproche d'avoir invité leur oncle. Elle s'en va en lui disant qu'ils n'ont rien.

Tara prend sa mère de côté. Elle lui dit qu'Adele était bien avec elle et s'occupait d'elle quand sa mère ne le faisait pas. Sa mère veut se racheter et demande à Tara de l'argent pour enlever le démon qu'il y a en elle. Tara s'en va sans un mot.

Sookie marche seule dans la forêt et trouve le pieu de William Thomas Compton.

Au cimetière, les gens présentent leurs condoléances à Jason qui se sent mal. Il monte dans sa voiture et prend un bout de papier avec le sang de vampire. Il hésite puis le jette. Mais il change d'avis et se met à le chercher sans le trouver.

Sookie regarde le cercueil être enterré et Sam arrive et reste avec elle puis la ramène chez elle. En quittant, il tombe sur Tara et tous deux se disent qu'ils ne veulent pas être seuls.

Sookie est dans sa cuisine et sort la tarte de sa grand-mère pour en manger tout en pleurant.

Tara et Sam vont chez celle-ci. Au moment où il veut s'en aller, elle le retient. Ils décident d'être ensemble.

Sookie a finit la tarte. Elle voit qu'il fait nuit et sort de chez elle en courant. Bill la voit venir. Ils courent l'un vers l'autre et s'embrassent.

Tara et Sam sont sur le lit mais Tara s'en va avant qu'ils n'aillent trop loin.

Jason est sa maitresse de la veille sont encore ensemble ce soir.

Chez Bill, lui et Sookie s'embrassent au coin du feu et font l'amour. Bill, Sookie lui demande de la mordre et il le fait.


L'épisode s'ouvre sur Adèle Stackhouse qui est morte par terre, pleine de sang. Sookie arrive et est en état de choc. Bill arrive derrière elle.


Bill : Sookie, Sookie, c'est moi.

Sookie : Bill.

Bill : Tu vas bien? Je suis là.


Quelqu'un arrive à la porte et Bill se méfie. Il sort ses crocs et saisit Sam par le cou. Il ne savait pas que c'était lui.


Sam : Enlevez  vos sales pattes de moi.

Bill : Qu'est-ce que vous faites ici ?

Sam : Je voulais m'assurer que Sookie était bien rentrée, la porte était ouverte. Et vous, qu'est-ce que vous faites là ?

Sookie : Bill, lâche-le s'il-vous-plaît.

Sam : Sookie (il la voit avec du sang sur les jambes). Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?






Sookie est devant la maison. Sam lui apporte une couverture.


Sam : Tu devrais monter et te reposer. Ils ne sont pas prêts de s'en aller. Si jamais ils trouvent quelque chose, je viendrais te le dire.


Sookie entend les enquêteurs parler de sa grand-mère et du sang qu'ils ont sur les bottes.


Sam : Sookie.

Sookie : Je vais aller prendre un peu l'air, d'accord.


Sam la suit derrière la maison.


Sam : Je n'aurais jamais dû me mettre en colère et te laisser rentrer seule à la maison.

Sookie : Tu pourrais présenter tes excuses à un autre moment.

Sam : Je voulais juste que tu saches que si tu as besoin de moi ce soir, je suis là.

Sookie : Je sais. Merci.


Sam tient la main de Sookie et elle l'entend penser qu'elle a la peau très douce. Elle dégage sa main.


Sookie : On discutera une autre fois. Tu sais où il est Bill ?

Sam : Je vais te le chercher.

Sookie : Merci.


Sam va chercher Bill à l'étage.


Sam : Elle vous demande.

Bill : Vous voulez me dire quelque chose ?

Sam : Je veux que vous vous éloigniez.

Bill : Sookie n'est pas du genre à accepter qu'on décide pour elle.

Sam : Pas besoin de me dire qui est Sookie. Je sais qui elle est. Je le sais depuis longtemps.

Bill : Vous savez donc que ce n'est ni le moment ni l'endroit pour marquer votre territoire.

Sam : Il y a une femme morte en bas. Elle ne le serait pas si vous n'étiez pas là. S'il arrive quoi que ce soit à Sookie, je promets que je graverai votre nom sur un pieu.



En bas, les croque-morts.


Le responsable : On dirait qu'elle s'est battue comme un beau diable. Tu vois ces coupures défensives sur ses mains. Jusqu'à l'os.

L'apprenti : Profond.




Andy : Foutu psychopathe. S'en prendre à elle comme ça. Le truc le plus tordu que j'aie vu.

Bud : Non, j'ai vu pire. Il y a eu un meurtre il y a 6 ans.  Une femme a craqué et explosé la tête de son mari pendant qu'il regardait un match. Plein de morceaux de cervelle sur la TV.

Andy : Pourquoi ?

Bud : Elle voulait sans doute regarder autre chose. Comment je peux savoir ? Les gens normaux ne tuent pas.

Andy : Je te l'avais dit, on aurait jamais dû libérer Jason.

Bud : Allons. Il s'agit de sa grand-mère.

Andy : Tu crois que ce pervers n'en est pas capable ?

Bud : Adèle a amené ce vampire à l'église. Ça a dû en déranger plus d'un. Ou il l'a fait lui-même.

Andy : Mais Bill le vampire a dit…

Bud : Bill le vampire ? t'appelles ce suceur de sang par son prénom ? C'est malin, ces choses. Ils tuent depuis si longtemps qu'ils savent comment…

Bill : Je vous dérange ?

Andy : Mr Compton, c'est une scène de crime. Vous pouvez pas rester là.

Bud : C'est bon. Je suppose que le vampire Bill a déjà vu un cadavre ou deux auparavant. N'est-ce pas, Monsieur ? C'était une amie, non ?

Bill : Je crois oui.

Bud : On a encore quelques questions. D'accord ?

Bill : Bien sûr.

Bud : Vous étiez ici quand Sookie a trouvé le corps. C'est vrai ?

Bill : Je suis arrivé peu de temps après.

Bud : Un peu tard pour rendre visite. D'accord. Vous ne dormez pas.

Andy : Ils dorment, mais pas la nuit.

Bud : Vous rendez souvent visite à Sookie au milieu de la nuit ?

Bill : Nous devions discuter de quelque chose de personnel. Après votre départ, j'attendais qu'elle rentre de son rendez-vous. Quand j'ai entendu sa voiture, j'ai traversé le cimetière.

Andy : Vous avez entendu une voiture de l'autre côté du cimetière ?

Bill : C'est un effet secondaire de notre condition.

Andy : Mais vous n'avez ni vu ni entendu un autre véhicule venant de la maison ? Comme un camion ?

Bill : Non.

Bud : Beaucoup ne seraient pas enthousiastes d'avoir un vampire comme voisin, mais Adèle Stackhouse vous a reçu à bras ouverts, non ?

Bill : Elle était bienveillante, oui.

Bud : Donc…elles étaient toutes bienveillantes envers votre…espèce. C'est la seule chose qu'elles avaient en commun. Alors c'est plus qu'une coïncidence, ou quoi ?

Bill : Je ne crois pas.

Andy : Excusez-moi.

Bill : Je soupçonne que celui qui a fait ça prend pour cible des femmes qui ont des relations avec des vampires.

Andy : Vous n'êtes pas sérieux. Adèle Stackhouse ? Avec un vampire ?

Bill : Je ne pense pas que la grand-mère de Sookie ait été la cible.



Sam est retourné auprès de Sookie.


Sookie : Je devrais probablement appeler Jason.

Sam : Je peux le faire si tu veux.

Sookie : Merci.


Jason dort avec une fille et jette son portable par la fenêtre. Pour laisser un message vocal…


Bill sort de la maison.


Sookie : Bill, qu'est-ce qui se passe ? Ils vont emmener ta grand-mère.

Andy : Sookie, tu devrais aller dormir chez une amie. Un endroit moins isolé.

Sookie : Je ne vais nulle part.

Bill : Sookie, peut-être…

Sookie : Non. C'est ma maison. Je reste ici.


Les croque-morts sortent Adèle.


L'apprenti pense : Pourvu qu'elle se souvienne pas m'avoir vu là-bas. Je suis différent, il faisait sombre et elle était… (référence au Fangtasia).

Bud pense : Heureusement que t'es pas dans ce sac, en couchant avec ce vampire, tu peux être la suivante.


Bud : Vraiment désolée pour ta grand-mère.

Sookie : Vous avez tous fini ? Parce que j'aimerais nettoyer. Si c'est possible.

Bud : Comme tu veux. Tu nous appelles s'il y a quoi que ce soit.

Andy : Gardez un œil sur elle.

Sam : Je le ferai.

Bill : Ils ont raison. Tu devrais pas rester ici.

Sam : Je suis d'accord. Tu peux aller dans mon van. Je dormirais au bar.

Sookie : Je suis autant en sécurité ici qu'ailleurs. En plus, je vous ai tous les deux pour me protéger, non ?

Bill : Sookie, je dois partir.

Sookie : Bien sûr, c'est bientôt l'aube.

Bill : Je reviendrais plus tard.

Sam : Je m'en occupe maintenant.
Sookie : T'inquiètes pas pour moi. Vas-y.


Sookie : Y a une autre serpillière derrière, tu peux aller me la chercher ? Mamie était très fière de son intérieur. Elle ne voudrait pas qu'on le voit dans cet état.



Sookie commence à nettoyer.


Le lendemain, des gens viennent chez elle pour la soutenir.



Sam : En ouvrant la porte. Ça a l'air très bon, posez-le dans la cuisine.

Madame Fortenberry : C'est tellement triste.


Pendant qu'elle traverse la pièce, on entend les gens parler de Sookie : "Cette petite Stackhouse n'a pas bougé de la cuisine", "Elle n'a pas versé une larme", "Vous saviez qu'elle traînait avec ce vampire ?".


Sookie : Madame Fortenberry, vous n'auriez pas dû.

Madame Fortenberry : Pauvre enfant. Toutes mes condoléances.

Sookie : C'est très gentil. Mamie parlait souvent de vous, alors…Merci.


Tara : Après avoir pris le plat. Rien ne vaut un plat de thon au fromage pour exprimer sa peine.

Lafayette : Un autre ? J'ai pas vu Jason. Il n'est pas encore là ?

Tara : Putain, comment je le saurais, je suis pas sa baby-sitter.

Lafayette : Salope.


Madame Fortenberry : Adèle était un ange envoyé du ciel. Trop bonne pour ce monde. Elle va nous manquer à tous. Elle pense : "Il paraît qu'ils lui ont presque coupé la tête. J'ai pas vu de sang. J'aurais dû venir plus tôt. J'aurais dû apporter mon bavarols aux fraises à la place."

Sookie : Excusez-moi.


Arlène : Oh Sookie, j'arrive pas à y croire. Ça va ?

Sookie : Oui, merci d'être venue.

