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Todd Lowe plays sweetheart Terry Bellefleur on True Blood and yesterday we chatted with him at Kari Feinstein's Emmy Style Lounge in Beverly Hills. The actor shared his amazement at the paparazzi madness surrounding Anna and Stephen's wedding last weekend and told us about his special gift for the newlyweds. While the show's resident nice guy insisted that he's sworn to secrecy on the upcoming finale, he did weigh in on what's to come next season and whether he might be the next male castmember to go shirtless. Here's more:

PopSugar: This was a big weekend for Anna and Stephen. Were you at the wedding?
Todd Lowe: I did! I have a band and my band played there. . . my playing for them was my gift. . . This was my first time dealing with paparazzi in helicopters and boats. We saw them down standing on the beach and we thought they were surfers waiting for the right tide, and it's like, no, they all have cameras with amazing, high-powered lenses.

PS: All the men on True Blood are in such great shape. How do you stay fit with the shooting schedule?
TL: I don't. I'm not one of those guys. I mean, I'm not like Ryan and Joe and Mechad.

PS: So you're not foreseeing any naked scenes for Terry?
TL: No. I mean, the pressure's on for guys. The bar has been raised for the standard of male beauty, but I always say that Terry was a Marine, and he hasn't done a push-up or sit-up since basic training, and he's fine with it.

For more from our interview with Todd, just read more

PS: Was Sooki being revealed as a fairy a big surprise to everyone?
TL: Everything in this show is a surprise. We get to see it before you all get to see it on TV, but for us the scripts are like crack. I mean, we know what happens at the end of this season and we can't wait to see what the season opener of next year starts with. The fairy was a surprise to me. I hadn't read that far in the books and they're opening it up for everything. I hope they bring in Frankenstein's monster and all kinds of supernatural creatures.

PS: On last Sunday's episode, there was a big moment between Terry and Arlene where he told her he wanted to keep their baby no matter what. What's going to happen with her pregnancy?
TL: Well, without giving too much away, it seems like there's several ways that it could go. I mean, [Arlene] was getting cohosh or something that might induce a miscarriage, but then again, the baby could be possessed by [a] kind of evil since it also happened under the Maynad spell at the orgy. So, there's going to be something not right about [the baby]. I've got a feeling.

PS: We're seeing a stronger side to your character, so how is he going to grow in the coming episodes?
TL: Oh that's a compliment! I haven't been playing it that strong. It's really up to the writers. I just do what they tell me to and try to make it as honest as possible.

PS: I know you really can't give away any spoilers, but there's a lot of turmoil in Sooki's relationships with Bill and Eric. Can you reveal anything about how that might play out?
TL: I can't, I can't say anything!

PS: Well, when will you go back to set to start on season four?
TL: The rumor is mid to late November. It's a bit of a break. I'd rather film year round. I love it. It's always nice to be working.

Ecrit par maria91 
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