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Thanks to the clever ad campaign waged by HBO the past few months, you probably know by now that werewolves will be showing up in Bon Temps this season of True Blood. Actor/musician Andy Mackenzie will be playing “creepy biker/wolf”, in episodes 2 and 3, which air on June 20th and 27th.  Andy was kind enough to answer my questions recently about his role, his upcoming projects and his life.

What was it like working with Anna and Alex?

Anna and Alex were both receptive and extra respectful of my, um, lack of wardrobe. Alex was awesome and one of the kindest and most interested in conversation. We chatted about some mutual Swedish/Finnish friends and who we are and how we become us presently. Deep stuff.


What was your experience like on the TB set?

I had a great time on the show and was welcomed warmly. Maybe I was welcomed so warmly because I would spend 15 hours doing nude stunts. Wow. That was something else. I’ve done a good number of stunts. But never this naked. I definitely walked away with marks left. Good times.


Did you get to work with the wolves at all? If so, how was that?

Since I was going to BE a wolf, I thought I might work with the one who would be me. But not really. The wolf didn’t want to work with me. Didn’t even want to meet me. Whatever. Maybe because I stole all of his dialog. Wolf shot his stuff first, then I had to match his pose to make the shift/transition smooth. Pretty cool.


I am a big fan of the show, so it was definitely a major perk when I landed the role. To get onto this show, you just have to be perfectly right and goooood. I guess I’m perfectly right for a creepy biker/wolf. When I  went in, I was followed by dozens of creepy looking dudes.  I walked into a teeny tiny room with three casting people and five writer/producers. I read the material. Alan simply replied, “Fantastic.” And that was that.


Do you prefer acting on tv or in a movie like the movie you are in “MacGruber?”

Film and TV can be somewhat the same or totally different. It really depends on the budget and role. I love TV because you can count on the schedule. Coming in for one day onto an established show is hard. It’s just hard to join the family, you know? Coming in for a full week is great, then you get to say “See you tomorrow.” Same with film. I worked on MacGruber for a week in Albuquerque so that was cool. I just did Burn Notice, two weeks in Miami. Awesome. I take what I get and I love it all.


You are also a drummer in the L.A band 33 degree. Growing up did you want to act or be a musician more?

I was born into the business. My dad is a television director, so I grew up on the set…Family Ties, Moonlighting. The acting bug was pretty much inserted early on. I was up for one of the leads in the remake of Lord of the Flies when I was 12. Flew to New York twice, chemistry reads with Balthezar Getty, kid came in from nowhere, friend of producer, blah blah blah. It went to the other kid. I wasn’t ready for the gentle rejection then. I started playing drums in high school and that became my passion. A great outlet. When I got back into acting, I reclaimed the passion of that. I’m glad that I can balance them both.


What other projects are you working on?

MacGruber is in the theatres now but better get out to see it before it exits the theatres. Hilarious. I open the movie in a cool Michael Bay style and play one of Val Kilmer’s henchmen. Sick death scene! Oops. Can I really spoil MacGruber?

The Burn Notice season premiere is the episode I did.  It airs Thursday June 3, 9pm on USA. I play “Hunter”, the enforcer of one the baddest bike gangs in South Florida.  It should be good. Rich Sommer of Mad Men and Andrew Bryniarski, “Leatherface”, also guest star.

I’m about to start a lead in an indie film, “Sushi Girl”, with Tony Todd, Max Perlich, James Duval, James DeBello. Very much like Reservoir Dogs.

Ecrit par maria91 
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