Arlène : C'est normal. C'est le moins que je puisse faire. Pauvre chou. J'ai dû mal à imaginer ce que tu traverses. Si tu as besoin d'aide pour le déménagement, ou pour quoi que ce soit…

Sookie : Je déménage ? Je déménage pas.

Arlène : Mais chérie, avec ce qui s'est passé ici.

Sookie : J'ai bien plus de bons souvenirs dans cette cuisine que de mauvais.

Arlène : Quelle belle manière de voir les choses. T'es bien plus intelligente que les gens le disent. Oh, chérie, je voulais pas dire ça.


Sookie se retourne et voit Madame Fortenverry dans le frigo.


Sookie : Maxine Fortenberry, lâchez cette tarte, tout de suite ! C'est la tarte de mamie !

Madame Fortenverry : Pardon, je faisais juste un peu de place. Elle pense : Pauvre fille, elle est folle à lier.


Elle entend d'autres personnes penser : "On sait que tu l'as tuée." " J'ai passé la matinée à faire ce plat". "Morte par ta faute."


Les gens : …devant tout le monde…


Tara : Veuillez nous excuser… J'ai besoin de Sookie là-haut. A Sam : Laisse-nous un moment entre filles. Viens Lafayette.


Sookie : J'aurais pas dû perdre le contrôle.

Tara : T'excuses pas de crier sur cette sale fouineuse. Elle fourre son nez partout depuis des années.

Lafayette : Bien dit. Elle dit tellement de merdes, qu'elle ressemble à des chiottes.


Ils rient puis s'excusent auprès de Sookie.


Sookie : Mamie est partie. Elle est plus là.

Tara : Oui, vraiment.

Sookie : Je ne sais pas ce que je dois faire. J'arrive même pas à penser.

Tara : Evidemment. Comment tu pourrais, avec toutes ces buses ? T'es pas là pour les divertir. Tu fais ce que tu veux. Tu ressens ce que tu veux.

Sookie : Je ne sais pas, je ressens rien. Je suis vide.

Tara : C'est bien.

Lafayette : Ouai.

Tara : C'est ce qu'il te faut, en ce moment. Arrête de te soucier des convenances. C'est pas une réception.

Sookie : Merci de m'avoir tirée de là. J'ai pas eu une minute de silence. Je peux rien refouler en ce moment.

Tara : Tu veux que j'aille leur dire de la fermer ?

Sookie : J'aimerais que ça soit aussi facile.

Lafayette : ça l'est. Tes désirs sont des ordres. Il sort un sachet de sa poche.

Sookie : Je n'en prends pas.

Lafayette : Relax, c'est pas de la drogue, c'est juste du Valium. Tu sais quoi, mets-le sur ta table de nuit au cas où tu changerais d'avis. Je vais aller voir ce que font les buses.

Sookie : Lafayette ?

Lafayette : Oui, Madame ?

Sookie : ça te dérangerait de descendre ça pour moi ? (la tarte).

Lafayette : Je le ferai au péril de ma vie.



On retrouve Jason en voiture qui va travailler.


René : Putain de Dieu, ça sent pas bon.

Jason : Je sais, je sais, je suis en retard. Mon réveil est cassé et j'ai pas trouvé mon téléphone.

René : Jason

Jason : Ouai ?

René : Qu'est-ce que tu fais là ?

Jason : Mon boulot.

René : Putain, il sait pas.

Hoyt : Mec, je suis désolé.

Jason : Pourquoi ?



Tara : Tu veux que j'appelle quelqu'un ? Ta cousine ?

Sookie : Personne n'a eu de ses nouvelles depuis un an, depuis qu'elle s'est enfuie du centre que mamie lui avait payé. Je sais même pas comment la joindre.

Tara : Et Bill ? Tu vas l'inviter ?

Sookie : Il peut pas venir.

Tara : C'est vrai.

Sookie : C'est pas comme si tu connaissais beaucoup de vampires. Il va falloir que tu t'y fasses.

Tara : Je crois pas que je m'y ferai. Quoi ? Tout le monde n'est pas aussi ouvert d'esprit que toi. Achève-moi. T'as entendu ce que les gens disent.

Sookie : Oui ! Bill n'a pas tué ma grand-mère.

Tara : Passe pas ta colère sur moi. Personne n'accuse Bill…précisément. Mais il a pas des amis craignos ?

Sookie : Ils sont pas tous comme ça.

Tara : Je perdrais la tête si quelque chose t'arrivait.

Sookie : La nuit dernière, c'était si horrible. Je sais pas comment je m'en sortirais, si j'avais pas Bill. Quand je suis avec lui, je sais pas comment l'expliquer mais, je me sens presque normale.


Jason arrive à la maison, il monte les escaliers en courant.


Sookie : Jason. Il la gifle.

Tara : Putain de merde.

Jason : C'est ta faute ! Mamie est morte à cause de toi. Ça aurait dû être toi !

Tara : Ne la frappe pas !

Sookie : Elle baise un vampire. Un putain de vampire !

Tara : Ce vampire était là pour elle et toi non ! Tu devrais avoir honte ! C'est comme ça que ta mamie t'a élevé. Frapper ta propre sœur ? Regarde-toi ! Je te reconnais pas. Tire-toi de là ! Dehors !

A Sookie : ça va ?


Sookie prend la pilule de Lafayette.

Jason sort de la maison et Andy l'attend.


Andy : J'ai quelques questions.

Jason : Pas maintenant.

Andy : T'étais où cette nuit ?

Jason : Je sais pas. Avec une fille.

Andy : Tara Thornton ?

Jason : Quoi ? Non.

Andy : Ouai, je m'en doutais. C'était quoi son nom ?

Jason : Je m'en rappelle pas. Ok ? J'ai un numéro. Je sais pas ce que j'en ai fait.

Andy : Comme c'est pratique.

Jason : ça veut dire quoi putain, Andy ?

Andy : C'est Inspecteur Bellefleur. Et qu'est-ce que tu crois que ça veut dire, putain ?

Jason : T'es en train de dire que j'ai tuée ma grand-mère ? Jason pousse Andy contre la voiture, mais très fort (à cause du V).


Lafayette : T'es vraiment un con, Jason Stackhouse.


Madame Fortenberry : Jason Stackhouse a jeté Andy Bellefleur comme si c'était une plume.

Arlène : René me fait regarder Friday Night Smackdown. Ces gars sont forts comme des Turcs mais j'en ai jamais vu un faire ça.

Lafayette : Tu connais Jason, il fait beaucoup d'exercice. Il est vraiment balèze.


Tara : Très bien tout le monde. Sookie doit se reposer ! C'est le moment d'y aller. Qu'est-ce que vous matez ? Vous avez entendu ? La fête est finie. Allons-y ! On bouge ! On apprécie que vous soyez tous venus. On vous aime tous. Allez, on y va. Merci. Toi aussi Sam. J'ai compris. Mais là, elle a besoin d'être seule.

Sam : Si je peux faire quelque chose, appelle-moi.

Tara : T'es un bon pote. Maintenant, casse-toi. Sil-te-plaît. M'obligez pas à vous virer, vous savez que je le ferai.

Arlène : J'ai entendu.


Lafayette : Qu'est-ce qu'ils ont les blancs avec la Jell-O. Je comprends pas.

Tara : Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire de tout ça ?

Lafayette : Balance. Sookie a pas besoin de ces mauvaises ondes.

Tara : Mauvaises ondes ?

Lafayette : Le cœur d'un homme passe par son estomac. C'est du béton. Tu mets de l'amour dans ta bouffe, et les gens le sentent. Sens ça. Tu peux sentir la peur et la méchanceté sortir de ce pain de maïs.

Tara : Moi je trouve ça bon.

Lafayette : Tu vois, pétasse, tu vas le regretter. Regarde.



Rêve : Sookie est dans sa chambre, quelqu'un vient l'étrangler. Elle appelle Bill qui regarde sa montre et voit qu'il fait encore tout juste jour.


Tara : Je devrais peut-être aller voir Sookie.

Lafayette : Crois-moi, cette enfant est morte de fatigue.


Bill arrive à toute vitesse.


Tara : C'est quoi putain !


Bill : Sookie, Sookie.

Tara : Tu fais quoi, bordel ?


Sookie : Bill, qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?

Bill : J'ai pensé… j'ai fait un rêve, c'est tout. Rendors-toi.

Sookie : Mais je…

Bill : t'en fais pas. Je ne vais nulle part. Vas-y.



Bill est dehors, il regarde la fenêtre de Sookie. Tara et Lafayette dans le salon.


Tara : Tu crois qu'ils sont capables d'aimer ?

Lafayette : Qui sait ce dont ils sont capables ?


Ensuite, Sam (en chien) arrive à côté de Bill.

Le lendemain, c'est l'enterrement d'Adèle.


Le prêtre : Seigneur, nous sommes réunis ici pour honorer la mémoire d'Adèle Stackhouse. Pour célébrer le temps qu'elle a passé sur Terre. Et pour vous remercier pour chaque moment…



Sookie voit son oncle arriver en chaise roulante. Elle serre la main de Tara.


Tara : Sookie, ma main.

Sookie : Désolée, désolée.


Le prêtre : Mais même si nous pleurons, soyons réconfortés sachant qu'elle est en paix dans le royaume du Seigneur. Et il n'y aura plus de mort.


Sookie : Oncle Bartlett, que fais-tu là ?

Barlett : C'était ma sœur.

Sookie : Tu fais plus partir de la famille depuis longtemps.

Jason : Sookie allons. Fous-lui la paix.


Le prêtre : Sookie Stackhouse a préparé quelques mots. Chérie ? Tu veux dire quelques mots ?

Tara : Sookie, ça va ?


Sookie se lève et va sur le présentoir.


Sookie : Adèle Stackhouse était tout pour moi, ce n'était pas juste ma grand-mère, c'était ma famille, mon professeur et ma meilleure amie.


Elle entend penser : "Oh voyons, si t'avais pas été là, elle serait vivante.", "Un vampire qui fait un éloge", "Je pensais que c'était une brave fille. On sait jamais…", "Tu devrais être dans cette tombe. Et tu seras…", "Honte sur toi, on le sait tous."


Sookie : …Dire qu'elle va nous manquer est loin de la vérité, car je n'imagine pas un monde sans elle. Elle a toujours été là, avec un mot gentil, un plat chaud et une épaule pour pleurer. Pas que pour moi, mais pour tout le monde.


Elle entend penser : "Pardonne-moi, je voulais faire de mal à personne. Je pouvais…", "Pauvre petite chose", "complètement timbrée…", "tu couches avec son tueur", "c'est de ta faute".


Sookie : La ferme ! Vous tous, fermez vos gueules !


Elle entend : "Regardez-là, jurant…", "Le monde entier devient fou…", "Mon Dieu, Sookie, mon Dieu", "C'est une honte".


Sookie part en courant. Jason la suit.


