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Through questions asked by AllanHydeNews.com and other fans, Allan was able to share more details of his new projects

(“Exteriors”, “Den Som Dræber” and two upcoming short films) with his fans and thanks them for their support.

Earlier this year you shot “Exteriors” with director Patrik Syversen in Los Angeles but it is mainly a Norwegian film. Will “Exteriors” be distributed in the US? Could you tell us about your character?

That is right, yes. “Exteriors” was an extremely small production consisting of only Patrik Syversen, Marie Kristiansen, Christian Schaanning and the actors and I actually only had one day of work despite the fact that I am in the first 30 minutes of the movie. It is a drama about “being seen” and how we perceive ourselves around other people. Specifically, it deals with two young actresses who are in LA to try out for the same part and their journey to get there.

It is a very dark drama with very true feelings. I play the part of Allan, who is probably a slight variation of myself. He is the good friend of the actresses and listens to her problems regarding boys and other insecurities. In real life Gitte Witt, who plays the other part, and I are really good friends so we basically tapped into our own inside way of acting with one another when we did our scenes together – we might as well because our relationship is very much like the two character’s relationship in the film.

So we had a lot of fun with jokes and other inside stuff, some of which have made the final cut. I don’t know about US distribution. As of now all I know is that it will get theatrical distribution in Norway. And that is huge considering it being an almost no-budget feature shot in a week.

Do you know when “Den Som Dræber” will air and could you also tell us about your character and the series?

I don’t know for sure when it will air. I think I heard someone say that they will wait with airing it till next year where there is a gap in the network schedule. I play Andreas, a young Russian kid who was recruited by Jacov, a Russian mafia boss living in Denmark. He works at the boxing club that Jacov owns and is in charge of making sure everything is clean and in perfect order. He regards Jacov as being his father but Jacov has adopted another kid who he considers his son. And out of competitive motivation and love Andreas will do anything for Jacov.

What are your favorite books, TV shows and songs or bands?

 When it comes to fiction I really enjoy reading good science- fiction. I really like utopias and dystopias representing faults in society–1984 is a classic. I like a lot of TV, but I must say that I am a huge fan of Dexter! And when it comes to music I can’t give you one specific answer. I listen to everything – depends on the mood. At the moment I have a Beatles-thing going on.

Will you be attending EyeCon in Florida this year?

I will not be attending EyeCon, unfortunately. But EyeCon did sponsor another appearance of mine at Spooky Empire in a couple of weeks also in Florida.

You have done several plays and musicals in the past such as “The Ugly Duckling” and “Les Miserables”, any chance of pursuing a stage career on Broadway?

I would love to do some stage work again, and soon. But I doubt that it will happen on Broadway any time soon. You can only do plays on Broadway with an actual Green Card and not on an O-1 status which I have been maintaining.

Can you give us a little insight about the short you just finished writing?

I can’t really say anything about the short I just finished–no specific plans to shoot it quite yet. But I can tell you about another short I will be shooting in mid October. It is very different from anything I have tried before meaning that it doesn’t really come across as a traditional narrative. It is an English-spoken experimental road trip short very much influenced by Theater of the Absurd.

Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans?
I love you guys! Thank you for your support!

Ecrit par maria91 
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