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TRUE Blood star Stephen Moyer has told how he is banned from going out in the sunshine - just like the vampire he plays.

Essex boy Stephen, 40, moved to Los Angeles to play blood-sucking Bill Compton in the hit series.

But TV bosses demanded he stay pale for the role - and now the actor claims he is the palest man in Hollywood after Twilight's Robert Pattinson.

Stephen said: "I couldn't wait to live by the beach and enjoy the weather, then they dye my hair and make me stay out of the sun. I was banned from sunbathing!"

True Blood - dubbed "Twilight for adults" - is the racy drama that has gripped the US and now British audiences on Channel 4 and the FX channel.

It features raunchy sex scenes, blood-drinking, drug-taking and lesbian vampires.

It's set in the fictional town of Bon Temps where vampires live among humans after a Japanese firm makes a substitute blood - named True Blood. 

Despite the integration, Stephen's character, 172-year-old Bill, has crossed the line by falling in love with a mortal - telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse, played by Anna Paquin.

The show, like Twilight, has cult status - with Stephen attracting groupies called "Bill's babes" who beg him to BITE them.

The dad of two said: "I don't think my fans are more aggressive than Robert Pattinson's. You don't get much more aggressive than a virginal 14-year-old.

"But they grab you and think it's OK to touch you - girls, ladies and men. They want to be bitten and want you to break their skin.

"I have been sent underwear. A German woman sent me pictures of her naked on a white horse!"

Stephen fell in love with his True Blood co-star Anna, 27 - who starred in The Piano and X-Men - while filming the first series.

The couple hid their relationship at first, but are now engaged.

He said: "Me and Anna were living together by the end of the first series but nobody knew."

West Ham fan Stephen has even taken her to his home town Brentwood.

He added: "Anna really loved my family and I've got a theatre in Brentwood I support and she came to a couple of shows.

"I haven't watched True Blood with my mum.

"It's too saucy. The opening sex scene in series two is pretty full on."

Ecrit par maria91 
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