Le prêtre : Quelqu'un d'autre voudrait prononcer quelques mots ?

Lettie Mae : Je veux dire quelque chose.

Un homme : Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait ?

Tara : Non, maman.

Lafayette : Oh, putain de Dieu, ma fille. Ça va pas être beau.


Lettie Mae : Je ne connaissais pas Mme Stackhouse autant que vous. Mais les fois où je l'ai vue, elle était gentille avec moi. C'était une bonne chrétienne. Et quand je traversais une mauvaise passe, ma fille restait chez elle. J'ai toujours su qu'elle irait bien. Adèle Stackhouse s'est occupée de mon bébé quand je pouvais pas et j'en serai toujours reconnaissante.



Jason : Sookie, attend un instant.

Sookie : Pour que tu me frappes encore ? Dis que c'est de ma faute. Que t'aurais aimé que ce soit moi dans ce cercueil. Je le mérite.

Jason : Je suis désolé. Je suis vraiment désolée.

Sookie : Me touche pas.

Jason : Je voulais pas te faire mal. Tu dois le savoir.

Sookie : T'as invité Oncle Bartlett ! Comment t'as pu faire ça ?

Jason : Il a le droit d'être là ! Mamie et lui avaient des problèmes.  Mais ça n'a plus d'importance, maintenant. C'est ça, une famille. On se pardonne.

Sookie : Tu sais absolument pas de quoi tu parles.

Jason : Sookie, s'il-te-plaît. On a que nous.

Sookie : On n'a rien.



Madame Fortenberry : ça m'a émue. Vraiment émue. Venez donc à notre prochaine réunion des Descendants des Morts Glorieux.

Lettie Mae : C'est une sorte de groupe de soutien ? J'ai été une fois à une réunion des alcooliques anonymes. On aurait dit une secte. A Tara. Salut mon bébé. Voici Tara, ma fille chérie.

Tara : On s'est déjà trop rencontrées. Excusez-nous.


Tara : Qu'est-ce que tu fous ?

Lettie Mae : Je parle à cette charmante dame. Lâche mon bras ! Tu me fais mal.

Tara : Je te fais mal ? C'est marrant. La dernière fois, tu me frappais la tête avec une bouteille.

Lettie Mae : Oh, doux Jésus ! Pauvre enfant. Désolée, vraiment.

Tara : T'avais pas le droit de parler de cette femme. C'était plus une mère pour moi que tu ne l'as jamais été. Elle s'est occupée de moi. Elle m'a donné à manger et des vêtements. Elle a appelé les services sociaux à deux reprises contre toi. Tu la haïssais dans l'âme.

Lettie Mae : Non. C'est faux.

Tara : Non, c'est vrai. Tu l'appelais la harpie blanche.

Lettie Mae : C'était pas moi. J'ai pas dit ces choses.

Tara : C'est pas parce que t'étais saoule qu'il s'est rien passé.

Lettie Mae : S'il-te-plaît. Toutes ces horribles choses que je t'ai faites, c'était pas moi. J'ai un démon en moi.

Tara : Quoi ?

Lettie Mae : Un démon, qui vit et respire en moi et me dévorant. Tara rit. Te moque pas du diable, Tara Mae. Il est aussi dangereux que le cancer.

Tara : Je suis désolée. T'as un démon en toi ? Mon cul ! C'est trop fort.

Lettie Mae : C'est pas drôle. T'imagines pas ce que j'endure en luttant contre ce démon. J'essaie de bien faire. Je m'y efforce, mais ça m'épuise. Ça empoissonne tout. Je veux être la maman que tu mérites. Je peux me racheter. Je le peux. C'est pas trop tard. Mais je peux pas le faire seule.

Tara : Faire quoi ?

Lettie Mae : Je dois le faire sortir de moi et ça coûte cher.

Tara : C'est pour ça que t'es venue à l'enterrement ? T'as besoin de fric ?

Lettie Mae : J'ai nulle part où aller. Tara, s'il-te-plaît. Ne me fuis pas ! Je suis toujours ta maman. J'ai besoin de toi. Tu es tout ce que j'ai.



Retour chez Sookie, qui marche vers la tombe de Bill. Jason de son côté, ne se sent pas bien, il salue les gens et monte dans sa voiture. Il veut prendre du V mais renonce. Cependant, il jette la fiche de papier sur laquelle la goutte de sang était imprégnée mais le regrette ensuite.


Jason : Putain !



Sookie regarde le cercueil de sa grand-mère qui est mis sous terre. Sam la rejoint.


Sam : Hey.

Sookie : Hey.

Sam : Je te cherchais.

Sookie : Bien, tu m'as trouvée.

Sam : J'ai bien aimé ton discours. Enfin, ce que j'en ai entendu. Surtout le moment où tu dis à toute la ville de la fermer.

Sookie : Hé oui, je sais parler aux foules !

Sam : Je te raccompagne.


Chez Sookie.


Sam : Et si tu prenais un bain ? Je vais nous trouver un navet à la TV. Un truc avec des extraterrestres. Une comédie romantique, plutôt ?

Sookie : Pas maintenant. J'ai besoin d'être seule.


Sam part et voit Tara qui arrive.


Sam : Elle a dit qu'elle voulait être seule.

Tara : Pas moi.

Sam : Moi non plus.


Sookie s'assied à la cuisine et mange le reste de tarte de sa grand-mère. Elle pleure.


Sam et Tara arrive dans un mini studio que Tara loue.


Des voisins parlent de poulet et se disputent pour savoir qui va manger quoi.


Tara : T'inquiète, elle dit ça tout le temps ! A l'intérieur. Allez, tu dois admettre que ça a un certain charme. Tu veux une bière ? Elles sont tièdes.

Sam : Oui, bien sûr. C'est vraiment ici que tu vis ?

Tara : Oui, c'est vraiment là que je vis. Tu veux me faire me sentir mal ?

Sam : Non, c'est juste que… Je croyais que t'étais chez Lafayette.

Tara : Avant. Tu sais qu'il a une webcam dans ses toilettes ? Pas question qu'une bande de pervers me regarde pisser.

Sam : T'aurais dû me dire que tu cherchais un endroit où crécher.

Tara : Pourquoi ? Pour que t'enfourches ton cheval blanc pour me sauver ?

Sam : Pourquoi tu fais ça ?

Tara : Faire quoi ?

Sam : Tu transformes tout en conflit. C'est si dur de laisser quelqu'un être gentil avec toi ?

Tara : Je sais pas. J'ai peut-être une piètre opinion de moi. C'est peut-être ma seule façon d'exprimer mes vrais sentiments.

Sam : Je dois y aller.

Tara : Détends-toi ! Je te charriais.

Sam : Et si j'en ai marre d'être charrié ?

Tara : Reste, s'il-te-plaît.

Sam : Pourquoi ?

Tara : Parce que je le veux.

Sam : Je ne veux pas jouer. Je ne veux pas être sans attaches. Je veux quelque chose de réel dans ma vie.

Tara : Et moi pas ?

Sam : Si on fait ça…on le fait vraiment.


Ils s'embrassent.


Sookie a fini sa tarte et monte se changer.  A la nuit tombée, elle court chez Bill en chemise de nuit.


Chez Tara.


Tara : Bordel de merde !

Sam : Je prends ça pour un compliment.

Tara : Je pense que j'en avais vraiment besoin.

Sam : Moi aussi. On recommence !


On entend : Bébé revient. J'en ai besoin. J'en ai besoin à un point que…


Sam : Ils se sont réconciliés (les voisins).

Tara : Ecoute, je dois y aller.

Sam : Quoi ? En plein milieu de la nuit. Y a un problème ? J'ai fait quoi ?

Tara : C'est pas toi. Je suis désolée. On se voit au boulot, ok ?



Chez Jason, il est avec une fille.


La fille : Oh c'est tellement bon.


Bill et Sookie font l'amour devant la cheminée.


Sookie : Y a un problème ? (Bill a ses crocs dehors).


Tara rentre chez sa mère.


Tara : Salut Maman.

Lettie Mae : Je savais que tu viendrais.



Retour chez Bill.


Sookie : Fais-le. Je le veux.


Il la mort au cou. Fin de l'épisode.



SCENE 1: The kitchen of the Stackhouse home. Blood streaks the white walls as Gran's body lies in a pool of blood on the floor. Tina, Sookie's pet cat, licks up some of the drops of blood on the floor. Barefooted, Sookie stands in blood, staring at her grandmother's body. Sookie gasps, pounds the air with her fists, and falls to her knees at Gran's feet. A door creaks as Sookie, still staring at Gran's body, is frightened when someone grabs her from behind.

Bill: Sookie! It's me. Sookie. Sookie, it's me!
(Bill turns Sookie around to face him. Sookie, in shock, stares blankly at him.)
Sookie: Bill.
Bill: You all right?
(Sookie's eyes widen. She gasps deeply.)
Bill: C'mere.
(Bill hugs her, and she holds him tightly.)
(POV of someone approaching the open front door of the Stackhouse home. Footsteps fall on the leaves in the yard, and the steps leading to the wooden front porch. A board creaks. In the kitchen, Bill is still comforting Sookie, and hears the creak. He looks up and toward where the sound came from. He frowns. A hand is on the front door, and Bill exposes his fangs. With lightning speed, Bill grabs the intruder by the throat with his right hand and pushes him against a wall in the doorway between the parlor and the dining room. Bill looks at the intruder with a hard, mean look. It is Sam.)
Sam (shouting): Get your hands off of me!
(Bill does not loosen his grip on Sam's neck. He glowers at Sam.)
Bill (shouting): What are you doin' here?
Sam: I was makin' sure that Sookie got home safe. The door was open. What are you doin' here?
(Sookie appears.)
Sookie: Bill, it's OK! Let him go!
(Bill slowly retracts his fangs, still staring at Sam, and removes his hand from Sam's neck.)
Sam: Sookie?
(Sam looks over at Sookie and sees blood on her hands and legs. Sam looks wild-eyed at Bill.)
Sam: What happened?

Cut to opening credits to the tune of "Bad Things" by Jace Everett

SCENE 2: The dining room of the Stackhouse home. Sookie sits alone, still in shock. Sheriff Bud Dearborn, Detective Andy Bellefleur, Coroner Mike Spencer and his apprentice Neil Jones are in the kitchen.

