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Carrie Preston is one cool chick. She acts and directs, tweets in her spare time, and is unrecognizable from role to role. She changes characters the way a chameleon changes colors, with dazzling results. We got the chance recently to ask Carrie a few questions in a True Blood News exclusive interview.

TB-News: How does all your years in theater help prepare you for filming for TV and the big screen? Can you talk about your upcoming stage-performance with your husband?

CP: For me, the theater training I got is the foundation for all of the other kinds of acting that I’ve been asked to tackle. When you are on stage, you simultaneously use your mind, your body, your voice, your focus, your collaboration with others, and most of all your stamina. Of course these are required when doing camera work, too. But it’s much more acute on stage. With the technique I learned doing plays, I feel more able to sustain all that is required of me in the fragmented world of camera work. Michael and I are doing a benefit for Charleston Stage in Charleston, SC on July 31st. We are not doing a “performance” per se, instead we are doing a benefit reading of “Love Letters” by A.R. Gurney, which entails reading/acting the play while sitting at music stands. This particular play is meant to be performed this way, it’s a good choice for the event.


TB-News: You worked on two films during the hiatus, A Bag of Hammers and What’s Wrong with Virginia. In both, you also play a Southern woman. Do you credit your Southern roots for playing these roles so well, and do you use real-life models for these characters?

CP: I always feel like I grew up in a place that is so particular and so full of rich history, customs and character. I have travelled all over the world, and there’s no place like the south. I feel a responsibility to give the southern women I play a depth and believability that isn’t always present in Hollywood’s portrayal of Southern women. With that said, I do understand that I am responsible for a lot of the humor of the show, so I must honor that at the same time. I don’t use specific women as reference, it’s more like a patchwork of many different women I grew up with.


TB-News: You have a production company, Daisy 3 Pictures. Do you have any projects in the works? Is it difficult to go from being an actor to  writing, directing and producing? What is more rewarding for you?

CP: Daisy 3 Pictures has produced two features and a short film. Now we are teaming up with Locomotive (Lucy Barzun Donnelly and Joshua Astrachan) to produce a screenplay written by actress Kellie Overbey, and I am hoping to be directing it soon in New York. It’s a comedy called “That’s What She Said”, which I like to call “an east village Sex and the City.” It’s the woman’s answer to all the “bromance” movies that have been ubiquitous these days. Being an actor really helps me communicate with the actors that I am directing. Also, being an actor, I get to experience and learn from many different directors.  I end up using more of my skills when directing and producing than when I’m just an actor. I love it all.


TB-News: Do you have any acting projects lined up for the break after Season 3 wraps?

CP: “The Good Wife” has inquired about my availability for another episode, so I’m hoping that works out. I’m also doing some workshops and readings of new plays in NYC.


TB-News: So many people have commented that Stephen Moyer is a very technical actor. You write and direct. Kristin Bauer has written a screenplay. Do you think they’ll turn over the reins to y’all anytime soon? What would you do differently if you were calling the shots for True Blood?

CP: Actually Stephen has been shadowing the episode 12 director, so maybe he’ll be lucky enough to direct some time in the future. I don’t write. I direct and produce, and of course I’d love a shot at directing an episode. But I’m happy just to be apart of the cast, of course. I have my own projects outside of True Blood that keep me busy and make me happy. I am very pleased with all of the directors that we have on the show, so I wouldn’t do anything different. I’d just hope to be able to live up to the level of expertise they have achieved.


TB-News: You’ve been involved in some big film projects over the years, and also low budget, independent films, and with some of Hollywood’s biggest name actors. How does the True Blood experience compare, with the work itself, the other actors, and the fans you meet?

CP: With True Blood, it’s a steady gig for now, and that’s rare in this business. I get the luxury of visiting the same character in different scenarios from episode to episode. So I feel like I know her better than roles I’ve played on film. We have a wonderful cast and crew, and the work flows easily. With small films, you work a lot faster and it’s over before you know it. Fans approach me for all kinds of roles that I have done over the years, lately it has been for my roles on True Blood and The Good Wife, mostly.


TB-News: Now that Lost has concluded, do you and your husband Michael have any joint-projects in the works? You’ve said that he’d like a spot on the show – is that something we can look forward to anytime soon?

CP: Our latest project is our new dog, Chumley. Right now, I am just enjoying having Michael back on the mainland for a while.


TB-News: You recently started tweeting on Twitter and interacting with Arlene’s Twitter counterpart, @Arlene_Fowler? What’s that like? Do you write your own tweets and do you have time to read all the tweets you get from fans?

CP: I write all my own tweets, and I read all of the ones from my fans. It’s a great way to get a sense of what people think of the show and my character. It’s quite surreal reading @Arlene_Fowler’s tweets because they are so specific to the world of the show and to my character, as if Arlene is alive and well, even when I’m not playing her. Plus the person tweeting Arlene uses a picture of me, which makes it even more of a trip. I get a real kick out of it, @Arlene_Fowler is always very respectful of me as the actor.


TB-News: You kindly do many interviews – what questions do you wish people would ask you?

CP: I’m happy to answer whatever questions come my way, especially from people who are so appreciative of what we are doing on the show!

Ecrit par maria91 
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