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Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?

A) I am doing the new season of "True Blood." I have a little bit there in some flashbacks. I've been going out for stuff, too and finding the right pilot for the next project. I've also been playing around with my own projects, writing a little bit and editing a short I did in August that we just finished up and posted on YouTube. Then, I'm going back to Denmark in a few months to do four episodes of a Danish TV show. I just finished a music video with a Norwegian artist and we're trying to get as many views as possible on the Internet.

Q) What is new this season on "True Blood" and can you tell us a bit about your flashback scenes of Godric?

A) Everything is as intense and exciting as they were last season. I am sure the fans will be excited with what is happening. The characters they really like are getting attention and you see a lot of them blossom. You get to know them better and better and their secrets more. I can't say anything specific about the flashbacks of Godric. For myself, Godric is a great way of seeing what it is like during the different stages of the vampire life. In the second season, we see him at 1,000 years old when he lived in the wilderness and turned Eric (Alexander Skarsgard). We also saw the contemporary Godric and two polar opposites of the character. We saw him very beastlike and very humanlike.

Q) What made you want to be a part of the show?

A) I came from Denmark and I got the show when I was in Denmark. I didn't even know what the show was, but it was a huge step and a huge adventure. It was right after I finished high school and in Denmark you take a year or two between high school and university. So, I was ready to do anything and this was a great opportunity for me to do something that I would never have thought of doing. I just embraced that and accepted the part. I knew that it was a part on "True Blood" and I did all my homework on the show.

Q) What did you find the most challenging about the role?

A) The character is 2,000 years old, but I am supposed to be a kid. In the script, it said that he looked like a sixteen year old. The hardest part of being the character was to ooze this experience, age and wisdom that a 2,000 year old vampire would have. I had to make it believable because no one has any idea what a 2,000 year old person has been through and how much all these experiences and all this knowledge will weigh down and show. You just have to imitate it. It was challenging to come up with a way to imitate this and to carry the authority of a 2,000 year old vampire.

Q) Was there instant chemistry when you joined the cast or did it take some time to develop?

A) There was instant chemistry. They are all great people. The first flashback scene I had was with Alexander, a guy from Sweden and a guy from Finland. I hadn't met Alexander outside of the production so we had coffee so I could just get to know him. We met the other guys there because we had to sit down and translate the lines into Swedish. They were just great people.

Q) Why do you think people continue to tune in to see "True Blood?"

A) I guess it is like with any show, in a way, there is a story that you find fascinating and a universe you find fascinating. It's exciting, scary and sexy. It's appealing in so many ways. I watch the show because I like the characters and how they develop. I like to see how the storylines go and the cliffhangers are good. You just want to watch more. It's got so many layers. You have the funny aspects and the scary aspects. It's just got a little bit of everything and I'm really excited to see what happens in the third season. If you sit down and think about it, it's a comment on society. It deals with everything and the problems that we see in modern society, but doesn't pull specific things out of their element so you have to think about it.

Q) Where can people go online to learn more about you?

A) They can go to my management's website at https://www.teamplayers.dk/.

Ecrit par maria91 
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