Sheriff Dearborn (off-camera): Did you get any prints off that drawer?
Andy Bellefleur (off-camera): Nothing plain. Think we got a partial one on the sink.
(Sam places a blanket over Sookie's shoulders.)
Sam: Hey.
(Sam sits across from Sookie, leaning forward.)
Sam: Why don't you go upstairs and lie down? They're gonna be in there a while.
(Sookie looks at Sam, but says nothing.)
Sam: As soon as we find anything out, I'll let you know.
(Sookie looks down and hears the intermingled thoughts of Neil Jones (whose face is barely visible), Andy Bellefleur, Mike Spencer, and Sheriff Dearborn.)
Neil Jones (thinking): I got blood on my boots. So much blood, I'm gonna be sick.
Andy Bellefleur (thinking): Pull it together, pull the together ! Do your job. No wonder they don't respect you.
Mike Spencer (thinking): ...cut her up real good. Must be 30 stabs. The throat's wide open. Holy hell, we got ourselves a serial killer here.
Sheriff Dearborn (thinking): ...Lynn and the grandkids to the lake for the weekend...
Andy Bellefleur (thinking): Poor woman, stuck raising these bad- crazy Stackhouse kids didn't deserve this.
Sam: Sookie?!
(Sookie looks up at Sam.)
Sookie: Maybe I could...use a little air.
(Sookie stands up, with the blanket still around her shoulders, walks to the front door, goes outside, and sits on the porch, straight up with her legs together, seemingly staring into space. Her legs still have Gran's blood on them. Sam comes out onto the porch, leaving the door slightly ajar. He slowly walks up to where Sookie sits. The sounds of crickets chirping and a police radio are heard in the background. Sam sits next to Sookie.)
Sam: Listen. I should never have left you alone, I lost my temper, and I shouldn't have.
(Sookie faces Sam.)
Sookie: Do you think you could apologize to me some other time?!
Sam: I just...
(Sam grasps Sookie's hand in her lap, and looks at her.)
Sam: Whatever you need, anything I can do, you know, I'm right here.
Sookie (unemotionally): I know. Thank you.
Sam (thinking): ... hold you, make it better. I'm the one. I'm so sorry. Sorrowful. Soft skin.
(Sookie takes her hand away from Sam.)
Sookie: I said another time, Sam.
Sam: OK.
(Sookie and Sam look away from one another and are silent for a while.)
Sookie: What happened to Bill?
(Sam makes a sour look with his face, and growls.)
Sam: I'll go get him.
(Sookie nods, and looks toward Sam as he goes inside the house.)
Sookie: Thank you.
(Inside the Stackhouse home, Bill is looking out through a window in Sookie's dimly-lit bedroom upstairs as Sam walks into the room. Bill turns slightly toward Sam.)
Sam: She's askin' for you.
(Bill takes a few steps toward Sam.)
Bill: Is there somethin' you wanna say to me?
(Sam looks to his left, then his right, and approaches Bill from Bill's left.)
Sam: I want you to stay away from her.
(Bill and Sam lock stares.)
Bill: You know, Sookie doesn't take kindly to people makin' decisions for her.
Sam: You don't need to tell me who Sookie is.
(Sam resumes pacing the room behind Bill.)
Sam: I know who she is. I've known a long time.
(Bill turns to face Sam.)
Bill: Then you also know that this is neither the time nor the place for you to...mark your territory.
(From the window, it seems daylight is approaching.)
Sam: There's a woman lyin' dead downstairs. She wouldn't be there if it weren't for you.
(Sam steps closer to Bill.)
Sam: Anything happens to Sookie, I promise...I'll be sharpening a stake with your name on it!
(Sam and Bill stare at one another, and Sam leaves Sookie's bedroom. Bill returns to the window, opens it, and places his hand through a hole in the screen window.

SCENE 3: The kitchen of the Stackhouse home. Mike Spencer and Neil Jones are kneeling beside Gran's body. Neil's face is more visible now. He is brunet, with an emo hairstyle.

Mike Spencer: Looks like she put up a hell of a fight. See those defensive cuts on her hand? Straight to the bone?
Neil Jones: Uhm. Hardcore.
(Sheriff Dearborn and Andy Bellefleur are in the doorway of the kitchen.)
Andy Bellefleur: Psycho son of a bitch. Goin' after her all the way that way...just about the sickest thing I ever seen.
(Sheriff Dearborn chuckles. The sound of a zipper is heard.)
Sheriff Dearborn: Nah. I've seen worse.
(Sheriff Dearborn turns to face Andy.)
Sheriff Dearborn: There was a murder about six years ago. Lady snapped. Blew her husband's head off while he was watching the game. Big chunks of the brain all over the TV.
Andy Bellefleur: Why'd she do it?
Sheriff Dearborn: I guess she wanted to watch somethin' else. How the hell would I know, Andy?! People don't murder because they're right in the head.
(Unintelligible speech is heard from a police radio.)
Andy Bellefleur (frowning): I told you we never should have released Jason Stackhouse.
Sheriff Dearborn: Now, come on. This is his grandma we're talkin' about.
Andy Bellefleur: Do you think that little pervert ain't capable?
Sheriff Dearborn: Well, Adele did bring the fanger into a church. Sure that ruffled more than a few feathers...if he didn't do it himself.
Andy Bellefleur: But vampire Bill said that...
Sheriff Dearborn: Vampire Bill? You're on a first-name basis with that bloodsucker now? These things are crafty. They've been killin' long enough to know how to cover their tracks.
(Bill enters the kitchen.)
Bill: Am I interruptin'?
Andy Bellefleur: Whoa! Mr. Compton, this is...an official crime scene. You can't be in here!
Sheriff Dearborn: It's all right Andy. (looking at Bill) I suspect vampire Bill's been around a dead body or two before. Isn't that right, sir?
(Bill stares at Sheriff Dearborn.)
Sheriff Dearborn: Friend of yours, wasn't she?
(Bill looks toward the floor.)
Bill: Yes, I suppose she was.
(Sheriff Dearborn removes his hat.)
Sheriff Dearborn: Well...we got a couple more questions for you. You mind?
Bill: No, not at all.
(Sheriff Dearborn, Bill, and Andy Bellefleur walk to the parlor. Bill's arms are folded.)
Andy Bellefleur: Sookie tells you were here when she found the body. Is that right?
Bill: I arrived a few moments after.
Sheriff Dearborn: Kind of late to be making house calls.
(Bill stares at Sheriff Dearborn.)
Sheriff Dearborn: All right. I guess you don't sleep, huh?
Andy Bellefleur: They sleep, just not at night.
Sheriff Dearborn (to Bill, who is off-camera): So you make a habit of visitin' Miss Stackhouse in the middle of the night?
Bill (unfolding his arms): We had certain personal matters to discuss. After you left my home, I was waitin' for her to return from her engagement. When I heard her car in the drive, I came across the cemetery.
Andy Bellefleur: You're saying, you heard a car comin' from clean across the cemetery?
Bill: Heightened senses are a common side effect of our condition.
Andy Bellefleur: But you didn't see or hear any other vehicles comin' from the house? Somethin' like a truck, maybe?
Bill: No.
Sheriff Dearborn: A lot of folks would not be too keen on a vampire movin' in next door. But Adele Stackhouse, she welcomed you with open arms, didn't she?
Bill: She was very gracious, yes.
Sheriff Dearborn: So...Maudette Pickens, Dawn Green, Adele Stackhouse, they were all very gracious to your, uh...people. That's just about the one thing they had in common.
(Sheriff Dearborn smiles smugly.)
Sheriff Dearborn: Now, is that one hell of a plus-size coincidence or what?
Bill: I don't believe so, no.
Andy Bellefleur: Excuse me?
Bill: I suspect whoever did this is targeting women who associate with vampires.
Andy Bellefleur: You can't be serious. Adele Stackhouse and a vamp?
Bill: Oh, I don't think Sookie's grandmother was the intended victim.
(Sookie is still sitting on the porch with the blanket wrapped around her. Sam is sitting next to her. They are not looking at one another. A voice is heard on a police radio. The speech is unintelligible. Sookie turns to Sam.)
Sookie: I should probably call Jason.
(Sam faces Sookie.)
Sam: Aw, I can do it if you like.
(Sookie nods.)
Sookie: Thank you.
(Sam takes his cell phone out, stands up, and walks away. Cut to Jason's bedroom. Empty green Dos Equis bottles are on the carpeted floor, as are a yellow Playtex glove and a blue g-string with white stars, and the spilled contents of a black purse. Jason snores in bed, a woman's arm draped over his back. Jason's cell phone rings and vibrates on the nightstand. Jason slowly turns to grab it, and throws the phone to the bedroom window, breaking a louvered window shutter. In his bed, Jason is shown naked with Randi Sue.)
(Sam is a few steps away from the Stackhouse front porch, with his cell phone up to his ear. Sookie is still sitting on the steps with the blanket wrapped around her.)
Jason (via pre-recorded voice mail message): This is Stackhouse. You know what to do.
(Bill comes out of the house, and Sookie stands and turns and walks toward him. Sam turns around to see Bill.)
Generic pre-recorded female voice-mail voice: To leave a voice message...
(Sam closes his cell phone and walks up to the porch.)
Sookie: Bill, what's going on?
Bill: They're about to move your grandmother.
(Bill puts his arm around Sookie and they walk to one side of the porch. Sam walks up the steps to the porch. Andy Bellefleur opens the screen door, followed by Sheriff Dearborn, and Bill and Sookie turn to face them.)
Andy Bellefleur: Sookie, you might wanna go sleep...at a friend's. Someplace less isolated.
Sookie: I'm not goin' anywhere.
Bill: Uh, Sookie, perhaps...
(Sookie turns to Bill.)
Sookie: No! This is my house. I'm stayin' right here.
Mike Spencer (off-camera): ...turn her there! All right! Comin' through!
(Sheriff Dearborn and Andy Bellefleur turn to see Mike Spencer and Neil Jones come through the front door with Gran's body on a wheeled gurney. Sam looks at Sookie from across the porch and she returns the look before returning her attention to Mike Spencer and Neil Jones. Neil Jones looks at Sookie as he passes her, and Sookie hears his thoughts.)
Neil Jones (thinking): Please, God. Hope she didn't recognize me at the vampire bar.
(Sookie catches a glimpse of Neil Jones, wearing makeup, a black half-tank, and a wild hairstyle, as he appeared at Fangtasia in S01E04, scene 16, after Bill says “Well, don't get too comfortable. It tends to get more authentic as the night wears on.”)
Neil Jones (thinking): I look different, it was dark, and she was fang-bangin'..
Sheriff Dearborn (looking at Sookie; thinking): ...dumb luck you're not in that bag right now, ' that vampire.
(Sookie stares at Sheriff Dearborn.)
Sheriff Dearborn (thinking): You could be next.
Sheriff Dearborn: I'm truly sorry about your grandmother.
Sookie: Are y'all done in there, 'cause I'd like to clean up? If that's all right?
Sheriff Dearborn: All right, then. You call us at the first sign of anything.
(The Sheriff and Andy Bellefleur turn and walk away.)
Andy Bellefleur (to Sam): Keep an eye on her.
Sam: I will.
Bill (to Sookie): They are right. You should not stay here.
Sam: I agree. You can have my trailer. I'll sleep at the bar.
Sookie (to both): I'm as safe here as anywhere. Besides, I've got both of you to protect me, haven't I?
Bill: Sookie...I have to go.
(Sookie nods.)
Sookie: Of course. It's almost dawn.
(Bill nods slightly.)
Bill: I will come back later.
(Sam approaches Bill.)
Sam: I can take it from here.
(Sam and Bill stare intently at one another.)
Sookie (to Bill): Don't worry about me. Go.
(Sookie watches Bill as he walk away. Sam and Sookie share a bit of silence.)
Sookie: Uh, there's an extra mop 'round back. Would y'mind gettin' it for me?
Sam: Sookie...
Sookie: Gran took a lot of pride in her home. She wouldn't want anyone to see it like this.
(Sookie walks inside the house, leaving Sam looking confused.)

