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As the second series of True Blood comes to Channel 4, star Sam Trammell answers some of the questions fans posted on Newsbeat's Facebook page. The actor, who plays shape shifter Sam Merlotte, reveals who he'd eavesdrop on if he got the chance and how he feels about getting naked for the show.

If you could really transform into a dog who would you eavesdrop on or where would you go? – Stefanie Summers

Sam: “It would have to be the White House, the Oval Office or something like that. I’d have to sneak into some sort of women’s changing room – that’s the bad side of me.
“Where else? Is there anything to see at Windsor Castle?”


How do you feel about constantly getting your kit off? – Charlotte Broughton

Sam: “Does that mean taking my clothes off? I love it, it’s great. It makes you stay in shape. It doesn’t even feel that revealing when I do it because I actually have something on the privates.

“We call it a sock – it’s not literally a sock but it’s a pouch that has a tie on it and we fill it up with what we need to fill it up with! What do you call it – your tackle?

“I did full frontal nudity on stage three times before I did True Blood, so True Blood feels like a walk in the park.”


Where do you live and what day do you put your rubbish out? - Madge Bishop

Sam: "That's an interesting question! I live in Los Angeles. And what is the day the rubbish goes out? I think it goes out on Tuesday.

"Everybody in LA has like gardeners that do all that stuff. I know it sounds very highfalutin but it's not.


Have you read all of the books? Do you think there are some differences to how you portray Sam in the series compared with his character in the book? - Siobhan Falkous

Sam: "I read the first four books and I think number four was one of my favourites - we're going to be doing that next year. Then I'll keep reading because I wanted to make sure Sam wasn't like a transvestite in book 10.

"People have told me that I'm a pretty close to the character in the book.

"I didn't really try necessarily to be that same person. I think Alan [Ball] cast the show really well and a lot of us are really similar to the characters in the book."

If you could change into anything, as your character changes into a dog, what would it be and why? - Katrina Minxy Nicol

Sam: "I would turn into some kind of big bird and I think I'd fly across the world to see the places I've never seen before. Like Around the World in 80 days, I'd try to do it in two.

"That sounds kind of boring doesn't it?"

Sam appears naked quite a lot in the show, which part of your body do you work out most? – Newsbeat’s entertainment reporter Chi Chi Izundu

Sam: “The part that I should work out most is my stomach because that is where the problems arise.

“I run, I surf but the real problem is my stomach and funnily enough it doesn’t really take exercise to get that part of your body where it needs to be, it takes eating sensibly.

“I’ve found that you can do a million sit-ups and if you eat the wrong things it doesn’t matter.”

Ecrit par maria91 
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