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or two and a half seasons, Mariana Klaveno recurred on True Blood as Bill's sexy maker, Lorena.

The actress - who was part of one of TV's most memorable sex scenes and death scenes - was kind enough to take the time to speak with TV Fanatic about her challenging role, her love for Pam, and her similarities with Lorena...

What are we in for the rest of this season?
This season the writers really managed to push the envelope and make the characters and the storylines even more intense and higher stakes. They gave everybody more depth.


Which has been your favorite season to film?
I think I’ve had the most fun this season, but in part, that could be because I know everybody better now so I feel more comfortable with the character and on set. Also, I liked how my characters storyline changed this season, and it was challenging to play. I had a lot of fun with it.


If you could watch an episode of True Blood through a characters point of view, which character would you choose?
I would go with Pam. Pam is one of my favorite characters. I think it might be interesting to see a whole episode through the perspective of someone who’s not one of the main players. It’s always more interesting when shows do that. I think she’s such a delicious character. Kristin and I have become good friends off of set, but even if we weren’t, I think she’s so phenomenal in that part and it’s so well written.


Besides the obvious differences, do you have anything in common with Lorena?
[Laughs] Thank you for prefacing with that. I’d like to think some of my dry humor came out through Lorena and I’m definitely not as stylish as she is, I wish I was. Obviously I’m not as evil as she is and if somebody doesn’t like me I don’t become a psychotic girlfriend [laughs]. But there are parts of her rage and her passion and her love, that, absolutely are within me.


Which has been the most challenging episode to play?
I guess the neck breaking was the most difficult for reasons of just feeling self-conscious and vulnerable about the nature of the scene. The technical nature as well. We had to do all kinds of versions of that because they didn’t quite know how they would piece it together, and they needed various versions of it to piece it together.

There were shots that we did where I was just by myself without Stephen pretending that my neck was being broken and twisted around and that technical stuff is really hard. It’s hard to pretend like someone is twisting your neck and making all the noises when it’s not happening. And added to that, the fact that you feel uncomfortable doing those kinds of scenes anyway. After the initial shock wore off, I loved the scene. It turned out really well.

Ecrit par maria91 
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