SCENE 4: Sookie is on her knees in the kitchen at the spot where Gran's body was found. Blood is on the floor. Sookie is wearing the same dress as earlier, plus blue Playtex gloves. A small wash tub is on the floor near her. She picks up a rag from the wash tub and wrings water from it. She washes the blood from the floor.

SCENE 5: The next day at the Stackhouse home. POV of someone bearing a covered dish as Sam opens the front door.

Sam: Aw, hey, that looks great. Why don't you... why don't you put it in the kitchen.
(Sam points the way to the kitchen, En route to the kitchen, we see and hear a number of visitors inside, mostly older people, both white and African-American, talking amongst themselves, still from the POV of the Bearer of the Covered Dish.)
Unknown Female Visitor #1: It was so sad.
Unknown Male Visitor #1: That Stackhouse girl hasn't come out of the kitchen.
Unknown Female Visitor #2: I heard she hasn't cried a single tear.
Unknown Female Visitor #3: You know she's been goin' around with that vampire.
(Still from the POV of the Bearer of the Covered Dish, we enter the kitchen. Sookie is sitting at the breakfast table, her back toward us. Tara walks into the kitchen from the small back stairwell of the kitchen. Sookie turns to greet the Bearer of the Covered Dish, who is revealed to be Maxine Fortenberry, dressed in bright pink.)
Sookie: Oh, uh...Mrs. Fortenberry, you shouldn't have.
Mrs. Fortenberry (somewhat melodramatically): You poor child. I am so sorry for your loss.
(Sookie shakes her head.)
Sookie: That's very kind of you. Um...Gran often talked about you, so...
(Tara takes the covered dish from Mrs. Fortenberry and walks to another part of the house.)
Sookie: ...thank you.
(Tara is joined by Lafayette, wearing a purple tie-dye pullover shirt and black babushka.)
Tara: Yeah, 'cause nothing says “I'm sorry” like a tuna cheese casserole.
Lafayette: Another one?
(Lafayette looks over his shoulder.)
Lafayette: I ain't seen Jason. Is he here yet?
Tara: How the hell should I know? I ain't his keeper.
(Tara turns away from Lafayette.)
Lafayette: Bitch.
(Mrs. Fortenberry is still talking with Sookie at the breakfast table.)
Mrs. Fortenberry: Adele was an angel sent from Heaven, too good for this world. We're all gonna miss her so much.
Mrs. Fortenberry (thinking): Heard they almost cut off her head. I don't see any blood. I should have gotten here sooner. Maybe I should have brought my red velvet cake instead.
(Sookie stands up.)
Sookie: Excuse me?
(Sookie walks away from Mrs. Fortenberry, and is almost immediately hugged by Arlene, who is crying.)
Arlene: Oh, Sookie? I just can't believe it. Are you all right?
Sookie: I'm fine, Arlene. Thanks for comin'.
Arlene: Of course...It's the least I could do. Oh...you poor thing. I can't imagine what you're goin' through.
(Arlene offers a shy chuckle, and becomes serious again.)
Arlene: Now, if you need help with moving or anything at all...
(Sookie looks surprised.)
Sookie: Uh, I'm... am I movin'? I'm not movin'.
(Arlene looks disgusted.)
Arlene: But honey. With it happenin'... right here.
Sookie: I have far more good memories of this kitchen than bad ones.
Arlene (smiling): Oh, what a good way to look at it. You know, you really are smarter than anyone gives you credit for.
(Sookie gives Arlene a “no you just didn't” look.)
Arlene: Oh, sweetie. I didn't mean it like that!
(The refrigerator door is opened and Sookie and Arlene turn toward it to see Mrs. Fortenberry with a pie in her hands, peeling the plastic wrap from it.)
Sookie (shouting): Maxine Fortenberry! You put that pie down right now!
Unknown Male Visitor #2 (off-camera): What's goin' on over there?
Unknown Female Visitor #4 (off-camera): Come here, she's losin' it.
(Sookie storms toward Mrs. Fortenberry and takes the pie from Mrs. Fortenberry. Astonished visitors, including Sam, peer into the kitchen from the dining room.)
Sookie (yelling): This is Gran's pie!
Mrs. Fortenberry: Well, I'm sorry. I was just makin' some room...
(Sookie has a crazed look on her face, and hears some thoughts.)
Mrs. Fortenberry (off-camera; thinking): Poor girl is crazy as a bedbug.
Unknown Male Visitor #3 (off-camera; thinking): We all know you killed your grandmother.
Mrs. Fortenberry (thinking): After I spent all morning making this casserole....
Unknown Male Visitor #4 (off-camera; thinking): ...that she would even show her face in front of everybody...
(Tara walks from the sink to where Sookie stands and escorts Sookie from the kitchen.)
Tara: If you all'll excuse us...I need Sookie upstairs.
(Tara and Sookie pass the onlooking visitors.)
Tara (to Sam): Just give us a little girl-time.
(Tara and Sookie approach the front stairwell.)
Tara: Come on, Lafayette!
(Tara, Sookie, and Lafayette go upstairs. Mrs. Fortenberry watches from the kitchen, and makes a puzzled look at Arlene, who is scratching her head.)
Arlene: Ooommph!

SCENE 6: Sookie's bedroom. On Sookie's bed sits the half-finished pecan pie in a glass pie plate, wrapped in plastic. Sookie and Tara are sitting on one side of Sookie's bed; Lafayette reclines on the other.

Sookie: I shouldn't have lost it like that.
Tara: Don't feel sorry for yelling at that snoopy old bitch. She's been stickin' her nose where it don't belong for years.
Lafayette: Say it. I mean, if she talked any more she'd be shaped like a toilet.
(Tara and Lafayette look at one another and laugh. Sookie looks at them with no discernible emotion.)
Lafayette: I'm sorry.
Sookie: Gran's gone.
(Tara and Lafayette quiet down.)
Sookie: She's really gone.
(Tara and Lafayette look downward.)
Tara: Yeah, she is.
(Sookie shakes her head. A train sounds in the background.)
Sookie: I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Can't even think straight.
Tara: Of course you can't! How can you, with all these circling buzzards?
Lafayette (quietly): Um, hmm.
Tara: You know, you're not their entertainment. You don't have to dance for 'em. You just gotta feel whatever you're feelin'.
Sookie: I'm not sure I'm...feelin' anything. I'm just numb.
Tara: Numb is good.
Lafayette: Yeah.
Tara: “Numb” is probably what you need right now.
Lafayette: Umm.
Tara: Stop worryin' about being so damn appropriate. This is not an “appropriate” event.
(The sounds of birds chirping and insects, as well as muffled voices coming from downstairs, are heard through the silence.)
Sookie: Thank you for gettin' me out of there. Haven't had a single minute of silence. Can't seem to...block anything out right now.
Tara: You want me to tell 'em all to shut the hell up?
Sookie: I wish it were that easy.
Lafayette: It is. Your wish...
(Lafayette pulls out a plastic bag of pills from his pants pocket.)
Lafayette: ...is my command.
Sookie: Oh, no. I don't do drugs.
Lafayette: Sook. Relax! This is not drugs. This...is just a Valium.
(Lafayette holds one of the pills up. Tara chuckles. Sookie says nothing.)
Lafayette: Well, I tell you what: Put in on your nightstand...
(Sookie takes the pill from Lafayette.)
Lafayette: ...just in case you change your mind. I'm gonna go and check on the circlin' buzzards.
(Lafayette gets up off the bed. Sookie has the pie in her hand.)
Sookie: Lafayette?
Lafayette: Yes, ma'am.
(Sookie hands the pie to Lafayette.)
Sookie: Would you mind... taking this downstairs for me?
(Lafayette takes the pie from Sookie.)
Lafayette: I will guard it with my life.
(Lafayette leaves the bedroom.)

SCENE 7: Jason is driving his pickup truck, traveling at a high rate of speed. Loud music comes from the truck's stereo. A siren is heard in the background. Jason looks at his watch, worn on his right hand. He approaches an intersection where a road crew is working. The tires squeal as he turns the corner. He parks his truck nearby. He cuts off the engine, and the music shuts off.

René (off-camera): Holy . This ain't no good.
(Jason gets out of his truck. The daylight seems to be a bit too bright for him as he walks to the road crew.)
Jason: Yeah I know, I know. I'm late.
(Daylight seems to flash brightly in Jason's eyes, perhaps an aftereffect of the V-juice he used the previous day, as he approaches René and Hoyt.)
Jason: My alarm broke and I couldn't find my phone.
René: Jason...Jason.
Jason: Yeah.
René: What...are you doin' here?
Jason: My job.
(Jason chuckles.)
René: Aww...! (to Hoyt): He don't know, then?
(Hoyt, wide-eyed, turns to Jason. Jason look at Hoyt and René.)
Hoyt: Man, I am so sorry.
(Hoyt pats Jason on the left shoulder. Jason looks puzzled.)
Jason: About what?

SCENE 8: Sookie's bedroom. Tara and Sookie are laying on their fronts across the bed. Tara's arms are folded under her head, and Sookie holds a pillow. Soft music plays in the background.

