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In a show that focuses heavily on the vampires, shapeshifter Sam Merlotte is getting the spotlight turned on him in the upcoming season of HBO's hit, "True Blood."

"I am really excited about it."Sam Trammell, who plays Sam, tells Zap2it. "I have a really intense storyline this year that involves seeking out my biological parents against sort of the warnings of my adoptive parents. It's kind of like a Pandora's box he opens that he can't close."

When we last left Sam, the delusional maenad, Maryann, had turned Bon Temps upside-down. That sets Sam off on a mission. 

"It was part of Sam's sketchy past that brought Maryann to Bon Temps," Trammell says. "I think Sam, on the top of Season 3 and the finale at the end of Season 2 wants to face this dark past. He did a lot of bad things that we don't know about."

In fact, much of Sam's storyline in Season 2 seemed to ask the question, "Who is Sam Merlotte?" Season 3 tries to provide the answer. In the new season, it doesn't take him long to figure out that his birth family are not the Cleavers.

"Sam basically finds out who he came from and why they left him," he says. "And he finds out that he has a sibling. His biological family is sort of sketchy. And even though Sam doesn't want to, he sort of gets dragged into it. They are very colorful characters. It makes for some really great drama this year for me."

Rediscovering Sam's deep past is one thing, but Trammell hints his recent past will present some challenges this season, as well -- specifically his history with waitresses.

"There is a new waitress," Trammell tells us. "I don't want to spoil anything, but Sam has slept with just about every waitress that has come through Merlotte's, which has not been good for him. The first one got murdered. Sookie broke his heart. Tara kind of dissed him. And ah, Daphne, you know, she betrayed him and tried to kill him, so, you know [laughs], Sam doesn't have very good luck with women. That's for sure."

Ecrit par maria91 
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