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Kristin Bauer stars as the vampire Pam on the HBO TV series “True Blood”. The show returns for season three this June. Kristin sat down to talk with Movie Mikes to discuss her involvement with “True Blood” and also her involvement with animals and her favorite charities.

Mike Gencarelli: How do you feel about the success of HBO’s “True Blood”?

Kristin Bauer: Terrible. I feel sickened by it (Laughs). It is such a wonderful surprise because you never know when you are on a set shooting something. It is a pretty good bet with Alan Ball. I love vampires. I was excited to do it. It is the greatest gift.


Mike Gencarelli: Were you a fan of the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris? Have you read them since starring in the show?

Kristin Bauer: Never heard of it. So then I realized just of late about the books and I started reading them while we were shooting season one. I started to get confused though saying “Is that in the book, or in the script”. So I stopped but in the off season I have got through three of them. They are so different than the series.


Mike Gencarelli: With “True Blood” returning this June, can you tell us what is in store for Pam?

Kristin Bauer: I am so afraid. I can’t tell you anything. I think Alan slipped a couple of things about Pam’s sexuality. That will be explored and there will definitely be more Pam.


MG: Was your role in “Dancing at the Blue Iguana” challenging? How did you prepare?

KB: Extremely, the gym that is how I prepared. It was challenging because the auditions were improvised. You had to make up a character. So either improved your way into the movie or out of the movie. It was very intimidating. I was in the gym constantly because part of doing the movie was that you had to do nudity. Nudity is a still photo is one thing but when you are moving that is a whole another ballgame. When you are not controlling the lighting, that is yet another ballgame. The strip number was bright and it was very intimidating. I can’t say that movie was fun but I am glad I did it. It was nerve-wreaking.


MG: Besides acting what are you other hobbies or passions?

KB: I have a huge passions animals and the innocents of the world. Basically children and animals, that is my big thing. Right now I am working with IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare), trying to help whales. It has been illegal to kill whales since the 80’s but they are doing it anyway.


MG: Tell me about some of your charity work?

KB: I also met with a group PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine). They are trying to stop and doing a great job of it, horrifying experiments to animals. The military they shot 700 cats, you do not need to do these studies any more. NASA is going to nuke 700 spring monkey. Let me tell you what the result of the study will be, “It will mess them up”. So I am working with them but there are so many good groups. Whatever someone’s passions are, I would do it, now is the time to be passionate about something.


MG: You’ve done a lot of television series, what are the major differences between working on TV and movies?

KB: Yah, there is a huge different. TV often shoots in LA and I’ve got my dogs and I like to be home. I like to sleep in my own bed. TV shoots faster and I kind of like that pace. “True Blood” has the perfect pace for me. We take as long to shoot a season of 12 episodes as a network does to shoot 22. So we are doing double the day and you get enough time but it is exciting. Features are slow. I love doing them as well but I am really happy in TV.

Ecrit par maria91 
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