Tara: Do you want me to call anyone? Your cousin Hadley?
(Sookie is seated on the edge of her bed.)
Sookie: No one has heard from her for in over a year, since she ran away from that rehab Gran paid for. I don't even know how to get hold of her.
Tara: What about Bill? You wanna invite him?
Sookie: Tara, he can't go.
Tara: Oh. Right.
Sookie: It's not like you've...known a lot of vampires. It kinda takes gettin' used to.
Tara: I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it.
(Sookie stares at Tara.)
Tara: What? Not everyone is as open-minded as you. Shoot me. You should hear the things people are sayin'.
Sookie (slightly louder than before): I do.
(Tara looks at Sookie wide-eyed.)
Sookie: Bill did not kill my grandmother!
Tara: Don't you get all mad at me. Nobody's blamin' Bill...exactly. But didn't you tell me he had scary-ass friends?
Sookie: Not all the vampires are like that.
Tara: I'd lose it if anything happened to you. You know that, right?
Sookie: Tara, last night was so horrible. I don't know how I would've gotten through it if it weren't for Bill. I don't know how to explain it exactly, but...
(The sound of a truck approaching at a high rate of speed and screeching to a stop is heard.)
Sookie: ...it's like I almost feel normal.
(The sound of a truck door being slammed shut is heard.)
(Downstairs, Jason throws open the front door of the Stackhouse home. The visitors turn to him, shocked at his sudden appearance. Jason looks around, then runs upstairs. He throws open the door to Sookie's bedroom. Sookie stands up.)
Sookie: Jason...
(Jason slaps Sookie across her face with his right hand, knocking her down to the bed. Tara runs to Jason.)
Tara (screaming): What the ?
Jason (to Sookie, yelling): It's your fault!
(Jason points his left index finger at Sookie.)
Jason: Gran is dead 'cause o' you.
(Sookie sits up on the bed, her left hand to her left cheek. She frowns at Jason.)
Jason (yelling): It should have been you!
(Jason lunges at Sookie, but Tara grabs him.)
Tara (yelling): Don't you lay your hands on her!
(Jason looks at Sookie.)
Jason: She's a vampire, Tara....
(Jason walks to Sookie's bed.)
Jason (shouting): A vampire!
(Tara gets between Jason and Sookie and faces Jason.)
Tara (shouting): Yeah, and that vampire was here for her when you weren't!
(Jason stares wildly at Sookie.)
Tara (shouting): You oughta be ashamed of yourself! Is that how you grandmother raised you? To beat on your own sister? Look at you! I don't even recognize you anymore! Get the hell out of here!
(Tara pushes Jason away.)
Tara: Get out! Get out!
(Tara pushes Jason out of the bedroom and closes the door. She turns and walks over to Sookie, who begins sobbing.)
Tara: You OK?
(Tara sits on the bed and takes a look at Sookie's cheek. Sookie reaches to the nightstand for the blue Valium pill she took from Lafayette, and puts it in her mouth.)

SCENE 9: Outside the Stackhouse home. Jason walks out from the house onto the porch, down the steps, and walks to his truck, where Detective Andy Bellefleur stands waiting for him.

Andy Bellefleur: Stackhouse? Need to ask you a few questions.
Jason: Not now, Andy.
(Andy Bellefleur places his hand on Jason's chest and stops him.)
Andy Bellefleur: Where were you last night?
Jason: I don't know. I was with a girl.
Andy Bellefleur: Tara Thornton?
(Jason looks up at Andy Bellefleur.)
Jason: What? No.
Andy Bellefleur: Yeah, I didn't think so. What's this one's name?
(A few visitors to the Stackhouse home, including Lafayette, walk onto the porch to witness the confrontation.)
Jason: I don't remember her name, OK? Uh, I got a number. I don't know what I did with it, though.
Andy Bellefleur: Why, ain't that convenient.
(Jason shakes his head.)
Jason: What the hell is that supposed to mean, Andy?
Andy Bellefleur: It's “Detective Bellefleur.” And what the you think it means?
(Jason snarls at Andy Bellefleur.)
Jason: Are you sayin' I killed my grandmother?
(With great force, Jason pushes Andy Bellefleur up against the passenger side of the truck, setting off the truck's alarm. Andy falls to the ground. Jason turns toward the house and notices the onlookers. Jason walks around to the other side of his truck and silences the alarm. Andy briefly winces in pain.)
Lafayette (to himself): You's a stupid bitch, Jason Stackhouse.
(Jason drives away as Andy tries to get up.)

SCENE 10: In the kitchen of the Stackhouse home, Mrs. Fortenberry and Arlene are talking, each holding a glass of iced tea.

Mrs. Fortenberry: Jason Stackhouse tossed Andy Bellefleur like he was nothin' but a rag doll.
Arlene: René makes me watch that Friday Night Smackdown with him. Those men are built thicker than walls, but I ain't never seen one of them do that.
(Lafayette approaches Arlene and Mrs. Fortenberry with a glass pitcher of iced tea and refills their glasses.)
Lafayette: Well, you know Jason? He work out a lot. He real strong.
(Arlene looks at Lafayette and nods.)
Arlene (sarcastically): Um, hmm.
(Lafayette walks away, and Tara walks down the stairwell, stops, and turns to address the visitors downstairs.)
Tara: All right everybody! Sookie needs her rest. It's time for y'all to go now.
(The crowd, including Sam and Arlene, quiet down.)
Tara (shouting): What the hell are you all starring? You heard me! The sideshow's over. Now git! Let's go, let's go!
(The crowd begins to leave.)
Tara: We appreciate y'all comin' out. We love y'all. Come on, let's go. Let's go. Thank you.
(The visitors leave, but Sam stands still. He looks at Tara.)
Tara: That means you too, Sam.
(Sam hesitates before he walks up to Tara.)
Tara: Look, I get it. But right now, she needs to be alone.
Sam: Well, if there's anything I can do, you call me.
Tara: You're a good friend. Now get the out of here. Please.
Sam (whispering): All right.
(Sam leaves. Tara looks over at Arlene.)
Tara: Don't make me throw y'all out myself, 'cause you know I will.
(Arlene, an unknown female, and Mrs. Fortenberry leave. Arlene glares at Tara as she passes her.)
Arlene: I heard you, Tara.
(Mrs. Fortenberry and Tara exchange glares.)

SCENE 11: The dining room of the Stackhouse home. Lafayette and Tara are looking at the dishes of food, brought (and half-eaten) by visitors.

Lafayette: What the is it with white people and Jell-O? I don't understand.
Tara (exhales deeply): What the hell are we gonna do with all of this?
Lafayette: Toss it. Sookie don't need no bad juju cookin'.
Tara: Bad juju?
Lafayette: Way to a man's heart is through his stomach. That true as gold. You put some love in your food and folk can taste it. Smell this. You can smell the...the fear and nastiness comin' off that kern bread.
(Lafayette hands a glass bread pan with corn bread in it to Tara. Tara eats a pinch of it.)
Tara: Tastes just fine to me.
Lafayette: See, bitch, you gonna wish you ain't did that. Watch.
(Sookie is asleep, laying fully-clothed on her back, on top of her bed. A gentle breeze blows through the window. A creaking sound is heard. Two hands appear and grab Sookie around her throat, waking her. She coughs as she is being choked.)
Sookie (in a choked whisper): Bill!
(Bill's eyes open in darkness, and we pass away from him through stone and wood and into his house's entry hall. We hear the glass components of his chandelier tinkling and insects chirping. Through the long, narrow glass windows on either side of his front door, we see that it is sunset. We see Bill laying fully-clothed on his back as he turns on a small light and looks at the analog watch on his left wrist. The time reads 5:49.)
Bill (screaming, yet restrained): No!
(Bill is laying fully-clothed on his back, underneath his house, trying to move, but he seems unable to. He tries to get up, but cannot, and exhales in exasperation.)

SCENE 12: The Stackhouse front porch at sunset. Birds and insects chirp, then dark clouds hide the sun. It is night. Sookie's car is parked in front of the house. Inside, Lafayette sweeps the living room floor and Tara is looking out through a window. She turns, picks up some plates, and approaches Lafayette.

Tara: Maybe I should go check on Sookie.
Lafayette: Trust me. That child is dead to the world right now.
(The front door bursts open and Bill runs upstairs with lightning speed. Tara puts down the plates she picked up, looks toward the stairwell.)
Tara: What the ...?
(Tara and Lafayette run upstairs. Bill rushes to Sookie's side. Sookie is laying on her bed, motionless. Her bedroom is unlit, save for a hurricane lamp on a bedside table.)
Bill: Sookie. Sookie!
(Tara and Lafayette enter Sookie's bedroom.)
Tara: What the hell are you doin'?
(Bill shakes Sookie.)
Bill: Sookie! Sookie! Sookie! Sookie!
(Sookie opens her eyes.)
Bill: Soo...
(Bill and Sookie look at one another silently for a short while.)
Sookie: Bill, what's wrong?
(Bill exhales deeply.)
Bill: I thought...(smiling)...I had a dream. That's all. You go back to sleep.
Sookie: But I...
Bill: Don't worry. I'm not goin' anywhere.
(Bill and Sookie look at one another.)
Bill: Go on.
(Sookie turns her head and closes her eyes. She turns over onto her right side, facing away from Bill, who has his left arm around her waist. He removes his arm and kneels at the side of her bed, watching her. Downstairs, Lafayette sits in the living room while Tara stands with her arms folded, looking out through a window at Bill, who stands in the front lawn holding a bottle of Tru:Blood in his hand.)
Tara: You think they're capable of lovin' a person?
(Lafayette stands up and joins Tara by the window.)
Lafayette: Who knows what they're capable of.
(As Bill takes a sip from the bottle of Tru:Blood, a dog resembling a border collie runs up and sits near Bill, focusing its attention on the Stackhouse home. Bill looks at the dog, then looks up toward where the dog is looking. Bill takes another drink of Tru:Blood and the dog lets out a quiet bark.)

SCENE 13: The iron filigree gate reads “BONTEMPS CEMETERY” across its arch. It is a sunny day for Gran's graveside service. Crows caw in the background. A woman sings the hymn “Softly And Tenderly” a capella.

