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You've been a busy boy! Hear you've already started back on True Blood, which doesn't premiere until June.

Yeah we started [filming] like a month ago, shot one episode before Christmas.


Let us guess—you're not giving up Anna Paquin up without a fight...

Eric is still going to kind of pursue that and explore. He finds her curious and interesting. He's not going to stop.


Does Eric just want what he can't have?

Maybe he wants what he can't have. Or maybe he can have it! We'll see. He's not going to let Bill stop him, obviously.


Dying to ask if you're that persistent with ladies in your personal life. But first, we're curious, what do you think about the media prying into actors' personal lives? Does it just come with the job?

I was working in Europe before this so I got a little of that on a microscopic level. Everything is so much bigger and crazier here! I was a child actor, so I kind of got used to that when I was a young. It was kind of the same just times a thousand out here!


We hope you don't object too much, then, because must ask are you single?

Yeah...I'm single!


You don't understand, Twitter will be thrilled.

[Laughs.] Oh really!

Alexander went on to tell fellow reporters next to us that what he looks for in a girl is "a sense of humor."

As for dating a gal in the industry, à la Kate Bosworth?  Alexander told reporters:

"I don't think that matters...There are pros and cons to both. It's about a connection. I don't really care what they do for a living if the connection is there."

A.Skars laughed off when we tried to ask him about the Bosworth rumors, understanding it goes with the territory.

Again, as we were told, that was only a fling (if that).

A.S. was supposedly spotted trying to be superincognito with a brunette girl on Friday night at the Chateau Marmont, but sexy Skars just said he was working that night.

Think he stopped by with the possible girl of the moment under the radar, or was it a case of mistaken tall, blond identity? Remains to be seen. But either way we just love this (very polite, might we add) Swede single!

Ecrit par maria91 
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