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Last week, we spoke with Marshall Allmanabout his shape-shifting character Tommy Mickens on "True Blood." By now, we've seen Tommy transform into a rough-looking dog and a devious bird, possibly even a fly — but that's not even scratching the surface, based on Marshall's passionate claims thatshapeshifters are better than werewolves and vampires, two of the other prominent supernaturals featured on "True Blood."

Of course, not everyone is going to share Marshall's opinion. In an exclusive interview with Hollywood Crush, Joe Manganiello (Alcide) spoke about the theoretical match-up between a vampire, werewolf and shapeshifter, barely acknowledging the shapeshifter's role in the fight. Instead, Joe said that the main showdown would be between the wolves and the vamps.

Check out his full thoughts on the match-up after the jump!


"As far as brute strength goes, the vampires are kind of agreed upon as being super strong, especially the ones that are thousands of years old," Joe admitted to us. "You get into this super, ancient strength. But from there, there are werewolves that can take out vampires."

Joe said that his very own character of Alcide Hevreaux, introduced in the most recent episode of "True Blood," is one such werewolf that could hold his own against the vampires.

"That was important for me in creating Alcide," said Joe. "A vampire can get away with being pale, thin and skinny but still being powerful. Werewolves have to look like animals — really big, strong animals. I wanted Alcide to be as powerfully built as possible so you would see him and think that he could take out a vampire. I think throwing him into an arena, you would have a pretty good fight between the vampires and the werewolves."

But what about the shapeshifters? Joe said that it all depends on the specific shifter, but typically they would fall somewhere behind the vampires and the werewolves — something that Marshall would undoubtedly disagree with.

"Depending on the shapeshifter, they'll come in some place afterward," he said. "But werewolves are generally thought of as being the strongest of the shapeshifters. Probably the most egotistical, too!"

Ecrit par maria91 
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