Female singer (off-camera): ...tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling, 'O sinner, come home!'
(The service is well-attended. Several mourners fan themselves. Sookie, dressed in black with her hair pulled back into a bun, sits in the front row. Tara, also dressed in black, sits at Sookie's right. To Tara's right sits Lafayette, in a black suit, purple shirt and tie, and no babushka; he is bald. Behind Tara and Lafayette sits Hoyt Fortenberry and his mother, Maxine. At Sookie's left sits Jason, wearing a navy blue suit, with his arms folded. Jason's maroon tie is loosened and his white shirt is unbuttoned at the neck. Part of Jason's shirt collar hangs outside of his suit jacket. Jason's legs bounce up and down nervously. Behind Jason sit René and Arlene. Blue, pink, purple, and white flowers rest on top of Gran's closed casket. A blue bow bears the words “Beloved Grandmother”. The singer has her eyes closed as she sings from a podium near the casket.)
Female singer: Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me. See, on the portal...
(Sam is sitting behind Jason, next to Arlene, and looks off into the distance.)
Female singer: ...He’s waiting and watching...
(Terry Bellefleur weeps. His cousin, Detective Andy Bellefleur, scowls as he looks away from Terry. In front of Andy is Sheriff Dearborn).
Female singer: ...calling, 'O sinner, come home!'
(The singer closes her hymnal and steps down from the podium. A robed minister takes her place. Jason wipes his face with his tie.)
Minister: Lord, we gather here today to remember the life of Adele Stackhouse. To celebrate the time that she enjoyed here on earth.
(Sookie notices someone in a wheelchair being pushed along a path.)
Minister (off-camera): And to thank you for each precious moment...
(Sookie squeezes Tara's left hand tightly.)
Tara (quietly): Ow! Sookie, my hand.
(Sookie looks startled.)
Sookie: Sorry... sorry.
(An elderly man is in the wheelchair. He is being pushed by Neil Jones, who pushes the wheelchair up to the left of Sam.)
Minister (off-camera): ...the family, the friends, the community. But even as we grieve, we shall be comforted, knowing that she is in peace now in Lord's kingdom.
(Sookie stares at the elderly man. Jason greets him with a pat on the knee. Neil leaves.)
Minister (off-camera): And there shall not be more death...
(Sookie looks at the elderly man with a stern look on her face.)
Sookie: Uncle Bartlett, what are you doing here?!
(Uncle Bartlett nods.)
Uncle Bartlett: She was my sister.
Sookie: You haven't been part of this family in a long time.
(Sookie and Uncle Bartlett exchange glares.)
Jason: Sook, come on. Give the guy a break.
Minister (off-camera): ...Sookie Stackhouse has prepared a few words.
(Sookie stares sternly at Jason.)
Minister (off-camera): Honey?
(Sookie realizes the minister is speaking to her.)
Minister: You wanted to say a few words?
(Sookie grabs her handbag, and stands up.)
Tara: Sookie, you OK?
(Sookie walks past Jason, Sam, and Uncle Bartlett to the podium. She takes a folded piece of paper from her handbag. She unfolds the piece of paper, and addresses the mourners.)
Sookie: Adele Stackhouse was...everything to me. She wasn't just my grandmother. She was...my parent, my teacher, and my best friend.
(Sookie picks up some intermingled thoughts from the mourners.)
Unknown female mourner #1 (thinking): Oh, please! If it weren't for you, she would be alive.
Unknown male mourner #1 (thinking): What's this world comin' to? A vampire lover givin' a eulogy...
Unknown female mourner #2 (thinking): I thought she was a good girl. I guess you can never know.
Unknown male mourner #2 (thinking): You oughta be in that grave. And you will be...
(Sookie looks at the mourners and continues.)
Sookie: To say she'll be missed...just dudn't cut it, 'cause...I can't even imagine a world without her in. She was always there, with a kind word, and a hot meal, and a shoulder to cry on. Not just for me, but...
Uncle Bartlett (off-camera; thinking): Forgive me, Adele, please forgive me.
Sookie: ...for everyone who knew her.
Uncle Bartlett (thinking): I never meant to hurt no one. I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry...
Unknown female mourner #1 (thinking): Poor pathetic thing. Can't even pretend she's not as nuts as nuts can be...
Sheriff Dearborn (thinking): You're sleepin' with your grandmother's killer.
Unknown female mourner #3 (thinking): Your grandmother's dead because of you.
Sookie (shouting): Shut up! All of you, just shut the up!
(The crowd mumble among themselves.)
Unknown female mourner #4 (thinking): Look at her, cursing...[/i]
Unknown male mourner #4 (thinking): This whole world's just plain crazy....
Sam (thinking): ...freak accident, oh my God...
Andy Bellefleur (off-camera; thinking): ...oughta just lock her up and throw away the key.
(Sookie grabs her handbag and runs away from the service. Jason runs after her.)
Minister: Well...ahem. Is there anyone else who'd care to share a few words?
(The mourners mumble, but are otherwise speechless.)
Lettie Mae: I got something to say.
(The crowd turns to see Lettie Mae Thornton standing up from behind Hoyt and walking up to the front.)
Lafayette (to Tara): What is she doin'?
(Tara grabs Lettie Mae's arm as she walks past.)
Tara: No, Momma.
(Lettie Mae breaks free and continues walking to the podium.)
Lafayette: Oh my God, girl. This is about to get ugly.
(The minister steps aside as Lettie Mae approaches the podium. She seems slightly unsteady on her feet as she addresses the crowd.)
Lettie Mae: I didn't know Miss Stackhouse like a lot of you did. But the few times I did meet her...she was nuttin' but kind to me. She was a good, God-fearin' woman. And when I was going through some bad things, my daughter'd go stay with her, and I always knew she would be just fine. Adele Stackhouse took care of my baby when I couldn't. An' I'll always be grateful for that.
(Lettie Mae steps away from the podium.)

SCENE 14: Sookie continues running through the cemetery.

Jason (off-camera): Sookie!
(Jason is still running after Sookie.)
Jason: Sookie, just hold on a sec.
(Sookie stops running and turns to face Jason, who also stops running, stopping a short distance from her.)
Sookie: Why? So you can hit me again? Go ahead, tell me it's all my fault. Tell me how you wish it were me in that coffin. I deserve it.
Jason: I'm sorry.
(Jason tries to catch his breath. He walks up to Sookie as if to hug her.)
Jason: I'm so sorry.
Sookie: Don't touch me!
Jason: Now, I didn't mean to hurt you. You gotta know that.
Sookie: You invited Uncle Bartlett! How could you do that?
Jason: He has a right to be here! Look, I know he and Gran had their problems, but whatever they were, it don't matter no more. 'Cause that's what family does. We forgive each other.
Sookie: You have no idea of what you're talking about!
Jason: Sookie, please? I mean, we're all we've got.
Sookie: We've got nothin'.
(Sookie turns and runs away from Jason. Jason looks around at the gravestones, seemingly confused, and runs in a different direction.)

SCENE 15: Gran's graveside service has ended Some mourners are leaving, others stand talking amongst themselves, while some others remain seated. Maxine Fortenberry has some sort of hand-held electrical device buzzing in her hand (Norelco razor? Cell phone?), puts it in her purse, then turns and waves her hand to get the attention of Lettie Mae.

Mrs. Fortenberry (whispering): Hey!
(Lettie Mae turns around leans toward Mrs. Fortenberry.)
Mrs. Fortenberry: I was moved. Very moved. You know, you should come to our next Descendants of the Glorious Dead's meetin'.
Lettie Mae: Is that some kind of support group thang? I went to one of those AA meetin's once. They were nothin' but a cult.
(Tara grabs Lettie Mae's arm from behind, looking angry at her. Lettie Mae turns to face Tara and smiles.)
Lettie Mae: Hi, baby!
(Lettie Mae turns to Mrs. Fortenberry.)
Lettie Mae: This is my precious daughter, Tara.
Tara (to Lettie Mae): We've met, like, a hundred times too many. (to Mrs. Fortenberry) Excuse us.
(Tara grabs Lettie Mae's arm and pulls her up out of her chair and away from Mrs. Fortenberry.)
Tara: What the hell are you doing?
Lettie Mae: Just talkin' to that nice lady. Let go my arm, you're hurtin' me!
Tara: Oh, I'm hurtin' you. That's funny. 'Cause the last time I saw you, you were beatin' my head in with a bottle.
Lettie Mae: Oh, sweet Jesus! You poor child. I am so sorry.
(Tara rolls her eyes as Lettie Mae hugs her neck. After a few seconds, Tara takes Lettie Mae's arm from around her and confronts her.)
Tara: You had no right to speak for that woman! She was more of a mother to me than you ever were. She took care of me. And she fed me. She put clothes on me. She called social services on you twice! You hated her guts!
Lettie Mae (whispering): No. I didn't.
Tara: Yes you did. You used to call her a white devil bitch.
Lettie Mae: No, Tara. That wasn't me. That wasn't me that said those things.
Tara: Just 'cause you were too drunk to remember don't mean it never happened!
Lettie Mae: Please, baby. Just listen. All those terrible things I did to you? It wasn't me who did them. I have a demon inside o' me.
Tara: Whut?
Lettie Mae: A demon. Livin' and breathin' inside me, eatin' me up.
(Tara is silent for a second, then laughs out loud.)
Lettie Mae: Don't you laugh at the devil, Tara Mae! 'Cause he's as serious as cancer!
Tara: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, you have a demon inside you? Aw, me, that's too good!
(Tara resumes laughing.)
Lettie Mae: It ain't funny! You have no idea what I go through, wrestlin'...with this demon!
(Tara stops laughing.)
Lettie Mae: I try and do right. I try so hard... but it breaks me down.
(Tara looks away from Lettie Mae.)
Lettie Mae: It poisons everything. I want to be the momma you deserve. I can make up for everything. I can! It's not too late! But I can't do this alone.
Tara: You do what?
Lettie Mae: I gotta get it outta me. And it's very expensive.
(Tara stares at Lettie Mae.)
Tara: Then that's why you came to this woman's funeral? 'Cause you want money?
Lettie Mae: I had nowhere else to go.
(Tara starts to leave, but Lettie Mae grabs her.)
Lettie Mae: Tara! Tara, please! Don't walk away from me! I am still you momma.
(Tara gives Lettie Mae a hateful stare and pulls her arm away from Lettie Mae and walks away.)
Lettie Mae: I need you!
(Lettie Mae appears unsteady on her feet as Tara walks away.)
Lettie Mae: You're all I got!
(Lettie Mae begins to sob.)

SCENE 16: Sookie is walking alone through the wooded sun-lit cemetery. Birds sing in the background. She comes upon a small grave marker on the ground. It is partly covered by ivy, and has a lengthwise crack. Sookie kneels in front of it, and brushes away some of the ivy. She rears back upon reading the inscription: WILLIAM THOMAS / COMPTON / BELOVED HUSBAND / ... BRAVE SOLDIER.

SCENE 17: Jacket off, Jason seems sweaty as he leans against the iron filigree gate of the cemetery. Mourners say their good-byes to him.

Unknown male mourner #5 (off-camera): Everything OK?
Unknown male mourner #6 (patting Jason's hand): I'm so sorry.
(As mourners file past Jason, the sunlight seems to flash in Jason's eyes as it did the day before. Their voices intermingle and echo in his ears.)
Unknown male mourner #7: I'm sorry for your loss.
(Andy Bellefleur approaches Jason and gets in his face, frowning.)
Andy Bellefleur: We're not done, Stackhouse.
(As Andy Bellefleur walks away, Jason breathes heavily and clutches his chest.)
Jason (thinking to himself): Oh, !
(Jason walks to his truck. He tosses the suit jacket into the truck through the open driver's-side window, and opens the door. He sits behind the steering wheel of the truck, closes the door, and grimaces in pain as he loosens his already-loosened tie and unbuttons another button of his shirt. His breathing is still heavy as he opens the glove compartment, takes out a plastic bag, and opens it. He takes out a small paper square stained with a red droplet, a dose of V. He starts to put it on his tongue, but hesitates. He throws the dose of V out of the truck onto the ground. He grabs hold of the steering wheel and pulls on it to sit up, wincing, and bucks in his seat.)
Jason: ! !
(As Jason opens the door of the truck, the “key in ignition” buzzer sounds, and after Jason gets out of the truck, it shuts off as he slams the door closed. He begins looking for the dose of V on the ground.)
Jason (thinking to himself, panicking): !
Seemingly failing in his mission to find the dose of V, Jason looks wild-eyed as he sits rigidly in his truck.

