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Wow, what a, um, witch.

Well, in this case, a vampire, actually.

True Blood actress Mariana Klaveno plays one of the most despicable characters on television as the centuries-old Lorena, who has a thing for her undead progeny and some serious jealousy issues.

"She's not the most likable character," Klaveno concedes. But, "I'm not as evil as Lorena. I know some people have a hard time making that distinction between myself and the character. I get recognized everywhere I go, so I think that just is a testament to how popular the show is. But luckily, nobody has booed or hissed or come at me with a stake. Everyone has been very lovely and warm and excited to talk with somebody from the show."

True Blood (HBO, Sundays, 9 ET/PT) is one of TV's hottest shows at the moment, and Klaveno's visibility is growing with its success. Still, the Washington state native held on to her restaurant hostessing gig well into Season 2.


"I was only working one shift on Saturday, but I still kept it. I'd been a starving actor for so many years and I'd seen a lot of people get a pilot or get that first big job and quit, and six months later, have to come back because the money run's out and there's no guarantee that that job will turn into anything," she says. "This industry is so unreliable in that respect and I knew I couldn't do that. I knew in my heart I could never come back, so I thought the alternative is staying way past what was really needed and necessary."

And it didn't help matters that fans of the show were starting to recognize her more and more.

"Some people looked at me like I was crazy. I was a little embarrassed about it and I didn't really talk about it to the other actors on set. I didn't out myself that I was still working at a restaurant. There are a lot of those emotional issues tied to it; pride and fear. That was just the choice that was right for me. I was finally able to let it go and cut that cord. Now I just go back and visit."

She's adjusted well to just having the one job now, and says contrary to what people may think, the cast keeps things light on the intense True Blood set.

"There's a lot of laughs that go on behind the scenes, actually, between every take. We usually are cracking jokes and making fun of each other. It's a very funny set and there's a lot of levity going on between the dark and gloomy vampire scenes."

There's also no bad blood between Klaveno and Stephen Moyer, who plays Bill, the southern vampire Lorena "made" during the Civil War and who hates her with a passion.

"We're actually very good friends and I adore (co-star and Moyer's real-life fiancée) Anna (Paquin), as well. They're really great people."

One of Klaveno's more memorable scenes with Moyer may have made Paquin blush, however. Bill gruesomely twists Lorena's head around 180° during a session of wild vampire sex.

"Bill hates me and I don't know why," Klaveno cracks dryly. "I think I thought about my parents and just kind of shook my head and thought, 'I hope they survive this episode.'"

Anything goes on True Blood and Klaveno is happy to have the opportunity to show her range.

"The scale of the show, it's like a dream. You get to show up for work and put on these amazing costumes and have this dramatic makeup and do all kinds of crazy stunts and you're splashed with the blood. It's like playing dress-up in a lot of ways. It's the most fun I think you can have.

"This character, in particular, is kind of a dream in terms of showcasing yourself as an actor. I've gotten to go so many places on the spectrum, and, quite literally, in time, which is quite rare for a television role."

But for all of the out-there scenes and pitch-perfect acting, True Blood failed to pick up any cast Emmy nominations.

"We're all really excited just to get the nomination for best show. Normally, it's rare for genre shows to get the same recognition that more of the conventional shows do. That just seems to be the nature of how things are nominated and where the precedent has been set over the years. But, I hope that that changes. I think there are just stunning actors on the show and they do such brilliant work.

"Not that I'm upset with the nominating committee, but it's such a phenomenal group of people and we try to do really great work. We're all very happy with the nominations. Maybe next year some people will get some recognition"

Ecrit par maria91 
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