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Stephen Moyer was the kind of face you recognised, but couldn’t put a name to. Born in Brentwood, Essex, he started acting in his teens, and for years was a jobbing thesp in the likes of Casualty and even acted in films with Kate Winslet (in Quills) and Al Pacino (in 88 Minutes) – steady work, but nothing to put him on our radar. 

Then, in 2008, the 40-year-old was catapulted up the fame ladder into the A-list – and it all happened overnight. 

‘One minute I was sitting in London reading a fantastic script for True Blood and two days later I was in Los Angeles and being told I’d got the part,’ he recalls. ‘It was incredible. And yes it has changed my life completely.’

True Blood is based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris and was adapted for TV by Alan Ball, a heavyweight screenwriter well respected for his HBO hit, Six Feet Under.

Set in a world where vampires have ‘come out of the coffin’ and live freely with humans, True Blood is a mix of some of the hottest sex scenes on TV as well as a passionate love story to rival Kathy and Heathcliff. Or even Bella and Edward, if we’re talking vamp/human affairs…

Moyer plays 173-year-old vampire Bill Compton who falls for telepathic waitress Sookie, Anna Paquin. ‘I love playing him,’ says Moyer. ‘Bill is this tortured soul... He’s a pariah in terms of the humans because he’s a vampire. But in the eyes of vampires he’s “mainstreaming” – he’s mixing with humans – and they ostracise him too.’

Sookie, Anna Paquin (who won an Oscar at 11 for her role in The Piano), is a human with a gift. ‘She can read people’s thoughts,’ Stephen explains, ‘but with Bill, she can’t – and that intrigues her.’

The show has also hit headlines because of the chemistry between Sookie and Bill. The pair are engaged in real life, which comes in handy for those endless staring into each other’s eyes/lusting eternally after each other moments. Not that we’re complaining. Stephen has two children, Billy, nine, and Lilac, seven, from two previous relationships and divides his time between the UK and LA. We caught up with him for more about True Blood…

Are there any actors in your family?

No, but my aunt and uncle were holiday camp entertainers and one of my earliest memories is of going to the Isle Of Wight every summer and watching them perform. My uncle Tony was my absolute idol and he used to do these fantastic impressions – I can remember him doing Elvis. And they also did magic. I think a little bit of that stayed with me. And then I started doing plays at school and loved it.

How did True Blood come about?

I’d got a job at Fox playing this character who was a bit like the new Jack Bauer (from 24). It was an amazing gig. I’d put myself on tape and flown in to meet the people there and they’d loved it and it all seemed great. Then the show didn’t happen and it was all a bit of a mess. I came back to London and said to myself, ‘I’m not doing that again.’ It was just so upsetting and frustrating and that had happened to me before, and I actually said to my manager, ‘I’m not coming back.’ The Starter Wife, which I’d done with Debra Messing, was coming out and I just thought I’d go back to the UK and be with my kids. Then my agent called and said, ‘Look, even though the Fox job didn’t happen, your casting tape from that audition has been doing the rounds and people are talking about it. I’m getting scripts right, left and centre.’ Eventually she said, ‘There’s one I really think you should read. Please, just read this one.’ And I read it. The script was by Alan Ball for True Blood. And it was absolutely fantastic. I couldn’t believe it, it was amazing.

So you went back?

Well, at first I put myself on tape for it. I went to see a casting director I know, Nina Gold, who’s been great to me, and she emailed it off. Alan saw it that afternoon and called back and said that he wanted to meet me. I flew that night and I was sitting in front of Alan 14 hours later with Anna (Paquin) reading the part of Bill. The next morning I went to the HBO office and read it for some of the guys there and that was it, I was cast. Two days!

What’s it like playing a 173-year-old vampire?

I love him. He’s amazing. I love his back story. I knew from the character break-down he had kids and he’d been forced to leave them and it gives you a sense of this man who has to feed on blood, but it’s the last thing he wants to do. Also he is profoundly moral, so he has no qualms about killing if it’s for the right reason. You’ve got this romantic, old-fashioned gentleman who also happens to be a vampire. And the audience has to wonder about that conflict within him and wonder what he is capable of. 

Bill is quite a snazzy dresser too, for a vampire…

When you first see him he looks like your classic vampire – he’s dark, he’s moody, and he’s brooding. But in episode 2 (of the first series) we tried to show that he smartened himself up a bit – he changed his hair, the way he dresses – because he’s trying to make Sookie and her family feel more at ease with him. Actually, one of the reasons I love this job so much is because we are playing with so many ideas. Like his costumes – the costume designer will come to me and say, ‘How about we try this?’ And it will be a little thing like having his collars turned up on a certain jacket that gives a hint of the Confederate soldier, just a little echo of part of his past.  

It’s also very sexy…

Yes it is! It’s sexy, it’s dark, it’s twisted, it’s funny and it’s romantic. I think we’ve all been surprised by how much people have enjoyed the romantic aspect of it. But Alan is so clever because the character that is doing all the addictive sex isn’t Bill, it’s Sookie’s brother, Jason (Ryan Kwanten). He’s got his own problems. So the character you expect to be like that, isn’t like that at all. Bill is actually old-fashioned and cool.

The chemistry between you and Anna Paquin is clearly important.

Yes it is. And she’s amazing. From the first moment I met her, the moment we sat together on the sofa doing a scene for Alan, I knew we’d get along brilliantly. I used to teach kids drama and I used to say, ‘There’s no failure, it doesn’t exist. You can do whatever you want and if it doesn’t work it doesn’t matter because you’ll be able to use something from it.’ And with Anna we both sat there and said, ‘Let’s play with this.’ So on the first day we met each other we were walking around working the scenes together. ‘What if I do this? Or how about this?’ It’s an absolute dream to work with someone like that.

Why do you think we’re all so obsessed with vampires?

You’ve got immortality, you’ve got blood and you’ve got sharp, pointed teeth making a hole and sucking from it – (laughs) that’s sexy, man.

Ah yes, the teeth. How are they?

I’ve got three sets and they’re sharp and they go on to the eyeteeth as opposed to the canines – and actually I have quite pronounced canines. But they take some getting used to, I can tell you. And there were times, especially early on when we were still getting used to them, when the guys playing vampires would sit around between takes and we’d be talking about football and they’d say, ‘OK, camera’s rolling, everyone put your teeth in…’ When we first had to get used to the vampire teeth that was hilarious.

Presumably there’s CGI used too?

We shoot it twice – we shoot it leading up to the moment when the teeth appear, they CGI that moment, but apart from that, it’s all real! 

You’ve got two young children, but True Blood isn’t something they’re going to be able to watch for a few years...

You’d be right. But my son’s called Bill and he thinks vampire Bill is named after him and he’s desperate to see it.

Ecrit par maria91 
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