SCENE 18: Sookie stands rigidly at Gran's grave-site as Gran's casket, with a spray of pink and purple flowers on its lid, is lowered into the ground. Sam walks up behind her to her right.

Sam: Hey.
(Sookie does not turn her head. Her eyes remain on Gran's casket.)
Sookie: Hey.
Sam: I was lookin' for ya.
Sookie: Well...you found me.
Sam: I liked your speech. What I heard of it, anyway.
(Sookie turns her head to Sam. He looks at her. She returns her attention to Gran's casket.)
Sam: I especially liked the part when you told the whole town to shut the up.
Sookie: Yeah. I'm a real crowd-pleaser.
(Gran's casket has been lowered about halfway down into the grave.)
Sam: I'll walk you home.
(Sookie looks at Sam, and he holds out his left arm for her. She looks at his arm for a moment, then takes it. They continue watching as Gran's casket is lowered for a short while, then turn and walk away. Sookie and Sam walk up to the front door of the Stackhouse home. Sookie's yellow car and another burgundy-colored car are parked to the side of the house. Sookie takes her keys from her handbag.)
Sam: Listen, how 'bout you take a bath, and I find us some stupid movie on TV. Somethin' with aliens.
(Sookie stares at Sam.)
Sam: Romantic comedy, then?
Sookie: Sam, not now. I just...I need to be alone.
(Sam looks down and nods, then looks at Sookie. Sookie opens the screen door and turns to Sam.)
Sookie: Thanks.
(Sookie turns from Sam, unlocks the door and enters the house, leaving Sam alone on the porch. Sam exhales deeply as the sound of the front door closing is heard. Sam walks along the dirt driveway away from the house as Tara walks up to him.)
Sam: She said she wants to be alone.
Tara: Well, I don't.
Sam: Me either.
(Sam and Tara look at one another silently.)

SCENE 19: Sookie walks slowly into the kitchen of the Stackhouse home. The ticking of a clock is heard. The song “Take Me Home” by Lisbeth Scott plays for the duration of the scene.

”In the sweet light of the valley...
(Sookie opens the refrigerator door and takes out the pecan pie made by Gran.)
”...when the sun falls upon the pine...
(Sookie places the pie on the breakfast table and sits down.)
”...I shall lay down all of my troubles...
(Sookie removes the plastic wrap from the pie.)
”...and then lift up this heart of mine.
(Sookie picks up a fork.)
”Take me home, Lord. Oh, take me home...
(Sookie scoops a small bite of pie onto the fork.)
”...O’er the hillside and o’er the sea....
(Sookie eats the small bite of pie.)
”...to the soft grass of the valley/Where Your Grace shall set me free.
(Sookie seems to sob as she chews the piece of pie.)
”Through the shadows of the darkness/Through the storms that lead me astray...
(Sookie scoops a pecan onto the fork. Her sobbing becomes more noticeable.)
”...I shall travel forever knowing/In Your Light I will always stay.
So take me home, Lord. Oh, take me home...

(Sookie scoops a third bite of pie onto the fork.)
”...o’er the hillside and o’er the sea....
(Sookie begins crying as she eats the third bite of pie.)
”...To the soft grass of the valley/where Your Grace shall set me free.”
(Sookie scoops another bite of pie onto the fork.)

SCENE 20: Tara drives her red 1970s AMC Gremlin up to the office of a motel. Sam sits in the passenger seat. Roger, the manager of the motel, is sitting on a plastic pre-formed chair by a table on the front porch of the motel, eating a meal. A woman sits opposite him, and in the parking area, one child sits on a bike as another sits on a short stone wall next to her bike.

Roger: ...won't ever give you enough of this damn chicken.
(Tara gets out of her car and closes the door.)
Roger: Hey.
Tara: Hey, Roger.
Child's voice (off-camera): Lady, I want the legs.
(Sam is now out of the car and has joined Tara as they walk up to the porch of the motel. A couple is heard arguing from one of the motel rooms they pass.)
Unknown argumentative woman (off-camera; shouting): Piece of !
(The sound of glass breaking is heard coming from the couple's room, while strains of death metal seem to come from a different room.)
Unknown argumentative woman (off-camera; shouting): I'll kill you!
Unknown argumentative man (off-camera): [laughs]
(Tara and Sam walk along the porch as Tara fishes the key from her purse.)
Tara: Don't worry. She says that all the time.
(Sam looks around, seemingly unsure of his surroundings. Tara opens the door to her motel room, and they enter. The arguing couple is still heard in the background, as well as the death metal as Sam closes the door and Tara places her purse next to a paper grocery sack on a small table just to the left of the door. There is a pale yellow floral-print love-seat positioned diagonally in a corner directly opposite from the door. The love-seat's right arm abuts a window with orange drapes, and by its left arm is a bed. Tara kicks off her shoes. Sam takes a look at the sparsely-furnished room, and Tara chuckles and smiles.)
Tara: Come on, you gotta admit it has a certain charm!
(Sam leans with his left shoulder up against the wall across from the bed.)
Sam: You live here?
Tara: Uh-huh.
(Sam looks out though a window.)
Tara: You want a beer? They're warm.
(Tara walks to the paper grocery sack on the small table and reaches inside.)
Sam: Uhn...sure.
(Sam turns to face Tara as she him a bottle of beer. She also has one for herself. They twist off the bottle caps.)
Sam: Is this really where you live?
(Sam places the bottle up to his lips and drinks. Tara bounces slightly as she sits on the bed. She isn't smiling anymore. )
Tara: Yes, Sam. This is really where I live. You tryin' to make me feel bad?
(Tara drinks from her bottle.)
Sam: No, no! It's just that... I thought you were stayin' with Lafayette.
Tara: I was. Didja know that he has a web-cam in his bathroom? No way I'm lettin' a bunch of perverts watch me pee.
(Sam chuckles, then walks over to Tara and sits beside her on the bed.)
Sam: You shoulda told me you needed somewhere to stay.
Tara: Why? So you can ride up on your white horse and save me?
(Sam rolls his eyes and turns his head away from Tara and back to her.)
Sam: Why do you do that?
Tara: Do what?
Sam: Try and turn everything into a fight. And why is it so hard to just let someone be nice to you?
Tara: I don't know, Sam. You think maybe I have bad self-esteem? Maybe it's the only way I know to express my real feelin's.
(Tara drinks. Sam just looks at her, then stands up.)
Sam: Listen. I should go.
Tara: Would you relax? I was only teasin'!
(Tara gets up to follow Sam, who is headed for the door.)
Sam: Maybe I'm sick of bein' teased.
Tara: Stay!
(Sam opens the door, and Tara shuts it.)
Tara: Please.
Sam: What for?
Tara: “Cause I want you to.
(Sam turns to face Tara.)
Sam: Well, I don't wanna play games. I don't want no strings. I just...I want somethin' real in my life.
(Tara cradles Sam's cheeks with her hands.)
Tara: And you think I don't?
(Tara loosely hugs Sam's neck. They look into each other's eyes.)
Sam: If we do this...we really did this.
(Tara nods, and they kiss.)

SCENE 21: The kitchen of the Stackhouse home. The empty glass pie plate sits on the kitchen table with a fork resting in it. Sookie stands up and walks, stops, turns toward the table, and turns and walks away. Upstairs in her bedroom, Sookie looks at herself in her vanity mirror. She takes her hair down and changes into a white nightgown. She walks to her window and watches the sunset. Suddenly, Sookie runs out through the front door of the house and down the driveway. At his house, Bill opens the double front doors and looks from his porch. Sookie is running through the cemetery. Bill closes his eyes. Sookie continues running. Bill opens his eyes and looks up to his left. Sookie runs up Bill's front lawn and Bill runs to greet her. They embrace and kiss one another passionately. Bill picks up Sookie in his arms and walks back to his house.

SCENE 22: Tara's motel room, that same night. Tara, wearing a purple bra, falls back on her bed, and screams.

Tara: Holy !
(Tara smiles broadly as Sam, shirtless and smiling broadly, enters into view above her. Both are breathing heavily.)
Sam: I'll take that as a compliment!
Tara: I guess I really needed that.
Sam: Me too. Let's do it again.
(As Sam and Tara kiss, they notice the sound of a door opening in another room and the voices of the argumentative couple from earlier in the day.)
Unknown argumentative woman (off-camera): Come back.
Unknown argumentative man (off-camera): I had to, baby. I'm sorry. I love you.
Unknown argumentative woman (off-camera): I love you too. I need you. I need you so much. You're all I've got.
(The sound of the arguing couple's door closing is heard.)
Sam: I guess they made up.
(Tara stops smiling.)
Tara: Yeah.
Sam: Yeah.
(Sam kisses Tara's cheek, and Tara gets up out of bed.)
Tara: Listen... I gotta go.
Sam: Whoa. What?
(Tara puts her dress on, not facing Sam, who is still in bed.)
Sam: It's the middle of the night. Tara, what just happened? Did I do somethin'?
Tara: It's not about you.
(Tara zips up her dress, and turns to face Sam.)
Tara: I'm sorry.
(Tara bends down, picks up Sam's jeans, and tosses them to him.)
Tara: I'll see you at work, OK?
(Tara turns and leaves the motel room as Sam watches, confused.)

SCENE 23: Somewhere else that same evening, Randi Sue is naked, bouncing up and down. She seems to be enjoying herself.

Randi Sue: This feels so good! Oh, God! I love you. I love you!
(Randi Sue is revealed to be riding Jason, naked on his back, in his bed. Randi Sue is facing away from Jason, who appears to be in some sort of pain.)

SCENE 24: Sookie, still dressed in her white nightgown, is sitting with Bill on his parlor floor in front of his fireplace. She unbuttons his shirt. He places his left arm around her. They kiss. He removes her nightgown. They kiss again. She leans back as he approaches her. He kisses her neck. She touches his lips with her thumb. He kisses her thumb, then stops and grunts. He faces downward.

Sookie: Is...is something wrong?
(Bill raises his head with a sorrowful look on his face, revealing his fangs. Sookie reaches for him, and pulls him toward her, and they kiss.)

SCENE 25: Lettie Mae's house that same evening. The moon is full as Tara enters the living room. Lettie Mae is asleep on the sofa.

Tara (softly): Hi, Momma.
(Lettie Mae opens her eyes.)
Lettie Mae: I knew you'd come.
(Lettie Mae reaches out to Tara, and Tara bends down to hug her.)

SCENE 26: Bill's house. Bill and Sookie are naked in front of the fire. Bill is kissing Sookie's neck.

Sookie: Do it.
(Bill's fangs are exposed as he looks in Sookie's eyes.)
Sookie: I want you to.
(Sookie bends her head back and to the right to expose the left part of her neck even more. She closes her eyes. Bill bites her neck.)
Sookie: Ahhh!
(Bill licks up the blood from Sookie's neck.)


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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !